TOTAL DRAMA CARTOONS: Episode One Introduction

Chris: "Welcome viewers to one of our new reality shows! With mostly new contestants. As you know some will get voted off and some get to stay. Tune is Tuesdays and Fridays eastern standard time for updates. Campers get off the boat! Let's start out with our contestants."

Gwen: "Whatever!"

Katie and Sadie: Eeeeeee!

Lashana: "Hey yawl Lashana is in the house"

Trent: " Good to be back"

Izzy: "Your not gonna catch me now coppers!"

Goo: "Wow great to be here, can't believe they picked me, wow, oh yeah!"

Bloo: "I am taking all the cash home so the rest of you can just leave"

Coco: Coco coco coco cococococo (Hey everyone want some coco?")

Mac: " I'm going to try my best to go as far as I can without sugar!"

Eduardo: "Ola Seniors and senioritis I am here to win some moola"

Rouge: "Whatever toots, just give me he check and let's go home"

Sonic: "I just came to get away from Amy"

Chris: "I'm not to sure about that"

Amy: "Sonic I knew you would be here!"

Sonic "Oooh noooo!"

Cream: "It's good to be here"

Grim: "I just came to get away from the dreadful children"

Mandy: "I wouldn't be too sure about that Grim"

Billy: "Yeah Grim (picking his nose)!"

Jack: "………"

Chowder: "Give me something to eat!"

Panini: "Hi numnums"

Chowder: "I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!"

Schnitzle: "Radrdardarada (I don't care Chowder)'

Bubbles: "It's good to be here! Hi Chris, Hi Chef! (giggling the whole time)"

Blossom: "Good greetings to all of you!"

Buttercup: "Just give me the money you crazies (while looking at Bloo, Goo, and Izzy)"

Starfire: "HI HI HI !!!! (trips over rock and falls in a thorn bush) OOOOowww!!!!! "

Raven: "Get out of my FACE! (continues reading her book)"

Cyborg: "Hey yawl! (high fives Lashana)"

BeastBoy: "Show me the money!"

Jinx: "Whatever….just get me out of this place!"

Numbah Five: "Hey…what's up?"

Numbah Three: "Yayaya I'm ready to win hehehe!"

Numbah One: "According to my calculations I will be winning (looking at Numbah Three)"

Numbah Four: "Some of you don't have a chance because you are fat! (while looking at Lashana)"

Lashana: "You did not just say that boy!!!!!!" (while Cyborg and Starfire try to hold her back)

Dee Dee: "Hehehe, It is so great to be here!"

Dexter: "Oh Dee Dee (while putting his hand on his head)."

Chris: "One lucky camper will win $100,000. The following teams are……

The Gotham Goats Flaming Stars

Billy Gwen

Numbah Four Trent

BeastBoy Goo

Bloo Sonic

Rouge Grim

Katie Mandy

Sadie Cyborg

Izzy Numbah Three

Bubbles Numbah Five

Jack Chowder

Numbah One Panini

Mac Schnitzle

Lashana Blossom

Starfire Buttercup

Amy Raven

Eduardo Jinx

Cream Coco

Dexter Dee Dee

Chris: "36 campers…$100,000.….who will win??? Stay tuned for TOTAL DRAMA CARTOON!!!!!"