AN: Hey everyone this is "Nika" This is my first ever KKM fan fiction… Please be gentle and loving. I will respond to all reviews.


Date: 57 years before the arrival of Yuuri.

"Where are you going?" Conrad asked as he was cleaning his sword at the little Inn he and Yozak frequented to get away from friends and the pressure of being the Maou's son.

"Nowhere in particular, just out and about." Yozak answered in that lazy way of his which both amused Conrad and angered him at the same moment. The brown haired male glanced up to look Yozak in the eyes, from the stance of his fellow soldier in training, he knew something was wrong. He did not ask what it was, no that was not the way of the relationship between them. Conrad simply gazed at him and allowed Yozak the time he needed to figure out his feelings.

After long moments, the orange haired male began to speak, "I am meeting a friend for dinner, and lively conversation. " Yozak winked at Conrad with that statement. Conrad knew he was faking his laughter.


"Who is she?" Weller asked in an amused tone. "She?" Yozak thought to himself. "Oh yea, Weller thinks that I am male whore. Oh well, no need to let him down."

"No one in particular, just some fun for tonight. You know what 'fun' is right?" Yozak chuckled out. He did not care to hear Weller's response so he opted to leave before he could speak. As the young military officer walked towards his destination, he was conflicted by the strong feelings inside of his heart. He had never been with a man before, would he like it or would he hate it. Those questions plagued the half demon to no end. Michael Viltz had followed him around for a month for no apparent reason other than supposedly wanting to be his friend. Although Michael was both older and taller than Yozak, his impression was that of younger brother, he had hazel eyes and sandy brown hair to match. Weller thought the situation was the funniest thing on the planet. He did not laugh outright, no Weller only raised his brows every time he saw the young demon coming. Yozak knew Weller too well to not know the signs of being laughed at by him.


After leading the other male to a sectioned off corner of their campus, Yozak had turned and said "Both avoiding and threatening physical punishment really does not work on you. What inthe hell is the real reason you follow me?" Michael Viltz had looked him in his eyes and then kissed him squarely on the lips. At first Yozak was going to push him away, another male kissing him was not really his thing but before his hand could get enough force behind it, it was caught. "What the hell are you do-?" Michael licked his bottom lip and Yozak moaned and closed his eyes. The other military cadet pressed their bodies closer together, one hand still holding Yozak's wrist while the other was on the lower part of his back.

The taller man licked Yozak's bottom lip again only in order to deepen the kiss. Viltz's tongue began to do things to the younger man that not even women had. Yozak began to shiver, wanting to be in more contact with this man who tasted tangy and irresistible but suddenly Michael pulled away.

"Please don't…" Yozak whined, pushing himself closer, he wanted, no needed to taste that flavorful tongue again but Michael was not allowing him to.

"I think you are beautiful, funny, and smart." Michael whispered into his hear. "My heart is already yours, and I know that in time you may come to feel the same way for me. I will not push you to care for me, but at least let me spend time with you."

"I…" Yozak whispered in confusion, he could not think with Michael hands still on him.

"You do not have to decide now. Let's leave this place and go get something to eat, shall we?" Michael let go of the shorter male in front of him and turned to lead the way.

"If this is about sex, then just say so. Do not pretend it is something else." Yozak said his eyes lowered. Hands touched the orange haired man's face tilting his chin back up.

"Do not misunderstand Yozak," Michael's eyes had become hungry, his voice hard. "I want to see you come undone in my arms… whimpering my name. But I also care for you, I have for a long time, even though I knew you might have feelings for someone else who both is your friend and who comes from higher nobility than I do."

"No, it is not lik…" Yozak tried to speak.

"You do not need to explain. Either way it goes," He leaned back into Yozak. "Ai shi teru."

End Flashback

Yozak mind came back to the present as he looked at the door to the Inn down the street from the one he and Weller had just passed the time in. Michael had kept his promise to Yozak, he neither forced himself physically or emotionally onto the younger male. Actually it had been Yozak's idea to get the Inn in the first place, it had been in a fit of sexual frustration as Michael had pulled back when Yozak's body had needed him most. Now, he doubted his decision making abilities. After many minutes of just standing looking at the door, he knocked. The door opened, like the person on the other side had been impatiently waiting. Michael stood there with his beautiful eyes staring at Yozak, his eyes spoke of tenderness and of a deep love unbeknownst to Yozak before. Viltz held out his hand to Yozak, and the other man did not think twice about taking it. He heard the door close behind him.

"I am glad you came." Michael whispered.

"Did you doubt me?" Yozak returned. "This was my idea." The hazel eyed male only smiled in response. Yozak thumped him on the head for that sly smile.

"Touch me." The half demon whispered and Michael did so happily. At each stroke of the older man's hands, Yozak felt himself losing his handle on reality. All that he felt was the sheer pleasure of his lover's hands unbuttoning his clothing and caressing his bare skin. He moaned when Michael's tongue licked a particular sensitive area somewhere between his lower abs and upper hip. After preparing Yozak for the final stages of their lovemaking, Michael stopped.

"Michael please,… please don't stop." He whimpered eyes closed.

"Yozak, look at me. I need to see your eyes" Viltz whispered sternly. Yozak did as he was told, Michael obviously saw what he needed to because at that moment he penetrated the other's tight opening. Yozak grasped, whimpered and felt himself scratching Michael back. Viltz waited, allowing his love time to get use to the feel of him. Neither one knew who moved first after this, actually they did not care, all either of them wanted was to pleasure the other and reach their climax.

In the afterglow of lovemaking, each whispered their vows of affection. Although both male, Michael being the taker and Yozak being the person being taken, Michael felt the need to lavish Yozak with compliments. Yozak accepted them gratefully, he was a bit self conscious being that it was his first time with a man. They held each other as they slept the rest of the night away.

As Conrad took the hidden route back to his academy, he still wondered what had happened to Yozak. His best usually made it back in time to walk him back to his school, but not this time. He was pondering this when he heard voices. He peeked around the tree and saw Yozak being held by that annoying guy that also went to his academy. The first thing that Conrad wanted to do was cut off the other man's hands. "What the hell is going on?" That was the only thing that kept running through his head.

"Please do not cry my love." He heard Viltz whisper. "Yozak does not cry!"

"I am not a woman, but I think I should start wearing dresses. What man do you know starts crying after sex?" Yozak said jokingly but tears were still falling from his eyes. "Sex?!"

"You do not have to pretend with me my love. I know you are upset. I am sorry if I pushed you into doing something you were not ready to do." Michael whispered guiltly.

"No, I wanted too. I wanted you, besides you had been a good boy for months. God you are great in the sack and I love you. I will never regret you or the wonderful night we spent together." Yozak leaned up and kissed the boy passionately. Conrad felt something close to rage build up inside of him but he did not know why. After many long moments of their war of the tongues, they pulled apart.

"Are you sure you do not want me to walk you to your school?" Michael asked.

"No, we are already at yours and I know you have already been late because of me. No argument, okay? I love and I will see you later." With a wink he gave Viltz one last kiss and sent him on his way. After Michael was out of sight, Yozak turned and started walking towards his own school.

Conrad came from behind the tree and met Yozak at a halfway point. Yozak did not notice Conrad until they we nearly face to face.

"Weller…" Yozak whispered.

"Good morning Yozak." That was all that was said and Conrad continued on his way.

Date: 30 years before the arrival of Yurri "The Battle of Luttenburg"

"No Michael, I will not leave you." Yozak cried hysterically.

"I love you Yozak. Please go! I am injured and slowing you down. The wounds are fatal, my love. I do not want you to watch me die, if you love me you would leave." Michael's weaken voice whispered calmly.

"No, no, no, you promised we would never part." Yozak continued to cry, not caring that Conrad was watching them.

"Conrad take him away. Now! Hurry before the enemy finds us." Michael said now completely ignoring his lover, in favor of the man who had been his rival, understanding flash between them. Without a second thought Conrad moved and he had a struggling Yozak over his shoulder.

"No! Ai shi teru, I love you. Ai shi teru, Michael!" Yozak screamed unable to break the iron grip Conrad had on him.

"I love you too. Please do not let your soul linger hear with mine. I love Yozak." That was the last time Yozak saw Michael. Conrad and Yozak was a mile up the road before Weller stopped.

"I have to go back, he needs me." Yozak turned.

"Did you not see how he was placing his knives?" Conrad whispered sadly. The sight of Yozak being in this much hurt him to. "He will die with honor, would you take that away from him?"

"I love him Conrad." Yozak said, finally understanding the situation. There was no emotion left in voice. "I will kill every one of those people, who took him from me." After catching back up the rest of the platoon, he and Conrad might have done just that.

AN: Hello out there!!! Did you like my story? In a way it could be a stand alone but you know what, there are more chapters to come. Please review. I know my grammar sucks but please be patient with me. Any question? I hope the timeline's okay. Oh yea, don't forget that nobles went to one school and commoners went to another. PLEASE RVIEW!!!