Hey all! I got the idea for this story a few weeks ago and I didn't start writing it... so I'm a day behind so you'll get two stories today (the 15th). These are drabbles in the true meaning of the word, which means that each drabble (not including its title) is 100 words long. They're meant to be brief little scenes and I hope you guys like it.



December 14

Returning to her apartment after dinner, he pulled a present out of the pocket of his jacket and handed it to her.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Open it."

"But it's not Christmas."

"Just open it."

She smiled and carefully tore away the brightly colored paper revealing Norah Jones' CD "Not Too Late." Standing up, she gave him a hug and kissed his lips. "I love it, Chad."

"I know. It was on your Christmas list."

"Then why didn't you just wait until Christmas to give it to me?"

"You'll see."

He kissed her lips again then said goodnight and left.