Love Story
"Mitchie…Mitchie…are you there?" Caitlyn asked unsurely
"Okay Mitchie…I know you're in here…" She said her voice filled with a fake confidence
"So what" I said in a harsh voice
"Open the damn door Mitchie, you've been locked up it that freakin' depressing hole for a week now" She said pounding on the door
"What?!" I screamed as I yanked the door open
"Get dressed" She said
"Just do it!" She screamed walking away
So I walked over to the closet. This might not have been my house, but I'd left a lot of clothes here in the past. Sighing I slipped something on and pulled my hair up. Silently I pulled brushed my teeth.
"Where are we going?" I asked following them out of their house
"The studio" They said watching my face fall
"I don't want to go to the studio" I said my voice cold and harsh again
"You. Are. Going. To. The. Studio."Caitlyn said pushing me into the back of her car. I watched Nate his face filled with shock as his girlfriend did this to me. And do you know what he did…he just freakin' shrugged. Gawd, what is wrong with people these days.
I was literally dragged, by several unhappy body guards, into the studio. They shoved me into the recording booth and I sulked off into a corner. 'No' Caitlyn mouthed through the glass pain. I grumbled and walked over to the microphone.
"Mitchie, stop this…you love the studio. If I do recall you used to live here" She said
"Well maybe I've changed" I said putting emphasize on the word changed.
"Well maybe you should just get you but over that bridge and put those earphones on" She said force fully. And I rolled my eyes as I did what I was told. The music came on 'sing' mouthed Caitlyn.
"Are we done?" I asked after three takes
"Come on…" I said complaining
"No, twice more form the top" She said starting the music again.
"Now…" I said questionably
"Yes" She said and I stepped out of the booth
There she starting mixing together the songs. I took a seat next to Nate and rested my head against his shoulder.
"I miss him" I said softly
"I know…I can tell" He said
And then Caitlyn handed me a cd and pointed me in some direction. I followed her finger and walked over to one of the other booths. And there he was along with her…but this time…his face…filled with sadness. And then he saw me. Running towards the door he opened it giving me a hug.
"Get. Off. Me." I said in a harsh tone
"Mitchie what happened?" He asked
"You're a man-slut"I said
"What?!"He screamed
"You heard me…you used me…you never wanted me…you wanted her" I said his face filled with remorse.
"That's not true…it was an accident" He said stumbling over words
"Then I guess this was the biggest mistake of your life" I said handing over his promise ring. The one I used to wear proudly before…
"Mitchie, can't you…" And I didn't let him finish because I realized why I was here
"Here" I said forcing the cd at him
"Take it and stay out of the house. I'm cleaning out my stuff. Nate will call you when I'm done" And I turned on my heel
"Mitchie" He screamed
"What?!" I yelled turning around
"I'm sorry" He said
"Whatever…this love story never did have a happy ending" I said turning around for the last time I snuck a glance. His face looked bewildered. So, much for our happily ever after reality was never the way that this love story should be.
Okay now I'm done. I have to finish the corrections on my history paper…then bed…I *think*