The Princess and The Outlaw

by Chibi Makoto

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DBZ/GT characters. ^^ I do in some way own this little plot
and any of the made up character's I have. (Don't worry I won't add in any OC to this ficcy,
probably. I don't really like OC most of the time)

AN: Thanks for the reviews! ^^


Bra sat around in the tavern for awhile. Just watching the strange creatures come and go.
Sometimes she would try to listen in on their conversations seeing if she could possibly
understand any of them. She had taken up studying other languages in her teachings back home
but she just didn't recognize any of the one's that she heard.

She just didn't know what to do. She couldn't speak the language. So how was she supposed to
find the communications center? Let alone, find something to eat, find a nice upper class place
to stay and some new clothing. She didn't even have any money and she wasn't exactly an expert
thief. Not that she was going to steal anything from anyone.

Time and luck just hadn't been on her side lately. She got up from her seat in the tavern and
walked outside glancing around. Her tail swished happily back and forth behind her. One of the
sun's was finally setting which seems to have left the planet in a darker atmosphere. She still had
some time, though, before the second one would set over the horizon.

Well, she would just have to try her luck out at anyone who passed by her and looked somewhat
nice and see if they could possibly understand her.

"Um, excuse me," she said to what looked to be a part fish man walking around. His skin had a
blue tint to it and he glanced at her strangely. He didn't seem to want to be bothered by her and
kept on walking right past her.

"How rude..." Bra muttered to herself. 'If they only knew who I was. I'm a Princess for crying
out loud. No one would ever just brush me, of all people, off,' she thought to herself with a little
angry glare watching the fish looking man's back as he went on his way through the town.

"Oi, Saiyas you speaks?" she heard a voice speak behind her. She quickly turned around to see a
group of three scaled creatures behind her. They were obviously men and didn't look all that
pleased. They were grubby and probably hadn't showered or cleaned themselves off in weeks.

Bra didn't seem to notice this though. She was just so happy that someone could actually
understand her, if only just a little bit.

"Yes," she nodded at them with a pleasant smile on her face. "I would just like to know where
the communication's center is. You see I'm kind of lost and wish to find my way back home.
But we- I mean, I had an accident with my ship and ended up here. And then-"

She stopped talking to them as they seemed to approach her. A little too closely for her liking.

"Well well... We's gots ourselves a Saiya-jin, men, and a prettys one at thats," one of them
muttered smirking a little at Bra. She didn't like the way this was heading and she automatically
glared at the creature who was speaking in front of her.

Her senses then went into overdrive seeing as she was out numbered and didn't like the way they
were speaking to her. She didn't have that much experience in fighting. Though maybe they
weren't looking for a fight?

"We've thought that Saiya-jin's had black hair. What is you? A lowly half-breed? From what's
you've wearing you seem like a lowly one. You has a little monkey tail so you must be
Saiya-jin's," what looked to be the leader of the group was speaking to her. The other two were
smirking and seemed to be looking Bra's body up and down a couple of times, liking what they

Bra just slowly backed up a little trying as hard as she could not to show any sign of fear, what
did they want with her?

"Hey, Moishbi, can we a keeps her? She's mighty pretty and it would be a waste to kill such a
pretty thing," one of the other men walked towards her, "We could use her, for a... funs things..."

He then winked at her making Bra shoot him an even darker glare than the one she had on her
face earlier.

"Like I'd ever be your space whore," Bra spat back at him moving further away.

"Oh, she has spunks. I've like that..." the same man that was talking then approached her
grabbing onto one of her arms and brought her more forward and pressed up against his body.
Bra let out what sounded like a cry of protest, closing her eyes and panic started to seize her

The next couple of seconds went by in a blur. A purple light seems to shoot the man, that held
Bra, backwards making him fly threw the tavern window they were just in and having him land
in an unconscious lump on the floor. Bra stood there blinking for a couple of seconds as screams
sounded out as the locals started running away from the "battle". If Bra could've understood their
language she would know that they were screaming out things like, "Demon child."

Bra looked around to see where exactly that purple light or whatever it was came from. No one
had rescued her, so had she done that? She glanced down at her hands and one of them seemed
to have a little hint of a trail of smoke coming off of it. Since when did she have the power to do

The two other men stood there also in a little shock. They hadn't sensed any form of power from
the girl before. So how had she done that? They both regained their composure and one ran
back to check on their friend to see if he was even still alive, while the other stood his ground
seemingly getting ready to fight the girl.

Bra saw this and screamed as the man came at her with his fists clenched and ready to fight. She
didn't have time to run so she backed up a little and crossed her arms at her wrists in front of her
closing her eyes waiting for the man's fists to impact against her.

But his punch never came. She heard the yells of the town's creature's running all around still
screaming and getting away from the fight. Then she heard fighting and a cry of pain come from
what sounded like the man that tried to attack her. But if she wasn't the one fighting who was?

"17!" she cried out as she saw him standing over her attacker's body. He seemed to have
knocked him out and saved her. There was still another one of those stupid goon's left. She saw
him, with the man that she had hit slumped over his shoulder, looking a little scared.

"You better run before we change our minds and decide to kill you!" she yelled at him making a
punching gesture with her hands.

The man then high tailed it out of their grabbing his other buddy, that 17 had knocked out, on the
way and not looking back.

"Haha. Teaches them to mess with the Saiya-jin Princess," Bra said in a high and mighty kind
of tone.

"Oh really?" she heard a voice say from the side of her. She glanced over to see 17 standing
there with a not so happy expression on his face.

"What?" she said a little to innocently.

"I thought that I told you to stay put back on the ship. What are you doing here? How did you
get out?" he said the anger seeming to rise up in his voice with every word he spoke.

"Well I got kind of bored you see and I was hungry," she lied, "Plus I thought that you were dead
or something so I ah...came to look for you!"

He let out a fake laugh. "Nice story Princess, lets go." He walked over to her grabbing onto one
of her wrists not so gently and pulled her along with him down the road.

"Hey- let go! Where are we going?" she asked. Her wrists still burned a little from being tied
with the ropes.

She didn't seem to get an answer out of him though as they walked up to a local Inn. They
entered the small building getting some more weird looks. It wasn't ever day that these people
saw such strange outsiders. 17 then spoke to what looked like the Inn's Keeper, in another
unknown language that Bra didn't understand. When she got back home she would make sure to
study up whatever language it was they were speaking. 17 then reached into a pocket on
his guards uniform that he was still wearing and gave the Inn keeper some silver coins. The
creature then gave him a key and pointed him in the right direction.

17 pulled the reluctant Princess along with him up some stair and into a room.

"We'll stay here for the night," he informed her.

Bra looked around the place. She made a disgusted face and shot back at him, "I cannot stay
here! It just isn't right. I mean, Princess don't stay in THESE kinds of places!"

The place seemed to be over a thousand years old. It's walls were old splitting wood. It wasn't
even painted. It had a large bowl and a pitcher on top of a table which she took to be the place to
wash up and only one bed. The mirror looked like it had just been dug out of the ground it was
so dirty. Wait a second- one bed?!

"Well where's your room?" Bra asked him. He gave her an odd look and pointed down at the
ground indicating that this room was his room.

"Where am I staying then?" she asked him. He did the same thing and she gave him a
your-kidding-right? kind of look.

"Can't have you running off and getting into even more trouble now can I, Princess?" he said to

She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head to the side, showing that she was not
happy at all with this sort of arrangement. 17 just smirked at her and started for the door.

"Get some sleep. You look like you need it. We'll be heading out tomorrow. I still have some
business to tend too." With that he left the room. Bra heard a little click on the other side of the
door and guessed that he had locked the door from the other side. But being her and knowing 17,
a little at least, she went over and checked to see if he really did lock it. She put her hand on the
not so clean nob and tried to turn it. It was locked.

She sighed to herself in frustration. Once again locked away like some caged animal. Why did
he still need her anyway? Not like she'd be any use to him still. Wait. What if he was planning
on killing her and leaving her body in the middle of that scary blue forest? Then why would he
have saved her though? Or, maybe, he was planning on selling her to the nearest slave ship to
make some money off of her. There were a lot of "what if's-" that ran through her mind at that
time. There was nothing that she could exactly do about it right then.

She glanced across the room and went and sat down on the bed. Well at least the bed seemed
somewhat clean. She was not going to be sleeping on the floor. 17 could do that. There was a
barred window above the bed and she could see that it was already dark outside. The moon was
just peaking out over the horizon. It had been a long day. Scratch that, a long and tiring day. So
with her eyes starting to close from the lack of sleep she'd had she laid down on the bed and
curled up to have sleep overtake her.


AN: Yay! ^^ There's the next part. O_o Kind of boring the end of that was. ; I'm sorry I
didn't get this out sooner!! I started school up again in January and I thought that I'd be able to
finish this part before school but I didn't. ~~; This was supposed to be a LOT longer than it is
but I decided that I would just stop there. ^^ Well, I should answer some of the questions
running through Bra's mind, maybe in the next part. I'm sorry if that doesn't come out for
awhile. x_x Blame it on my school work. It just totally runs my life. ~.~; ~sighs~ Please
R&R! ^^ Maybe give me an idea or two, that would help! ~ Makoto