Any Day
Castiel sat at the motel table quietly. If he had any less of a hold on himself, he'd probably be moaning in pleasure. But he was quiet. Sam was out. Dean was out. He decided this time not to appear before Dean in public. So he was waiting for Dean to come back to the room.
But, while he was waiting, he'd gotten himself a slice of strawberry cheesecake from a local bakery.
Castiel's admiration of God's most beloved creations had increased sevenfold.
There was banging, shouting, cursing, and then Dean was inside the motel room, hands already second knuckle deep into a blackberry pie. "Use a plate." Castiel said quietly. Dean grumbled, throwing his jacket into a random corner.
Dean stopped, Staring at the angel, his face strait and deadly. "What is that?" he asked venomously.
Castiel raised an eyebrow. "Cheese Cake." the hunter rolled his eyes.
"I know that. I mean what is it doing on my table?" never mind the fact that it wasn't his table.
"I like cheese cake." Dean snorted, pushing the half devoured blackberry pie.
"You've clearly never had pie before."
"Cheese cake is better than pie. It beats pie any day." Castiel might have allowed himself a smirk at how seriously Dean was taking his words but smiles were not his thing.
Dean face stiffened, his eyes narrowed. "Those are fighting words, Cas. Fighting words."
heh heh. Castiel and Dean fight over pie and cheesecake. Blame Tabi for saying "cheesecake" when I asked for inspiration.