Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

A/N: Life's crazy, and that's really all I can say. I'm sorry that there's been such a delay…thanks for hanging in there! I don't want to waste time, so here's the final chapter of Say It Ain't So. Please be sure to read my A/N at the bottom. Enjoy…

Say It Ain't So

- 10 -

Bella POV

I sat in stunned silence as Edward's words echoed in the expanses of my mind. He'd gone through so much in the time we'd been apart. He'd grown, he'd matured. He'd experienced life. And I couldn't stop my heart from breaking all over again. It was as though the consequences of my decisions were finally catching up with me and sinking in.

I'd always imagined him by my side forever. I'd always imagined growing and maturing with him. I'd always imagined experiencing life together.

It was my fault that we'd lost five years. It was my fault he'd suffered. It was my fault I'd suffered.

I was the only person to blame.

The tears flooded my eyes. I tried to fight them, to hold them back, but my emotions were too strong, too out of control. Looking away from Edward, I tried to blink them back. I willed them to disappear. I couldn't hurt him anymore. I wouldn't hurt him anymore.

Suddenly, his hands were on my cheeks, lifting my face up. I held my eyes shut tightly as his calloused thumbs brushed the moisture off my cheeks.

"There's no need to cry, Bella," he whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead.

That's when I lost it. A strangled sob escaped my chest and I collapsed against Edward. I was fisting the fabric of his shirt in my hands, pulling and stretching, trying to anchor myself to him. He had to understand that I would never be without him again. I would never leave him again. I would never allow him to walk away from me again.

"Bella, love, it's okay," he tried to quiet me. The pain evident in his voice only compelled more tears to fall. "It's alright, Bella. I'm here."

He pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me. My chest was tight; I couldn't get enough air in my lungs through my sobbing. Edward cradled me against his chest; he was my rock, the only thing keeping me sane. How could he be so strong right now?

Commanding every ounce of strength in my body, I willed myself to gain control. Slowly, the tears subsided and my breathing came easier. I stayed tucked into Edward's chest, safe in his arms, until I was sure my heart was stable. With one last deep breath, feeling calm as his scent invaded my senses, I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

"Edward," I started. I hesitated, then, unsure of my next words.

"It's okay, Bella. It's alright," he responded, brushing my loose hair away from my face and behind my ear. His hands held my face delicately as he wiped away the remaining tears. How could he be reassuring me right now? Why didn't he hate me for all that I'd done? Why did he come back to me?

"I can't imagine you ever forgiving me for the things that I've done, Edward. I don't understand how you don't hate me, but for what it's worth, I am sorry. If I could change things, if we could do things over again, I'd do it all differently." I held his gaze, showing him my sincerity.

"We both made mistakes, Bella. I owe you just as many apologies as you give me. We can't blame ourselves for being young and stupid." I hated the wisdom behind his words; I hated that he spoke from experience.

"No, Edward. You don't owe me anything. This entire mess – it's all my fault. I'm the one that got us into this. I only wish that I knew how to get us out." My shoulders slumped as the weight of the world bore down on me. There were so many things to fix, some many things that needed to be set right. I didn't even know where to start.

"You don't have to do it alone," he said with vigor.

Whether it was his voice or his words that caused my heart to skip a beat, I don't know. Again, I brought myself to look at him while steeling myself for the pain and heartbreak I knew would hide behind his eyes. I wanted to spend the rest of my life staring into the startling green but I wasn't sure it was a sight I could ever get used to now.

I was so hopeful, but I couldn't bring myself to actually believe the words he said. There was no way he could mean them.

"I want to be here for you, Bella. I want to be here with you." He took my hands in his and looked into my eyes as he took a deep breath.

"But –"

"Don't you get it, Bella?" he asked as his signature smile took over his face. For a moment, I actually believed he was the same devastatingly handsome boy from my youth, looking that carefree and happy. He was looking at me as though I were utterly absurd, a look I had once been very used to receiving. "I love you. I always have and I always will. We were young and crazy back then when we walked away from one another. And while we're still young, and hopefully not as crazy, I've learned my lesson. I won't leave you again, and I won't let you leave me. I need you, Bella. My life means nothing without you – all the good I try to do, all the people I try to help, it means nothing if I don't have you."

He was saying all the right words; my heart was swelling with the realization that he still loved me and wanted me. The day I'd dreamed of for five years was finally here. Stunned silent, I couldn't move. Edward mistook my quiet for hesitation, for uncertainty.

"I don't care what's happened during the five years we were apart. For all I care, they didn't happen. I'd rather not remember the time we weren't together. And in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. We have our whole lives ahead of us, Bella – and I do plan on spending the rest of my life with you. Mark my words, I will marry you."

I was overcome by emotion, but didn't want Edward to see my tears again tonight. I stood and walked toward the edge, trying to reel my mind in and gather some semblance of a thought. It was taking too much effort to form words. I was out of practice being dazzled by Edward. Again, he falsely sensed my hesitation.

"It doesn't matter what Emmett or Rosalie or Jasper or Alice thinks. It doesn't matter what they know. So long as you know I love you – please, Bella," he pleaded for my acknowledgment. In the next moment, his hands were on my shoulders turning me into his chest. My eyes lifted. I took in the scruff along his jaw, his soft pillow-y lips, his straight nose and his sharp cheekbones. I looked up to see his bright green, beautiful eyes glassed over as tears threatened to fall. There was fear and pain – I couldn't bring him more pain.

"Shut up and kiss me, Edward."

A smile broke out across his face as the green of his eyes danced in the moonlight. I barely noticed any of it though as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his face toward mine. Standing on my toes, stretching myself to match his height, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his. I felt his arm wrap around my waist, holding me to his body tightly, as one of my hands found its long-forgotten home in his copper locks. Edward didn't waste any time before he was kissing me back. His lips pressed against mine, his grip tighten, as we both tried to pour our love for the other into the kiss.

By the time we pulled apart, however many minutes later, I was dizzy with excitement. Our foreheads pressed together as we stared into each other's eyes, goofy smiles spreading across our faces. I dragged my fingers through the ends of Edward's hair, tugging and scratching at the base of his neck in the same way that used to drive him crazy. A satisfied hum left his lips and he closed his eyes as he laid his head in the crook of my neck, placing soft kisses on my skin. It made me happy to know that I still knew things about him. I hoped I would always know what made him happy.

"Edward?" I asked, still massaging his neck.

I felt him smile against my skin as he tightened his grip around my waist. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry."

"Bella," he groaned, pulling away from my neck to look straight into my eyes. He stood to his full height and cradled my face in hands. "Consider it forgiven and forgotten. And let's never speak of it again."

The only thing I could do was nod and stare up at him in amazement. I couldn't believe I'd been lucky enough to have this man in my life once, let alone twice now.

Silently, Edward pulled me closer to the edge. He sat down, legs dangling over the side, and motioned for me to join him. As soon as I was sitting, he wrapped an arm around me tightly and pulled me closer. Feeling right at home and at ease, I leaned my head against his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He laid a delicate kiss in my hair and whispered his love to me. I squeezed his waist in response and lost myself in the view through the city.

The moon was high in the night's sky now and it cast an eerie shadow throughout Chicago. Through the buildings that comprised the expanse landscape before our eyes, I could make out the bright lights of Navy Pier. Earlier, when I'd witnessed the same sight, I'd purposely ignored it, not wanting to think about the happy and carefree attitudes that accompanied Ferris wheel rides. Now, though, I smiled at the people I imagined on the ride so late. It could only be minutes from closing, and all those enjoying the cool night air would be heading home with their loved ones.

Images of similar nights pieced together in my mind. I could picture us, sitting side-by-side, on the Ferris wheel, not a word being spoken but leaning easily against one another. I saw us walking up and down the pier, following Rosalie and Emmett and being followed by Alice and Jasper. A dinner came next – the men of the group devising a competition to see who could win their respective lady the best prize at the carnival-like games. It all seemed so wonderfully natural; Edward fit in seamlessly with our group.

And just like that it occurred to me. Edward hadn't asked me the most painfully obvious question that he should have asked. The question that, once he learned the answer to, would cause him to change his mind.

My body stiffened, and Edward felt it. He pulled my tighter, most likely assuming the wind was getting to me. He rubbed my back in an effort to soothe me, but it was a useless cause. I didn't want to enjoy our peaceful silence of our love, but it was my love for him that prevented me from keeping this a secret.

Loosening my grip, I pulled away from his body. Immediately, he tried to pull my back in, but I twisted out of his reach.

"Are you alright, Bella?" he asked concerned.

I couldn't look at him. I nodded my head and folded my legs underneath my body, leaning away from Edward. And, of course, he noticed the change in my body language.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head, refusing to speak the words that would cause this to end.

"Bella," he pleaded. "Please tell me. What's going on?"

Didn't he know the words that were left unspoken between us? Didn't he want an explanation for my actions? Why was he making me say the words?

My natural defense mechanism came out in full force with my answer. "Aren't you the least bit concerned about Alice? Or Jasper? Or Emmett or Rosalie?"

Edward blinked at the bite behind my words. He tried to keep the mood light, though, making his answer into a joke. "Of course, I am. But if I know Alice, she's probably already snuck up here to hear everything we're saying."

"That's not what I meant."

He stared at my puzzled. Why was he making this so difficult for me? "I don't understand. I doubt they would be anything less than supportive of this Bella. They all just want to see you happy. As long as you're happy with your decision, they will all be behind you."

"It shouldn't just be me they're worried about!"

"Bella, you've lost me. What are you talking about?" Edward pushed his hair of his eyes and leaned closer to me.

"Don't you wonder why they're so worried about me? About how they'll support whatever I decide? You were there friend, too, Edward. The same courtesy should apply."

"But I was gone, Bella. It makes sense. They're grown protective of you over the years. And I'm glad they have; I'm glad that someone was looking out for you."

"No, Edward, they should hate me! I'm the one that told you to leave! I'm the reason they lost one of their best friends! But they don't blame me; they blame you for leaving. That's not right."

"But I still left, regardless. You didn't force me to do anything. I already told you, though, Bella. It doesn't matter to me what Emmett or Rosalie or Jasper or Alice believes. So long as you are willing to accept me back into your life, I'm happy." He reached out to hug me, but I couldn't allow him to touch me. I felt like a monster of a person. Couldn't he see what I'd done?

I stood and walked away from the ledge. Behind me, I heard Edward stand and follow my steps towards the elevator shaft. His long legs caught him up to me in no time and he grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him.

"Talk to me, Bella," he demanded.

And, of course, I couldn't deny him a thing. "It's my fault. I'm the one that let them continue on thinking that you'd abandoned us. I never told them the truth. I –"

"It doesn't matter," Edward assured me.

"Don't you want to know why, though?"

"No," he said with a smile and a laugh. "It really doesn't matter to me. I was the one who left, regardless of whose idea it was. I wasn't here for you, Bella, and you needed them. As long as they were there for you when you needed them, it doesn't matter to me what you told them. Like I said, all I need is your love, your acceptance. And as long as you are happy with your decision, they will be, too."

I reached up to grab the fabric of his sweatshirt in my fists; I had to be sure he was real – that this was real.

"Besides, they may have been angry with me, but none of them could every truly hate me," he said arrogantly as a sly, crooked grin spread over his lips.

Just like that, all was forgotten. I even laughed at his absurdity before pulling his face to mine, stopping when our lips were centimeters apart.

"I love you, Edward," I said, before claiming his lips.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­A/N: Again, there's not much that I can say. My life has been absurd lately and I do appreciate all of you hanging in there. Like I said at the top, this is the final chapter of this story. Thank you all so much for coming along for the ride. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Please, please, please…let me know what you thought. I do have several more stories in mind, but am going to be focusing on finishing Best Definitions of Good Intentions first. I've got just a few odds and ends to finish up this week before my (short) summer starts, so I will be writing more frequently…which means updating more frequently :)