Letters From The Heart

A/N: This entire story will be told through letters. Thank you, and please review at the bottom.

Dear 97,

Well this is a bit exciting isn't it? When I pulled the number 97 out of Professor Dumbledore's hat, I could barely contain my excitement. 97 sounded like a good number. This whole pen-pal thing that's going on throughout the school is really interesting! You have no idea who you're talking to, unless you tell them.

Should I start off with some basics about myself? Okay, here they are:

I am a girl, in seventh grade. I cannot tell you my House, because Professor Dumbledore said we aren't allowed.

I love reading, and Muggle novels intrigue me. My favourite book is Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, though, a wizard novel.

I have a pet cat, but I REALLY wish I had an owl. Owl's are my favourite animals. I saw a beautiful black owl in the shops at Diagon Alley the other week. It had bright blue eyes, and shimmery black feathers... Sorry I'm veering off subject.

I am a terrible Quidditch player; I can barely stay on the broom long enough to throw the Quaffle, or catch the Snitch, or whack the Bludger. I do enjoy watching it though.

My favourite food is chicken and potatoes.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

I hope to see your letter when it comes!

From 357.


To 357,

I enjoyed your letter. Here's a bit about myself:

I am a seventh grade boy.

I play Quidditch for my House.

I don't personally have a pet, I have a family owl.

My favourite food is chocolate icecream, if that is counted as a food.

I love reading as well, and I enjoy your favourite book very much.

There are the straightforward facts about myself.

I think I like this pen pal idea Dumbledore introduced. I'm not usually one for inter-House unity, but I think this will give me and other people the final push to mesh with other Houses.

I look forward to your letter.

Yours sincerely,



Hello there 97,

We seem as if we have a lot in common! What is your favourite book?

How were your holidays? I stayed with one of my best friends' family for half of the holidays. It was very fun. They even managed to get me on a broom and throw a Quaffle! Absolutely amazing! We also took a trip to Diagon Alley, and tried Florean's new icecream range. I had this chocolate one with nuts and hot fudge. I think you would've liked it, seeing as you like chocolate icecream. It was very delicious.

Coincidently, 3, 5, and 7 are my favourite numbers. Funny how my number was 357?





My holidays weren't so good. I was stuck in my house, alone, with nothing to do. My father refused to let me go anywhere, and ordered one of the house elves to get my school things.

I like you a lot 357, and I feel we could be very good friends.

Yours truly,



Dear 97,

I am so sorry that I haven't replied to your letter in two weeks. I've been so caught up on school work.

I also like you a lot 97.

From 357.


Dear 357,

No worries – I was starting to think you had forgotten me!

I cannot deny that I am attracted you, I feel it pulling me in with every letter of yours I read. I hope you feel the same.

Yours sincerely,



Dear 97,

I feel the same. Every time I see one of your letters on the edge of my bed, I get all tingly in my stomach.

I hope you have a nice holiday.

Love 357.


Dear 357,

I'm glad the feeling is mutual.

I know tonight is our last night at Hogwarts until the holidays; meet me at the top of the Astronomy Tower at ten o'clock tonight. Please, I'm desperate to meet you.

With love,




See you tonight.



Dear 357,

Why didn't you meet me at the Astronomy Tower? I waited for two hours, and you never came.

Please, I am so anxious to meet you.

Love 97.



Why aren't you answering my letters?

Please, answer me.

Love from 97.


To 357,

PLEASE answer me letters! I am begging you!

From 97.



I went there and saw it was you standing there.

I did not want to show my face to you.

I'm not sure you want to find out who I am.




I won't care who you are.

We have made a connection that cannot be broken simply because of your name.

It's not your name that matters. It's who you are.

Please tell me.

Love Draco (You already know my name, might as well sign it properly)


Dear Draco.

My name is Hermione Granger.


A/N: Please review. There might be a sequel if I get enough reviews.