Chapter 1- InuYasha's Choice

Kagome looked out across the vast forestlands that they had crossed over the past three years. The time had seemed to fly by. Jumping back and forth between the present and the past had been no easy task. She felt as though she had been split in two. On one side the innocent girl she had been in her past three years while at school and on the other the demon hunting priestess here. The two were so different, sometimes she forgot who she was supposed to be now. Was she at home and going out with Hojo to the movies, or was she here with InuYasha slaying demons and searching for the jewel shards. Life had become so complicated.

"Hey Kagome!" Shippo shouted from the fireside. "It's boiling over." He said pointing to the pot. Kagome turned to rush over. She quickly removed the pot from the fire and began dishing out supper.

"Where has InuYasha gone to now?" Sango asked serving Miroku his dinner.

"I don't know he is probably off talking to Kikyo again." Kagome said and hung her head. Kikyo had been around so much in the past year. They had run into her constantly, if Kagome didn't know better she would have thought that Kikyo was following them. Kagome did know that she had changed her focus to InuYasha lately. She had often seen them sitting and talking for hours. Tears welled up in her eyes and she turned to go back to looking over the cliff.

"Kagome seems so distant lately." Sango whispered looking at her friend.

"Its all InuYasha's fault." Shippo piped in.

"True ever since Kikyo found that spell to make herself human again InuYasha has been spending a lot of time with her." Miroku said to Sango. He reached over and put a hand on his wife's shoulder. "He'll be back soon."

"I sense a demon and I smell one too." Shippo said jumping to his feet. He had grown so much, he was nearly as tall as Kagome and his senses were becoming keen. They had all grown so much in the past three years. "It smells like InuYasha, but that aura is so much stronger. It's … it's Sesshomaru! Shippo exclaimed.

"It only took you until I was nearly upon you to smell me, fox demon. Pathetic." They all spun about to see Sesshomaru looming over them. "Where is that half-breed brother of mine?" Sesshomaru loomed over them.

"I don't know!" Kagome snapped at him. "Why are you looking for him? To start another fight?" Kagome spat at him.

"You had better think about who you are speaking to. I do not share the affinity for loud-mouthed human girls that my brother does." Sesshomaru stepped forward to confront Kagome. His menacing form towered over her. He looked down at the young woman in front of him. There was a hint of fear in her stubborn face that set him aflame inside.

"What do you want Sesshomaru?" InuYasha said through clenched teeth.

"I have need of something you have." Sesshomaru said turning his attention to InuYasha and the disheveled Kikyo standing behind him. "Actually little brother something you have two of." His smug smile causing the ever calm Kikyo to fidget with her clothing. Kagome's eyes flashed with jealousy and pain as she looked at Kikyo's lips still full and moist, they were all Kagome needed to know what had been happening.

"What are you talking about? What could you possibly want one of them for?" InuYasha's voice lowering to a growl.

"I need bait." Sesshomaru said his voice as calm as ever.

"Never, would I ever, let one of them go with you." InuYasha said drawing the Tetsaiga from its sheath. He lunged at Sesshomaru and missed by a fraction of an inch. Sesshomaru drew his Tokijin and laid a thundering blow that barely missed InuYasha's head. The two swords clashed in a fury of sparks. The two brothers commenced into battle dashing back and forth, exchanging blows. Sesshomaru fought as calmly as he spoke, his composure literally untouched as the Tetsaiga flew past his ears. InuYasha swung wildly at his brother in frustration and anger.

"They're at it again." Sango said rolling her eyes.

"Will this ever end?" Miroku said watching the brothers try and cut each other to pieces.

"STOP IT YOU TWO!" Kagome yelled. InuYasha lay on his back with the Tokijin at his throat.

"I am taking the girl, little brother, and I will even let you choose which one." Sesshomaru said as he lifted the blade and stepped back.

"I can't choose, I won't. You'll have to kill me." In a flash Sesshomaru was on Kikyo holding her high in the air by her neck.

"Kikyo NO!" InuYasha yelled.

"Wait! I'll go with you." Kagome stepped forward.

"Kagome?!" InuYasha gasped pulling himself to his feet.

"Let her go Sesshomaru!" Kagome called to him. Sesshomaru dropped the priestess who fell to her knees coughing and gasping for breath.

"Let us be gone then." Sesshomaru said evenly, hiding his satisfaction at not having to drag the revived priestess off. InuYasha had been to late and the choice had been made for him.

"Wait just a moment. I want to say goodbye." Kagome turned to her friends. I'll see you all again, don't worry." Shippo grabbed her and hugged her.

"Don't go Kagome." He pleaded.

"I'll be back." Kagome consoled him, as tall as he may be he was still young.

"Sesshomaru, you will be bringing Kagome back, unharmed and soon. You got that you bastard." InuYasha said drawing his sword. Sesshomaru growled at his half brother. Who was this half-breed to give orders to the great Sesshomaru? He contemplated cutting off his half-bred head then and there.

"Your miko will be returned when I am done with her, and not a moment sooner." He said turning his eyes to Kagome.

"InuYasha, I'll be fine. Now you can have your time with Kikyo." Kagome injected some venom into her sweet tone. The other woman looked at her with something between a glare and a look of thanks. Kagome ignored her all together. She was too painful to look at, a reminder of how InuYasha was letting her go instead of offering up Kikyo in exchange. Just as Kagome felt the tears beginning to well up again InuYasha grabbed her and kissed her deeply. His lips pressed against her and his tongue caressing hers. He tangled his claws into her hair determined not to let her go.

"Why am I letting her do this?" He asked himself. Sesshomaru's voice shattered the moment.

"We must be going InuYasha, perhaps you can relieve your frustrations with that miko you were ravishing in the woods." Sesshomaru said shooting a glance at Kikyo. Kagome felt Sesshomaru grab her arm and scoop her up before anyone could say a thing, the two were gone.