Edward kissed me on the hand as I climbed out of the car. He shut the door and smiled at me. Jessica came running over to us.

"Hi Bella! You'll never guess what's…" she trailed off when she saw Edward. He flashed his teeth at her.

"Don't show up this afternoon covered in bruises" he warned, before turning and disappearing amongst the crowds of students.

I grinned at Jessica. "What were you saying?" I asked her. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"Bella!" screamed Mike and Eric. They were standing next to us waving their arms.

"Oh, hey guys" I grinned. Jessica smiled at Mike; their relationship hadn't really gone anywhere…

"Hi Mike, hi Eric. I was just telling Bella about the bonfire" greeted Jessica. I frowned curiously.

"What bonfire?" I asked them as we all walked towards trigonometry, a subject we all shared together.

"Oh, some of those Quileutes kids are having a bonfire tonight. They invited us. One of them… what was his name, Eric?" said Mike, turning to Eric.


"Yeah, that's him. Well Eric's dad is marrying that kid's mom!" explained Mike, "So Quil invited Eric and told him to bring some friends from school. We're all going, of course, and we were wondering if you'd come?"

Eric's dad was marrying Quil's mom? That was certainly unexpected… I bet I'd see Jacob there. Edward would definitely object, but when he heard that the others would be there… maybe he'd eventually have to give in.

"Sure. I'll be there. Is Angela going?" I asked. Jessica shook her head as we sat down at our usual table for Trig. Mike and Eric were sitting at the desk in front of us; they were turning to look at us.

"No, she can't come. She's got like… chickenpox or something and yeah" replied Jessica.

The door opened and a smiling lady walked in. She looked like she was in her late forties and was wearing long jeans and a red shirt. She was holding a clipboard in one hand and her bag in the other. She put the clipboard on the teacher's desk and swung her bag over the chair. She wore no make up and her short hair fell loosely down to her shoulders.

"Whose she?" I whispered to Jessica as Mike and Eric turned around to face the front.

"Oh, she's just like this really irritating substitute teacher. We had her last year for a while, before you came. She's like… really overfriendly" explained Jessica.

The lady teacher coughed and smiled at us.

"Hello everyone! My name is Ms. Poopie" she greeted. A few kids snickered at her name.

"Some of you may remember me from last year… let's see… I only remember a few faces! There are so many of you!" she grinned, "Jessica… Eric…"

I sighed as she droned on.

"Isn't this supposed to be a trig lesson?" I heard Eric mutter to Mike. Mike raised his hand.

Ms. Poopie spotted him. "Yes?"

"Oh um Ms. Poopie, I was wondering if I could use the bathroom."

She smiled. "After class, Eric."

Mike frowned. "Um… Mike."

She frowned. "No, my name's Ms. Poopie, not Mike, Eric."

"My name's not Eric, its Mike."

She pursed her lips and continued droning on. When the bell finally rang the four of us bolted out of the door.

"So you'll definitely be there tonight?" asked Eric.


"You know Quil, right?" he asked.


"Well he seems to know you. He said you know all of the Quileutes and all. He said you'd want to come tonight, but… um… a sucker wouldn't let you… or something like that."

Sucker? Did he mean bloodsucker?

"Well if you're talking to Quil, tell him my sucker would let me go" I said, before rushing off to the Cullen's usual lunch table; not that they ever ate human food. Emmett and Edward were laughing.

"You know that Eric kid is such a crack up!" laughed Emmett, "We'd better check with your sucker just to make sure!"

I rolled my eyes and sat next to Alice. Edward frowned.

"You're not going to ask your sucker if you can go?"

"I already know what my sucker will say."

"Well you can go, if the others are with you. Stay close to Jessica and Mike and Eric. Beware of those dogs they keep in La Push" warned Edward. I rolled my eyes as he leant over and kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry Bella, you'll be fine. I've seen it" grinned Alice.

Rosalie sighed. "That Jacob is ugly, just to let you know. He's… freaky looking." I bit into my apple as Alice stood up.

"Guys! Oh gosh… the weather's going to change! We need to go, I saw Emmett glittering! Quickly!" she hissed. The Cullen's stood.

"I'll see you soon" muttered Edward, kissing my cheek. They left through the door and were gone.


That afternoon I was wondering how I would get home. I always came to school with Edward. I walked into the parking lot with Jessica, listening to her drone on and on about the bonfire.

"Do you know if any of those Quileutes are single?" she asked me.

"Um… yeah. Most of them are. If I think of anyone you'll like I'll let you know, okay?"

"Okay. Well I guess I'll see you tonight" she said, walking away to her car. I looked around and spotted Edward's Volvo. I walked over. A piece of paper was stuck under the windshield wipers.

We've taken Alice's Porsche. Have fun in the Volvo. Check your bag for the keys. Take care tonight. I love you.

I opened my bag and saw the keys to the Volvo sitting on top; another note was attached to them.

Drive the Volvo to the bonfire, just in case.

I frowned. 'Just in case'? What did he mean by that? I unlocked the car and sat down on the driver's seat. I loved Edward's Volvo. I threw my bag into the back and stuck the keys in the ignition. It roared to life and I sped off down the road. I would never dare drive as fast as the Cullen's usually did. I'd be dead in five seconds if I did, so I stuck to the speed limit the whole ride home. I pulled up in the driveway behind my truck and saw Charlie's cruiser in the driveway. I climbed out of the car and put the keys in my bag. I went inside and saw Charlie sitting on the lounge watching a soccer game.

"Hi Bells" he greeted. He was still in his police uniform and clutched a beer in his right hand.

"Hey dad, listen, um… I was planning on going up to La Push with a few friends from school for a bonfire with the Quileutes. You know. Jessica, Mike, Eric…"

"Is Edward going?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "No, he's going to play baseball with his family" I lied.

"Yes, the weather's nice today. Well you have fun kiddo" he said. I smiled.

"Thanks dad!" I squealed, running up the stairs and into my bedroom. The Cullen's were probably out hunting…

I put on a pinkish purplish dress and pulled out my ponytail to let my hair fall down to my shoulders. I checked my appearance in the mirror and grinned. I grabbed the keys to the Volvo and put them in my pocket. I walked down the stairs and peered into the lounge room. Charlie looked up at me and grinned.

"You know, it's good for you to be spending a little time with people other than Edward. It's like he brainwashes you. This brings me to my next subject… Bella, please listen to me. If you and Edward are making progress or have already done it, then… please be safe about it. You know where the chemist is and if Edward won't wear one then…"

"Dad!" I groaned, "That's not at the top of my list, I assure you." No, something Charlie would dislike more than sex sat at the top of my list. Change.

"All right. Well, just be cautious about it and have fun tonight" he called as I walked out the door angrily. I got into the Volvo and started the car up. As if I could ever get pregnant to Edward. I sped off down the road. I drove past Angela's house. I saw Ben carrying what looked like a pot of soup up to the front door. Angela and Ben were made for each other. I wonder if Edward would ever give me soup if I got sick. It's weird, because I'm not usually sick, so I guess I never need to worry about it. I wouldn't have to worry about passing it on to Edward either, because vampires can't get sick.

I had crossed the Quileute border by now. I could see Jacob's house. It looked deserted as I drove past it. The bonfire was on the beach. I could see a bunch of cars parked up ahead so I parked next to Mike's car and got out smiling.

"Bella! You came!" greeted Mike. I smiled.

"I guess I did."

Mike was standing with Eric and Jessica.

"Let's head down to the beach. That's where all of the Quileutes are hanging. We don't want to miss anything" suggested Mike. So we walked through the sand and down to where the familiar faces of the Quileutes were standing, next to a huge bonfire.

Mike and Eric ran off to some boys while Jessica and I went down to Quil, Embry and Jacob.

"Hey Quil! I was talking to Eric. My 'sucker' let me come after all!" I greeted. Quil grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Hey Bella!" grinned Jake. I wasn't even going to ask how tall he had gotten now.

"Hi Jake. Hi Embry" I greeted, "This is my friend Jessica."

Jessica smiled at them.

"Is that Leah? I'd better go say hello" I lied. I turned and left Jessica with Embry and Jake. Quil was immediately at my side.

"What are you doing Bella?" he asked questioningly. I raised my arms in defeat.

"Okay mom, I'm sorry I was just taking a walk" I snapped. He frowned and laughed.

"Are you trying to set your friend up with Jacob and Embry?" he questioned.


"Well, there might be a chance for some imprinting tonight after all!" he joked.

"But Jessica doesn't know that you guys are… about the Quileute legends" I said in case someone was listening.

He chuckled. "That won't make a difference, Bella. So what did you have to do to get away from your bloodsucker?"

I rolled my eyes. "I nicked his car and threatened to run it off a cliff!" I joked. Quil sighed.

"Bella, Bella, Bella. That's not a very good shot at humour. You know that, right? Where's Jessica going with Embry and Jacob?"

I turned to see Jessica walking away with Jacob and Embry.

"I hope she imprints on Jacob" I muttered to myself.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing."