A/N: This takes place at the end of the preliminaries of the Chuunin Exams... only it's focusing on certain Genin. And despite the canon having the characters rather young, they never feel that way to me, I only ever realize it when it is actually said seeing that their physical character designs and mannerisms look rather mature, so in the fanon of it all, I like to believe these two are 16 and 18 respectively. So despite that it takes place during a canon event, it's slightly AU. Or you can read it as 100% canon, whatever floats your boat.

Warnings: Yaoi (Manly love) and 'M' for mature (for a reason).


The computer screen whirled, quickly shuffling through every name of the remaining Genin. The machine made a beeping sound as it came to a stop, the screen read: "Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzuka"

Naruto cheered in excitement, "Yeah, it's here, it's here at last, the moment I've been waiting for, finally I get a chance to show what I've got."

Kiba smirked as he gloated, "Look at that, it's us against the kid. Hey Akamaru, I think you and I just won the lottery", Akamaru barked in agreement.

The Genin took the ring. Naruto almost immediately started telling Kiba his fate. Kiba replied viscously with pissy comeback, "Grrr, that's just what I was gonna say, only not so politely, right Akamaru?"

"Oh yeah!, well talking is easy, lets see what you got to say at the end of the match."

After more arguing from both sides, the match finally began. Kiba quickly hit Naruto with an elbow to the chest, knocking on him clean on his ass. Naruto stayed down.

"What is that?! I blinked and it was over, that kid's pitiful", Kankuro criticized.

Naruto very slowly pull himself to his feet, and the fight continued. Kiba had Naruto on the defense from his intense attacks.

Viscously he and Akamaru pulverized Naruto to the ground, "I told you it was gonna get serious."

Naruto laid face down on the floor struggling to get himself up, "Ugh, I will...ugh, I will be Hokage. I will."

"And how are you gonna do that? By lying flat on you're face?!"

As Kiba continued to boast, he began making himself another enemy. Kankuro watched from the railing, 'Wow, that guy really needs to shut up, he's even more annoying than that blonde kid he's fighting.'

"Come on! Do you really believe a weakling like you, can be Hokage?! You must be weak in the head!" Kiba began to laugh at Naruto's 'foolish' dreams.

"Man, shut up you annoying freak", Kankuro said to himself, 'and that laugh...HOLY CRAP is that an annoying laugh, ugh'

'Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being confident and talkin a little smack, but this guy takes it to a whole new level. It would be so embarrassing for this guy if he loses to that dumb-ass kid.'

The fight went on, gas grenades blocked the view of the audience. When the smoke cleared, three Kibas stood before the crowd.

Kiba sniffed out his enemy, and after hitting whom he thought to be Naruto, only to realize it was his "friend," Kiba turned and punched the other 'Kiba,' who he then realized was his friend.

Kankuro looked in surprise at the spectacle, 'Wow, that blonde's smarter than he looks.'

The fight continued after Kiba calmed himself, eventually knocking Naruto harshly to the ground.

'Never mind,' Kankuro thought as he said, "Hm, I knew this kid couldn't hack it."

Kankuro watched the fight; Kiba had such a strength and speed advantage that Naruto couldn't even finish his hand signs. Kiba continuously knocked Naruto to the ground. 'This guy is really good; he's got to win. I guess he had good reason to talk all that shit,' Kankuro smirked as he watched the fight.

Naruto repeatedly got up from Kiba's attacks, never giving up. Kiba clawed Naruto, taking him to the ground. Presumably Kiba had won...until Naruto slowly staggered to his feet.

Kankuro began to whine, "Come on, I don't care who it is, I just wish someone would win this match already."

Kiba came at Naruto, convinced this was all it would take to beat him. Coming up from behind Kiba reached back to give his last attack...then Naruto passed gas. Kiba recoiled backwards, clutching his nose in agony.

Kankuro laughed, 'No fucking way, a fart? A fart? Are you serious?'

Naruto did his shadow clone jutsu, and attacked Kiba while he was stunned, plowing him down with an intense and painful Uzumaki Barrage.

Kankuro watched as Kiba was removed by a stretcher, he pushed back from the railing in amazement, 'Wow, he shouldn't have talked all that shit.'

After the preliminaries had finished that day, the sand siblings found themselves at the Dango Shop. Temari and Kankuro placed their order, but Gaara just stood by and watched. "You sure you don't want any Gaara?" Temari asked her brother.

"No," he plainly replied.

"All right then," she said as the food was brought out. Kankuro and her began to enjoy their dumplings, "Mmmm, wow, these are really good Gaara, you gotta try one," she said offering one to her brother.

Gaara stared at the dumpling she offered him, she shook her hand urging him to take it, "...Fine."

Gaara ate the dumpling, despite that he did like it; he made no physical indication of it.

Although Gaara said he didn't want anymore, Temari managed to get him to eat a couple. Once she was done, Gaara spoke up, "We need to get back to Baki."

Temari looked at Kankuro, who still had half of his food left, "You go ahead and finish up, just come right back after you're done," she explained to him.

"Yes, ma'am," he said sarcastically.

Temari glared at him, then left to head back with Gaara.

'I'd rather not be around Gaara right now anyway,' Kankuro thought to himself as he took another bite of his dumplings.

Almost immediately after his siblings had left, another Nin had come in to eat. Kiba took a seat at the counter with Akamaru in his jacket, and placed his order.

Kankuro was shocked to see him, 'shouldn't that guy be in the hospital, or passed out somewhere?' He watched as Kiba scratched Akamaru's ear and heard him whisper to the dog, "This should make up for earlier, you did good today."

Kankuro snickered at the comment, which caught Kiba's attention, "You got a problem pal?!"

Kankuro smiled to himself and shook his head, "No, no problem here," then grinned at Kiba with a patronizing smile.

Kiba glared, then moved his attention on the food now being served in front of him. Akamaru panted as he smelled the delicious dumplings, and barked once in excitement. Kiba smiled, "OK, ok, hold on boy, you'll get some soon," he assured him as he pulled two dumplings off of a skewer. One in each hand, he fed one to Akamaru and himself simultaneously. Akamaru gobbled it up. "There you go boy," Kiba smiled as he scratched Akamaru's head again.

Kankuro watched as Kiba showed affection for his friend. He thought to himself, 'This guy's not a total dick after all.' Kiba repeated the gesture with the dumplings.

As Kiba continued to eat, he took notice to Kankuro's attention upon him. 'Why, is this guy watching us eat?' he peeked over at Kankuro to see him staring at him. Blushing, slightly embarrassed, Kiba quickly adverted his attention back to Akamaru and the dumplings; he didn't expect him to openly stare at him. Kiba continued to eat, then had a thought, 'Wait a minute, why am I getting embarrassed, why do I give a fuck?'

Kankuro took the last bite of his final dumpling, as Kiba turned his attention back to the Nin, "Do you have a staring problem?"

"No," Kankuro calmly retorted as he swallowed the food.

"Then what's your malfunction?" Kiba demanded.

"Just thinking."

"What 'thinking' requires you to stare at us?!"

"The kind, when I'm thinking about why you're not still in the hospital right now", Kankuro laughed.

Kiba scowled at Kankuro, "I'm a quick healer."

Kankuro chuckled at his comment.

"Dude, what is your problem? What did I do to you?"

"Nothing, I just think it was hilarious how he beat you after you talked all that crap...can't back it up, eh?" he continued to laugh at the dog nin.

Kiba growled, "Can't back what up?!, I'm an awesome fighter, Naruto's the one that sucks, he just got lucky!"

Kankuro stared at him, "Riiiight, well, whatever helps you sleep at night", he chuckled.

Kiba growled at Kankuro, "What's so funny about this anyway?"

Kankuro blatantly laughed at Kiba, "It's because you talked all that shit earlier, then he tricked you into hitting your friend, and then beat with a fart, hahaha, that was priceless." Kankuro wiped a tear of laugher from his eye and chuckled to himself.

Kiba sulked at Kankuro, "Oh YEAH, well if you had as sensitive of a nose as I do, you wouldn't be saying shit like that!"

Kankuro wickedly smiled, "Wow, you really know how to dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take it."

"Shut up! Man, you are so fucking annoying," Kiba began to lose his temper, and Akamaru growled reflecting the feeling of his master.

"You're one to talk," Kankuro retorted with a smirk.

"Screw this, we're outta here," he declared as he stood and began to leave, Akamaru growling at Kankuro.

Kankuro grinned at Kiba, "Yeah, you just go on ahead and be the big man and walk away, cause that'll totally redeem yourself from earlier!" Kankuro laughed as he egged on dog Nin.

"THAT'S IT!" Kiba growled as he turned and ran at Kankuro.

Kankuro stood and quickly moved away from the shop, turning just in time to block Kiba's claw attack. 'Great that's the last thing we need, I can't have him drawing attention to us.' While blocking his attacks Kankuro moved farther away from the building, towards the forest. "Man, you get even more rowelled up than that blonde kid."

"You haven't seen the half of it!" Kiba snarled as swung again at Kankuro.

Kankuro couldn't afford to blow their cover, so he remained on the defensive blocking Kiba's attacks. He maneuvered them into the forest, away from the eyes of people passing by.

Kiba swung a kick at him, Kankuro jumped back dodging the attack. He removed Karasu from his back as Kiba came at him. When Kiba threw another punch, Kankuro grabbed his fist, struggling to hold it still, "You really need to know how to take a joke, dawg (pun intended)."

Kiba pushed harder attempting to knock over Kankuro, it didn't work, Kankuro was stronger than he thought. Akamaru bit at Kankuro's right leg, "GAH, get off me, you damn mutt!"

"DON'T YOU CALL HIM A MUTT!" Kiba roared as he off balanced, then leg swept Kankuro, causing the puppet master to fall to the ground, and his puppet to fall away from his grasp. Kiba quickly moved to land an extreme punch upon the Nin's abdomen, Kankuro quickly rolled over to avoid it. Kiba swung a barrage of claws and punches at the other Nin, who barely dodged any of them. Kankuro rolled out from under Kiba, and quickly got up, only to be taken down again, this time Kiba had him pinned to the ground.

Kiba looked feral, and Akamaru growling in the background only intensified the situation.

Kankuro panicked for a split second, 'Maybe I shouldn't of made fun of him, I guess I really wasn't being any better than how he acted earlier.'

Kankuro regained his mental focus, and managed to flip Kiba onto his back. Kiba revolted, rolling Kankuro back underneath him. Sparks flew as the two struggled for dominance, neither wanting to give the other the upper hand.

Kankuro ended up on top, with an unrelenting pissed off Kiba underneath. Kankuro rested his weight against Kiba, attempting to gain more control over the other Nin, his pelvis laid on something hard.

Kiba's eyes widened as he blushed profusely, Kankuro looked in brief shock, and then Akamaru knocked him off of his master. Kiba scurried to his feet, the fight was over.

Akamaru snarled at Kankuro as he sat on the ground staring at Kiba. Kiba's face was so red it made his marks disappear, completely embarrassed by his current situation. He couldn't help it, he gets excited...when, he gets excited.

Kankuro's gaze moved down to Kiba's crotch, and he quickly turned in embarrassment, "Come on Akamaru."

Kankuro quickly got to his feet. "Wait a minute," he called out. Kiba continued to walk away.

Kankuro ran up behind Kiba, "I said, 'wait a minute.'"

Kiba ignored him.

"Look at me," Kankuro demanded as he forced Kiba to turn around.

"WHAT!?!?!" Kiba barked.

Kankuro kissed him with fiery passion, hot with the excitement from the fight. Kiba's eyes widened with surprise and struggled against the kiss for a moment, then melted into it, moaning as he deepened the kiss. Akamaru whimpered at his master. Breaking the kiss, Kiba, lustful and breathless told him "Go away boy, I'm fine," while the other Nin gave his attention to his neck. Akamaru whimpered, but left to go back to their home.

Kiba turned his full attention back to Kankuro, who left his neck to reclaim his mouth. The air was filled with lust and the two devoured each other heatedly. Kiba pushed his pelvis against Kankuro's, his erection hard, rubbing against his own through the cloth. Kiba ran his hands up the other Nin's body to his head, pausing for a moment at the edge of his hood. Kankuro brought his hands up to where Kiba's had stopped and removed his black hood, revealing the mess of brown hair beneath.

Kiba stopped and stared at him, he could almost see what he would look like without his Kabuki paint on. Hot. Kankuro smirked as it was apparent Kiba liked what he saw, and then locked his lips again.

Their hips ground together hard, eliciting a lustful groan from one another. 'Fuck, shit...oh shit, he feels...so good,' Kiba's thoughts were becoming incoherent. As their mouths collided, Kankuro unzipped Kiba's jacket and pushed the garment off of his shoulders. Next he broke the kiss as he removed Kiba's undershirt, then leaned back with their hips still connected as Kiba removed his black top.

Kankuro ran a gloved hand against Kiba's chest; the feeling of the fabric was good, but different. Kiba removed one of his gloves, while Kankuro took the other one off with his teeth. Now Kankuro's hands had the softness that Kiba appreciated, running his hands smoothly over his chest. His thumbs stopped to rub Kiba's nipples, getting a sound of encouragement from the Nin. Kankuro bent down to take the turgid flesh into his mouth, sucking and nipping it, a moan escaped Kiba's slightly parted lips.

Kiba could smell the pheromones coming from Kankuro the scent drove him wild. He had that feral look in his eyes again, only this time it was laced with lust.

Kiba pushed Kankuro down on the ground. He crushed his hips into the other man's; a rugged moan escaped the puppet master's lips. Kiba repeated the action; Kankuro arched his hips up moving to the dog Nin's motions, dry humping each other.

Kankuro sucked on Kiba's jawline as they continued the motions. Kiba then scratched down Kankuro's arms and bit down on his collarbone, drawing blood.

"OWW!" Kankuro exclaimed. Kiba quickly stopped, and pushed his upper half off of the Nin, "You ok?"

"Yeah, you just bit too hard", he said as he held the spot.

"Sorry," Kiba replied with smile, then moved to the bite. Kankuro moved his hand as Kiba started to lick the wound. He licked it clean, then moved up the Nin's neck, sucking gently on the skin. Kankuro ran his hands up Kiba's back into his hair, moving it back and forth, grasping the hairs and massaging at his scalp. Kankuro pulled Kiba's mouth back to his, locking lips as he rolled the Nin over.

Kiba pushed the other Nin's pants and shorts down to his calves; Kankuro kicked them off the rest of the way, along with his sandals. Kiba then rolled so that he was back on top of the Nin. Kankuro smirked at Kiba, who smirked right back. Who was going to gain dominance?

Kankuro removed Kiba's bottom clothes, who repeated the same motion as he had a second ago, kicking them to the side. Kiba pressed his hips into Kankuro's again, this time bare erections rubbed together, causing a delicious friction, eliciting a moan from both men. The area around them was steaming with the heat from their bodies, against the cool dark forest.

Kankuro quickly rolled Kiba on to the bottom, and before he could move to retaliate, Kankuro grabbed ahold of his erection, pumping it firmly. Kiba stopped and laid back against the grass, enjoying the wonderful sensation, moaning in encouragement.

Kankuro turned Kiba over onto his stomach, still pumping his cock. Kiba lifted his ass in the air to give the other Nin better access to his throbbing cock, reeling in the pleasure he created. He didn't care anymore, 'Fuck me if you want,' he thought, 'just' "Don't stop."

Kankuro milked Kiba's erection, producing pre cum from his tip, Kiba moaned against his arms on the ground. Kankuro gathered as much of the liquid as he could on his fingers, then rubbed the substance on his own cock, combining with his for more lubricant. He positioned himself behind Kiba, holding his hips in place; he slowly pushed himself into the Nin. Kiba pushed his face against his arms and let out a painful gasp, holy shit did it hurt. Kankuro heard his noise and stopped, waiting for Kiba to adjust to him.

Moments passed by and they remained still, Kankuro was using all of his willpower not to ram inside of him over and over. Then Kiba turned his head to Kankuro and gave him a nonverbal look to continue. Kankuro slowly pulled out and pushed back in, Kiba winced. He repeated this a few times, slowly. Kankuro continued at that pace until he felt Kiba push back on him.

Kankuro moved his hand around Kiba's waist and took ahold of his erection again. He pumped it, starting off slow, moving in time with his thrusts. Kiba kept his head buried in his arms, as a moan escaped his lips. He felt so shameful, Kankuro had him in the most embarrassing position: ass high in the air, as he was fucked, and being jerked off from behind...but it felt so fucking good.

Kankuro stroked faster as they moved faster. Sweaty skin slapped against sweaty skin, their pace quicken, harder, faster, pushing, pulling, tugging, fucking.

"Fu-ck...don't-uh...stop", Kiba pleaded with the most sex filled voice Kankuro had ever heard.

Kiba's sexy request, drove Kankuro that much farther, his libido was insane. He pumped and pulled as he pushed, and pushed, in and out, in and out, harder, faster...fuck he was gonna come...now, "Oh fuck...KIBA!"

Kankuro cried out his lovers name as he released deep into the Nin, his hips to the hilt. Kiba smelled his seed, he rocked his hips into Kankuro's hand as he jerked him off, 'this feels...so...fucking...good.' Kiba moved upright with Kankuro still inside. Kankuro ran his hands over Kiba's nipples squeezing them hard as the pumped his cock. It was enough to send him over the edge, Kiba convulsed as he released his seed, pushing himself back against Kankuro.

Kankuro was thankful he had Kiba in this position; otherwise he would have had some pretty viscous scratch marks on his back.

Kiba turned his head to the side, Kankuro's nose and mouth were pressed against his cheek, his breath was harsh and it steamed the air. Kankuro milked Kiba's cock for the last bit of cum, as he gave the Nin a heartfelt kiss. Once he was satisfied that Kiba was finished, he pulled out and sat down on the ground. Kiba began to lay himself on the forest floor, pulling Kankuro's hand around his waist, causing him to spoon with him, enjoying the aftermath sensation. Kankuro wrapped his arms around him, embracing the moment. He took a deep whiff of Kiba's hair; it smelled musky, but so damn sexy. The two sweaty Nins laid like that for a few minutes, beginning to doze off, reveling in the comfort they brought one another.

Kankuro shook himself awake, and moved to get up. Kiba watched as the Nin gathered his clothes and dressed himself. Kankuro looked over at Kiba, "I gotta get back to Gaara and Temari before they start wondering where I am," he explained, placing his hood back on his head and Karasu on his back. He walked back over to Kiba and knelt down, giving him a sweet kiss.

Kankuro lips moved to the Nin's forehead. His voice was husky, yet soft as he assured Kiba, "I'll see you again soon."

Kankuro stood up, "Oh, and try not to boast too much, I got a reputation to protect", he grinned impishly and jumped into the trees making his way back to his siblings.

Kiba sulked about his last comment, "That smug son-of-a-bitch." He got up and dressed himself.

Walking back towards his place, Kiba reflected on the events of the evening. He smiled as a slight blush crept across his cheeks, 'Until next time then.'