A/N: This is what writer's block, school, and a dump load of laziness does to a person.
I thank those who decide to read, review, or do anything else of the sort.
Bisco Hatori owns OHHC, not I. Not even close. All I own is the ocs and plot.
"Today is such a beautiful day."
Jun had almost forgotten how sunny a nice afternoon could be. Today was a different afternoon. After packing what little she had and taking a nice hot meal with her, Jun was on her way home. It wasn't a surreal experience, but it was slightly awkward with having a tall, young man walking directly beside her with his younger brother. Hama-san, or just Hama-chan as she preferred, didn't want her to walk alone home. There would have been a limousine, but Jun kindly declined the offer.
She didn't want to bring a ruckus to her neighbors.
Mori and Satoshi walked in a comfortable silence. Well, the comfortable silence was more on the part of Mori, who was adjusted to it. Satoshi on the other hand was twitching his fingers in his pockets, itching to ask anything to Jun. There wasn't much conversation from the three of them. Mainly on the part they had school and Takashi wouldn't allow her going off on her own without him. As they walked, Jun couldn't help but notice the slight fidgeting of the younger Morinozuka.
"Satoshi, is something wrong?" She paused in her walking, "You look a little off."
"Nothing," he seemed a bit flustered, "you know I just wanted to know what you did when you know-not with us."
"You want to know how I live?" She smiled brightly at the young boy.
"Satoshi, you shouldn't meddle in other people's business." Takashi scolded his younger brother without raising his voice. Jun shook her head in disagreement to this.
"No harm done," she ruffled his hair, "I'm a medical student at Ootori Medical College."
"Ootori?" Takashi's voice letting out a bit of surprise. Jun was able to take note of the shock in his voice, and turned to him and smiled. They continued on their walk as she explained more.
"Yeah." "In America there was this special program for gifted students in high school, I participated in it and eventually transferred in Japan, I've been living here for a few years now."
Satoshi appeared to be quite impressed with it, "Wow, do you have any relatives in Japan?"
Satoshi's words weren't hurtful, not single one. But Jun couldn't help but flinch at "relatives". It was a good thing, on her part, that Satoshi was oblivious to her sudden mood change. Mori, who was silently listening and paying close attention, noticed the small and sudden change of her demeanor. The tiny wave of emotion that rushed through her went noticed; he decided against asking her if anything was wrong.
"Sort of, my grandparents live in Japan and my brother lives in California with his wife and kids."
Satoshi appeared to be satisfied and went on to ask a million questions on what sort of work she did at the Ootori Medical School. Sometimes his younger brother could be too eccentric for his own good, in a way it was good thing. Mori was able to learn new things about Jun that he would under normal standards never know. One, she was 23 years old. Two, she was now working as an intern at an Ootori hospital. She lived on her own in a nearby district, and she's been living in the same apartment room for the past 6 years. Throughout the conversation she held with Satoshi Mori was unable to detect how she gained her nice caramel complexion and her puffy hair.
It wasn't a dark complexion; it looked like swirls of fine caramel. Her hair was large and puffy, only being tamed by a white head band that smoothed out the front part of her hair. Dark, shiny black hair that had mesmerizing waves in length. Mori assumed she didn't wish for anyone to know, and he didn't pursue to know more about it.
"Here we are!" "Home sweet home!"
The apartment complex appeared to be the same to Haruhi's except it was bigger and held a fancier position. Gesturing them to follow her, the three of them went upstairs to the last door by the balcony. Pulling out her house key from her jeans pocket, they entered a room that smelt of wilderness.
"Well, here's my place." She dropped the suitcases that Hama had given her; entirely unnecessary because she didn't have much to begin with, but thankful nonetheless. Turning on the lights, Jun was relived that no one had broken into her house or her car. They were both neat and clean as they had been when she left.
"Um…I usually don't have guests; sorry if the place is a bit messy." She cursed herself for being lazy, "Would you like some tea?"
The two nodded in union, "Yes, thank you Jun-san."
"Oh Takashi," Jun smiled, "you don't have to be so formal, I'm Jun or Jun-chan!"
"Yeah Mori, don't be so formal, she's Jun-chan!"
"Yes," he smiled, "she's Jun."
Satoshi made himself at home. After setting the tea and fixing a few snacks for the three of them, they were all comfortable and relaxed. The two older ones sat at the tiny kitchen table, where Satoshi watched television
"The rent isn't too bad," she shrugged, "you have to careful of what you buy."
Mori's cell phone started to ring unexpectedly, "Hello?"
"Mori-kun!" He could instantly recognize Tamaki's voice, "Mori-kun where are you?" "Today is visiting Haruhi's commoner home!"
Curses. Mori had actually forgotten that day. It was the day when the Host Club makes a surprise visit to Haruhi's home. Of course the only female of the group didn't enjoy being bothered by the Host Club, especially when they come unexpectedly, but it didn't stop them from doing their daily routine. Today had to be the day.
"Mori-kun are you still coming?" Tamaki asked again, waiting for a reassuring answer.
"It seems you have an appointment," Jun giggled, "really Takashi, its okay you can go."
"Yeah bro!" "I can keep Jun company and I can always call Mom for a ride back home."
Satoshi was standing beside Jun giving him his puppy dog look. Mori hated it when his brother turned that way, it was hard to resist. Jun only blinked at him, smiling, she was finding this amusing.
"Fine," he sighed, "make sure you call Mom, six o'clock no later."
"Thanks Bro!" Satoshi gave him a thumb up, "No worries, now you go and meet Hunny and company."
Returning his attention back to Tamaki, "Where are you now?"
"We're on our way to Hunny's." "Will you be there?"
"I'll meet you there, bye Suou." He clicked his phone off. Jun stared at him, waiting for something to happen and then she smiled.
"Friends of yours?" She clasped her hands together, "Sounds like they need you."
"I'm sorry it's just…" Mori felt guilty. His apologizing made Jun smile even harder.
"Mori, its okay," she nodded, "I'm fine, better than fine, and I have Satoshi-no reason to be sorry, you go to your friends."
She continued, "And if you want to visit me or anything like that, you know where go find me." Her eyes blinking as if she realized something very important; her mouth dipped into a frown and she gasped.
"My report!" She hurried out of the room and straight to her bedroom. Mori and Satoshi heard random noises. Thuds, crashes, and various curses from Jun before she returned holding a lap top and a flash disk in tow. She cradled the electronic device as if it was a baby, and the two stared at her with wide eyes. It didn't take her long to feel the gazes of the two brothers on her, and when she looked up her face turned crimson with embarrassment. She chuckled nervously.
"Sorry, I had a report to finish," she shrugged, "with all of this happening, I sort of forgot."
Satoshi glanced at his brother, who was giving him a stern look. He had seen this looks before, and he really didn't like it when his brother gave him those looks. Those looks meant he would have to abandon his fun and do the right thing, or seemingly the right thing.
"Jun-chan I think I should go," Satoshi said, "looks like you have work to do."
Placing her lap top on the couch, "Oh Satoshi, it's my fault, if I haven't been so lazy, you can still stay."
Satoshi shook his head, "No, it wouldn't be right, we can always come back later and don't worry we will."
His words contradicted his facial expression; Satoshi looked like a puppy who just been kicked. Jun would have disagreed with them, but the both of them held a firm face that told her otherwise. It had only been a day and a half since she met them, and she was learning so much in such a short period. It would have been nice to have them around a little longer, if only she had the time.
"Seems that your minds have been made up," she smiled, "you should get going huh?"
"Yes." Mori's eyes flickered, "Come on Satoshi."
Satoshi followed his older brother in silence, giving Jun a slight smile as they exited the door. Jun followed the two outside, waving goodbye to them and telling them they can come over anytime. Satoshi waved back enthusiastically and Mori raised his hand in a simple way.
"Jun-chan is really nice," Satoshi nodded, "can we go visit her more often?"
"Whenever she isn't busy Satoshi."
Satoshi was able to figure this was his brother's way of saying "Sure we can go". Smiling to himself and allowing his older brother to lead the way, Satoshi wondered what they would do next time they arrived to Jun's home. Mori held the same expression as he did when they first started walking; however, Satoshi could see a subtle change in his demeanor. His face wasn't as tight before, revealing to those who knew him intimately he wasn't completely "ecstatic" about leaving Jun alone just yet. Satoshi could find it understandable; he did find her lying on the ground with a concussion. If the same thing happened to him, Satoshi assumed he would be a bit uncomfortable after such a short period of time for recovery. Jun insisted she was fun, and after being checked by a doctor, she was given the okay to go.
"Don't worry bro, she'll be fine."
A small smile broke upon his face warmly, "I know Satoshi."
"Are you alright?" "You didn't call me like you said you were, you didn't respond to my emails, and that soap opera you love came on the other night and I didn't get a review on it?" "Hello, Jun, are you there?"
Clutching the phone to her ear carefully while she folded her laundry, Jun tried to quickly comprehend the flowing rush of words exiting her close friend's mouth. This and that, more of this and that, it was too much for one girl to handle. She had to listen, it would be rude if she didn't, and besides she hadn't called when she said was going to. She could hear the worried hints throughout the one-sided conversation. Placing her clothes into her closet in a relatively neat fashion, Jun was able to breathe and think logically.
"Look Mizuki I'm sorry I didn't call you, but I was a bit…worked up."
"Worked up?" "You weren't at your house and you didn't call for like two days!" Mizuki's voice pitches reaching a whole new level, "I was getting ready to report a missing person alert!"
"Oh Mizuki, I am truly sorry; something happened and I was out for a while." Sounding truly sympathetic, "Look if it makes it up to you, we can watch all the recordings of Last Friends, won't you like that?"
"I guess…you have to make the popcorn though!"
"Fine, I'll get the popcorn and you get the soda, done deal."
Mizuki chuckled, "Good, now are you going to tell me what happened, I was worried you were kidnapped or something."
Jun sighed. Fortunately, explaining her past predicament didn't take as long as she thought it would. It wasn't as complicated as she originally believed. The right words flew out of her mouth at an easy pace, and before she knew it, Jun was done telling her tale.
"…Well?" "What you have to say?"
"You screamed and try to fight off a hot looking guy." Jun could imagine Mizuki shaking her head in displeasure, "So, like you made a fool of yourself in front of a good looking guy."
"First off I did not know where I was," she defended, "and second he is in high school, a senior, at the time I was not thinking on whether he was handsome or not, I was trying to get out."
"So you admit he's handsome, look beyond the age difference."
"Mizuki if you don't stop we won't have Last Friend's movie night."
"Aw…you're no fun," she sighed, "are you going to see this Takashi again?"
She could see where this conversation was head, "I suppose so, and his brother Satoshi has become fond of me." "Before you say anything he is in middle school."
"Darn it, you are going to see Takashi again?"
Jun didn't mean to sound annoyed, and truthfully, she wasn't. She was honestly exasperated from it all, the embarrassment, and the questions Mizuki kept pouring down her throat. It was a lot to take in, a lot to hold on to without losing your temper. Having a friend like Mizuki, one who adored the male species, and telling her that you were caught up in an awkward situation with one was definitely a cracker.
Yes, a cracker.
Mizuki could be very judgmental.
"He said he would visit, so I'm assuming yes."
"Do you mean you're hoping…my little Jun-chan is growing up!"
"Mizuki, no, I'm assuming," she sighed, "he may not return."
She clicked her tongue, "Yeah, after hearing your little expedition, I really doubt that sweetheart; look, I've got to finish some report, but call me later 'kay?"
"Same with me," she folded another towel, "okay, buh-bye."
After the sound of the distinct "click" hit her eardrums, Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she was able to breathe, to rest. Yes, college work was still there waiting to be completed, but for once after all of the mess that has happened in a matter of days, she could rest. Taking a deep breather and returning to the kitchen for a fresh glass of water, Jun returned to her bedroom and sipped on it thoughtfully.
"I hope he does come back, it'll be nice to have to visitors."
"Mori-sempai you are late!"
He wasn't paying attention where he was going. After bringing Satoshi home he idly walked from home, and somehow found himself right in front of Haruhi's apartment complex. It could have been possible he was in such a state, a state of not knowing of his surroundings, he subconsciously made his way to the girl's home. When he found himself there, standing in front of the apartment complex, he didn't know what to think. In his mind the rain had started pouring all over again, her slim body fallen in the bushes, blood trickling from her head. The tips of his fingers started to twitch, and his stomach did a black flip.
"Takashi, are you okay?"
Baby like eyes looked up at him with a worried expression. Clutching his Usa-chan close to his chest, Hunny's eyes evaporated any fears Mori held in himself. The girl was fine, she was okay. The feeling that was in the pit of his stomach was the same feeling he had when he was worried, specifically with Hunny.
"Hmm…I'm fine."
"You sure Mori-sempai," Tamaki questioned, "you look a bit…how do I describe it?"
"Out of it."
"Darn you twins, stop interrupting!" Tamaki comically snapped at him, "I'm trying to concentrate!"
"Leaving the King to his nonsense, Mori-sempai," one of the twins came towards him, "you were about to miss Play with Haruhi on Weekend Day."
"Yeah, we even have our mother's dress collection for her too!"
The twins immediately turned back to Tamaki and started harassing him once again.
"Takashi," wrapping his tiny hand into his own, "she's alright-right?"
"Of course, she's doing just fine."
A/N: To those who decide to review, I'm still debating on how I'm going to put the romance in. I don't want it to be rushed, but I don't want it to drag. If you hate me for the delay, I understand but please…please…REVIEW!
Reviews make me livelier, the more the merrier I always say. Besides, reading the povs of readers and authors gives off motivation and gratitude.
Thanks for the support and appreciation: Have a bless day!