Chapter one: No sleep tonight

She couldn't help but notice the way his hand rested lightly between his legs. Those long muscular legs. Damn, how she'd love to be trapped in between them. Her eyes fluttered closed as she envisioned the scenario. Her hands firmly on his knees, her shoulders pushed back allowing her breasts to look rounder and fuller. She would smirk devilishly up at him and-

"What do you want me to do…" She whispered lightly to herself.

Her own voice sent shivers up her spine. Her eyes snapped open and she was brought to her trigonometry class. It was a painful return. She wanted to go back to the fantasy she had just conjured but it seemed her table partner was enjoying the show a lot more than her.

"Um Kagome?"

Kagome sighed deeply and turned to the older boy sitting next to her. He cheeks were pink and his eyes were rolling up and down the length of her body.

"What Koga?"

The boy gulped, opening and closing his mouth several times before managing to get a sound out.

"Are you o-kay?" His voice cracked.

Slightly confused Kagome looked down at herself. GOOD LORD NO WONDER HE WAS STARING! Her legs were spread wide open, her hands were gripped tightly on the edges of her desk and her lower back was curved, pushing her ass out. She could only imagine how she was acting during her little… day dream.

"I'm fine…" She mumbled, straightening up and letting go of the desk.

Koga started to chatter away but Kagome's attention was back on the object of her desires. The man of her dreams. The guy that kept her up at night. The boy that caused so much tension to build up in her body. Oh how sexy she thought he was. So edible, and more than likely delicious.

He was lounging in his chair, his left leg bent out into the isle and his right arm over the back of his chair. His silver hair was short and fell across his eyes but gleams of golden sparkled through. His mouth was lightly parted a single fang poking over his blood red lips.

She felt a moan build up in her chest. Dear lord she wanted to jump his bones so badly. But she wasn't like that. No she was a good girl. Her hand flew up to cover her mouth, masking a gasp of pure shock. The boy stretched his arms up and a rumbling yawn shook his body. Her eyes still glued to his mouth noticed a small silver ball in the center. A TONGUE PIERCING!

Kagome felt like she had just walked into the perfect porno and he was about to jump up from his desk and demand she make rough sex to him.

"Earth to Kagome… DUDE SNAP OUT OF IT!"

Jumping a foot in the air, Kagome whipped herself around violently and glared at her friend sitting a few desks back. The other girl shrugged off the death stare from hell and flipped her cell phone open and closed, motioning Kagome to do the same.

Kagome reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, the screen lit up with a new message.

From: Sango

Guy what is up with you? Stop drooling! Btw

What are we doing for lunch or

are we ditching the last two periods

Kagome jammed her phone in her sweater pocket before her math teacher could notice some ' against regulation activities' because phones, Mp3's, cameras, and any other form of technology was banded from classrooms. She looked to the side and nodded her head to her friend. Seeing Sango flash a thumbs up from the corner of her eye, Kagome returned to secretly watching- WHAT THE HELL WHERE'D HE GO!?!

Kagome snapped her head around in every direction her eyes searching frantically around the room. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and vibrated against her stomach. Taking it out again she read the new message.

From: Sango

He went to the bathroom

Like two seconds ago you loser :P

"Attention students! Due to the final football game of the season all classes have been cancelled in celebration EVERYONE COME OUT AND SUPPORT OUR TEAM!"

The entire class erupted into cheers, paper went flying and even a few student made a run for it. The teacher yelled and screamed but he was soon drowned out from music playing over the P.A system.

Kagome felt like she had walked into high school musical. Kids were dancing and laughing and singing. She herself couldn't help to shake head to the music. Sango hopping up behind her put her hands on her shoulders and the two jumped up and down shaking there hair like crazy.

I got you, i got you on my mind And it's time to make you see (what i want) So i'll just make this a little more obvious Cuz i get what i want, and i want you to get with me! Don't think you know, How far im gunna do * You can't stop this, feeling! You can't run away, baby i'm whats on your mind You can't stop this, feeling! There's no escape, No sleep tonight, You won't get, no sleep tonight

"So you know there's going to be an after party when we win right?" Sango giggled, grabbing her friends bag and prancing to the door.

"Ya so?" Kagome grinned wickedly.

"He's a football player and he'll be there. Maybe you'll finally get your chance with the master Inuyasha!" Sango laughed loudly stepping out of arms reach from Kagome.

"Shut up! Don't say that so loudly!" Kagome cried beating her friend to the door and pulling it open a little bit more forceful than recommended.

You want me, you want me all the time And you don't need nothing else And you seem to be a little oblivious So i'll show you the way if you think that you need some help

Poor girl fell flat on her butt, a brick wall was blocking her way out the door. Glancing up briefly Kagome sucked in her breath and held it there. Lifting herself up she squeezed herself through him and the doorway and ran.

The boy stood there, the words sorry barely made it out of his mouth before another girl quickly pushed past him talking at top speed.

"Sorry she's excited you see… loves foot ball… GO SHIKON NO TAMAS!" Sango busted into a run to catch up with Kagome.

Inuyasha went to his desk and grabbed his bag. He often wondered how many people in this school were actually normal… and coming from him a half demon was very ironic.

Tell m, baby Are you coming, with me No sleep tonight, No sleep tonight,

Alright so I'm promising you all this fic right now is going to fun and funny and very… delightful lol PLEASE REVIEW!