DBZ – Gohan Goes to Junior High

Disclaimer: I don't even own a driver's license as if I'm going to own anything DBZ related.

Summary – (AU) Two months have passed since the defeat of Cell at the hands of Gohan and Goku's decision to stay in otherworld. Gohan has decided to take up the reigns of protector of the planet left behind by his father and as such has begun training again. However a surprise is in store for our favorite demi-saiyan.

"Regular speech"

"Thought speech"

~bond speech~

(A/N) First fanfic I have ever written be nice please. I also decided to leave out Goten to make this a bit easier on myself.

Chapter 1: Surprises and shopping torture

Two months have come and gone since Gohan defeated Cell, and though Goku's decision to stay in the afterlife weighed heavily down on Gohan, he still took on the roll of planet's protector in honor of his father and for the safety of his loved ones. Though Chi-chi was greatly opposed to this, the argument was won when the fact was brought up that the planet's safety would be in Vegeta's hands. Thus Gohan, while still studying, was allowed to continue his training for the sake of the earth. Soon however Gohan is about to receive news that was going to change his young life.

Gohan was making his way home from another sparing session with Piccolo who was struggling to keep up with Gohan and his fairly new strength. He hadn't eaten for hours and was looking forward to dinner. Right as he stepped in his house his stomach announced his presence with an unmistakably saiyan grumble.

"Oh good your home Gohan, dinner will be ready in a few minutes." the Son matriarch called back. "Now go and shower and then dinner will be ready."

"Ok mom." Replied Gohan as he headed to the shower. After stripping his sweat soaked gi, he turned on the water to hot and got in. Ten minutes later he exited the shower and after wrapping a towel around his waist went to his room to find a fresh pair of boxers and some clean clothes and then headed down for dinner. For some reason that Gohan couldn't identify he had a foreboding feeling about the coming days. After dinner, Chi-chi decided to break the news to Gohan.

"Gohan, I have decided it is time to start going to a public school. I have already taken the liberty of setting up an appointment for you to take the entrance exams for Orange Star Junior High in Satan City." Ch-chi informed him.

"What?!" Gohan exclaimed "But why mom, I am already smarter then university graduates, why start going to a public school now?" Gohan now knew what that foreboding feeling was.

"Simple, it is time you start making friends your own age and learn more about the outside world and work on your social skills. You're going and that's final!" His mother said sternly, effectively ending any arguments. "We are going there tomorrow to take your entrance exams and then afterwards meeting with Bulma to go shopping for new clothes and supplies."

Gohan groaned "Fine." He said as he began to make his way to his room to get ready to sleep, dreading the next day. Gohan shuddered at the thought have to go shopping with his mother and Bulma; it was never a pleasant experience as both he and Vegeta knew. As Gohan got into bed he began thinking about having to go to school and having to hide his powers from everyone and all the training time he was going to lose by having to go there. Gohan sighed; there was no way around it he was just going to have to go.

Gohan woke the next morning from the smell of breakfast as he quickly got out of bed and dressed in the traditional white long sleeved shirt and black slacks and made his way to the kitchen to eat. He greeted his mother with a 'good morning' and sat down and waited for the food to be served. As soon as the giant plate of food was set down before him he began to eat at a pace only a saiyan can muster. A half hour later he was satisfied and gave his thanks to his mother for breakfast he was then reminded that they were leaving right away for OSJH in Satan City and his mood instantly soured. It was bad enough that he was going to a public school in the first place but what made it worse what that it was in the city that was renamed after the buffoon that had stolen his credit for beating Cell. It wasn't so much his credit being stolen that had triggered his dislike for Hercule Satan but rather the insults he constantly hurled at the Z-warriors and his father. Even so Gohan complied with his mother's wishes and went outside to call an old friend.

"NIMBUS!!" Gohan hollered and sure enough the ever faithful yellow cloud appeared before him. After helping his mother onto the flying nimbus Gohan told the cloud "To Satan City nimbus, and land just on the outskirts of it." At that the cloud sped off towards their destination.

Sometime later, the two arrived at their destination and bid the cloud goodbye to walk toward the school to take the exams. While on their trek to the junior high school, they ran into a crowd of people and their curiosity getting the better of them went to check out what was going on. "What's going on here?" Chi-chi asked one of the bystanders.

"A gang is robbing that store and they have hostages!" exclaimed the bystander. As soon as Gohan heard that he phased into a nearby empty alley and transformed into a super saiyan and took off his shirt to reveal his white tank top so he wouldn't be recognized by his clothes. As soon as that was done with, he immediately phased into the store and sure enough about fifteen seconds later all of the thugs came running out of the store begging the dumbfounded police officers to keep them away from the monster boy. Another five seconds later all of the hostages came out of the store unharmed and praising someone they had taken to calling the Gold Fighter who had mysteriously disappeared right before their eyes only seconds before.

While the police were talking to the freed hostages about the mysterious warrior, Gohan phased back into the alley to power back down and put his shirt back on. Chi-chi who had been watching from the crowd of people smiled to herself as she knew exactly what had just happened. "Oh Gohan, you are just like your father, always ready to help those who need it." She complimented as Gohan returned to her side.

"Thanks mom but we should get going before we're late." Gohan reminded her before they start back on the way to their destination. After another short walk the two arrive at the school. "Well, lets get this over with." Gohan said as they entered the building and started looking for the office.

Once they arrived at the office they approached the secretary. "Excuse me; my son has an appointment with the principal to take the entrance exams." Chi-chi politely told the secretary.

"Ah yes, Son Gohan, the principal is right through the door over there, he is expecting you." Replied the secretary. After thanking the secretary, Gohan headed into the office to meet with the principal to take the test. About a half hour later both Gohan and the principal came out of the room.

"I don't believe it!" the principal said with a shocked expression on his face, while Gohan just had a grin plastered on his. "He got a perfect score!" "That is the first time in the history of OSJH that anyone has done that well and we have the toughest entrance exams around!" "Mrs. Son, we would be honored to have Gohan attend our school he can start in one week." After thanking the principal, the two left the building and started making their way to the Satan City Mall.

"Let's hurry up now Gohan, Bulma's probably already waiting for us at the mall." Chi-chi urged. Gohan groaned in response. After a twenty minute trek through the crowded city streets they arrived at the mall where they saw Bulma waiting for them.

"Oh great you're both here now we can get this trip started!" Bulma exclaimed.

Gohan had only one thought at that moment, "Please kill me now." Gohan kept repeating that thought to himself as the trio made their way into the mall. The next several hours were brutally slow to the hybrid, filled with 'Gohan come here and try this on' or being asked 'What do you think of this?' when he knew his opinion didn't matter one bit. Fortunately however Bulma actually had a fashion sense, being the richest and most well informed person on the planet.

During the time spent shopping Gohan's stomach decided to announce it was time to eat.

Both Chi-chi and Bulma rolled their eyes while muttering 'saiyans' under their breaths while Gohan just smiled at them sheepishly.

"Ok we can get you something to eat at the food court once we finish in this store." The Son matron informed the 11-year old black hole of a boy. Upon hearing this Gohan suddenly got more energetic and he tried to hurry to try on clothes for the store they were in.

After they finished in that store, they proceeded to a all-you-can-eat restaurant in the food court to get something to eat. An hour, a large bill, and a satisfied half-saiyan later they decided that they would resume their shopping spree, much to Gohan's dismay. After another few hours of shopping torture as Gohan thought of it, it was late afternoon and the trio decided to call it quits and head home. Immediately after exiting the mall, they hear several gunshots and find the source coming from yet another robbery occurring from across the street this time however it's a bank that is being hit. As Gohan checks it out he notices several police cars surrounding the entrance with several officers with guns drawn. Once this registers in Gohan's mind he quickly disappears into a nearby empty alley and does the same as before; takes off his shirt to reveal his white tank top and his well toned arms, and then followed by transforming into a super saiyan and then flew at a high speed toward the bank. The officers watched in awe and shock as a golden haired boy came flying into the bank.

"This city has one heck of a crime problem." Gohan thought as he reached out with his senses to find out how many robbers where in the building. "Looks like there's ten robbers and four hostages." Gohan hurried to where the robbers and hostages were. He quickly made his way into the room then to be faced by the many robbers.

"What the? How did this kid get in here? No matter, let's make an example out of him and show the world that no one messes with the Red Shard Gang!" The gang leader said.

"I suggest you give up now before I have to hurt you." Gohan calmly stated.

The gang members just laughed as they opened fire on Gohan. Sure enough the thugs were shell-shocked to find that the bullets had no effect what so ever on the kid. Taking the silence as his queue Gohan phased out of sight to reappear in front of two of the still shocked thugs. Gohan took a moment to bash the heads of those two together, knocking both of them out of consciousness. Gohan then proceeded to knock out another five of the robbers within two seconds. The remaining three gang members were now looking at him frozen with fear.

"W-what a-are you?" one of the remaining thugs asked fear radiating from his being.

"Your worst nightmare." replied a smirking Gohan. The last thing those three robbers remember was a sharp pain in the back of their necks before losing consciousness.

"You can arrest them now, they are all unconscious." Gohan told the police outside the building before phasing out and disappearing right before their eyes. The police stood there with a shocked and bewildered look on their faces until some of them regained their bearings and headed inside to check if what the kid said was true and sure enough there was ten gang members strewn about the floor dead to the world around them.

A minute later Gohan walked out from the alley in his normal state and his shirt back on and rejoined his mother and Bulma who were among the crowd of spectators.

"Well that's enough for one day I think" said Gohan and both the women nodded their heads and walked off. Chi-chi had a prideful look on her face.

Later that night after Gohan's training session he was heading to take a shower when he decided to himself that he was going to go talk to Bulma about a little idea that he thought up of while training, and maybe spend some time kicking Vegeta around a little while he's there.

"Tomorrow" was his last thought before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


So what did you think? Please review to let me know how I did but remember this is the first thing I have ever posted on the internet so go easy on me.