Hey guys! New chapter, hope you like!

Chapter 4

Naruto POV

I peered wearily into my dark and deserted flat. I did a chakra sweep for any foreign chakra signatures before swiftly crawling the rest of the way in through my bedroom window. Why am I sneaking into my own apartment, you ask? Its quite simple really, I've been avoiding my guilty, and somewhat obsessive, best friend—or should I say ex-best friend, for the past week.

The only reason I was returning now was because I had a scheduled 'appointment' with Sasuke that I just couldn't afford to miss.

I made sure my chakra was untraceable as I quickly and soundlessly closed the window, I kept it unlocked incase I needed to make a hasty escape. My friends might say that I was taking avoiding her to the extreme, but they have no idea how much she actually hurt me.

I sighed tiredly, I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in forever. I hid the first night at Kakashi and Iruka's but of coarse she found me. I decided that staying with any of my other friends would be too risky, so I've spent the past week sleeping on branches in the goddamn Forest of Death.

I knew she would never look for me there, hell, I wouldn't even look for me there! The place is psychotically deranged, Who the hell set loose all those evil fucking monsters? If I ever meet them I swear I'll rip the asshole's head off!

I still can't believe they held the freaking second stage of the chunnin exams there, I mean come on! What kind of sadistic bastard sends thirteen year olds into a place like that? I swear on my life that when I'm Hokage my first order of business will be to torch that hellhole to the ground.

I run my hand through my disheveled hair and pull out multiple leaves and twigs that got tangled while I was running for my damn life. I sigh again and do another chakra sweep before relaxing in one of the chairs in front of my kitchen table. I way the pros and cons of taking a shower and decide against it, it's too dicey. I really can't deal with Sakura right now, so I hope Sasuke likes stinky blonde.

Thank God that hiding my chakra so its nonexistent comes easily to me or I'd be so screwed. I feel my eyelids droop, but I can't sleep yet. Sasuke's gonna be here soon and if I'm not awake he might leave and then who knows when I'll see him again! But no matter how much my mind resists my body just wouldn't listen.

I barely registered another presence in the room and prayed that it wasn't Sakura come to beg my forgiveness.

I relaxed and smiled as an almost silent, "Dobe." was uttered before I was out like a light.

My mind was foggy when I awoke the next morning pressed face down into a warm, toned body. I was snuggled into the unknown's stomach with their legs spread, not wide, but enough to accommodate a space large enough for my body to fit.

I felt a hand on my head that was fisted around muddy, golden locks and smirked when I finally realized that Sasuke mush have carried—I snickered at the thought—me to bed. I wiggled closer to him and suppressed a giggle at his groan of annoyance.

I breathed deep and nearly choked on the repulsive smell that breached my nostrils. It was so potent that I swear it must of killed a few brain cells. "My God, Sasuke, have you ever heard of bathing?!" I nearly gagged as another wave of stench hit me as Sasuke sat up to sleepily glare at me.

I sat crossed legged in-between his legs and glared back with equal vigor. "Well, dobe, you don't exactly smell like sunshine and rainbows yourself."

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to take a whiff of my own scent and nearly threw up again when I found that it was just as deadly as Sasuke's. I wasn't going to tell him that of course. "Great, just great, now I've got to wash my freaking sheets. I hope you're happy, teme."

He leaned back on one of his hands and used the other to pinch the bridge of his nose to stop an inevitable, oncoming headache or maybe just to block our combine stink. "Dobe, even if I had taken a shower your goddamn bed still would have gotten contaminated because your rank-self passed out on me last night, forcing me to have to carry your heavy ass to bed. Where the hell have you possibly gone to get yourself so thoroughly filthy?"

I was about to shout at Sasuke that implying that I was 'heavy' was the same thing as calling me fat when I felt a familiar chakra signature. "Oh shit!"

Why the fuck did she have to come now of all times? I didn't even bother to hide my chakra, I knew that she had sensed me and that I was caught. I wish I had Sasuke's ability to unconsciously hide my chakra, then I wouldn't have to worry about situations like this.

I turned to the door when I heard three knocks echo around my flat. I shook my head, she must really be sorry if she didn't just barge right in.

I looked back at Sasuke and blinked when I saw nothing. My eyes widened in disbelief. This isn't possible; I feel Sasuke's legs against my own but I don't fucking see him! Is this a genjutsu? But I don't sense any chakra! I was scared shitless when I dark chuckle emitted from the air right in front of me. "Stop gaping stupidly, you moron, and go get the door."

"Once she's gone you're so telling me how you're doing that." I got off the bed and stared incredulously at the impression marks that were left where Sasuke's body was, how that hell did Sasuke turn himself invisible?

I made my way to the door as slowly as possible and rubbed my temples as another series of knocks reverberated, impaciently, from my door.

As I opened the door I was met with an onslaught of pink. I wasn't expecting to be mowed down this early in the morning so I, understandably, lost my balance and fell with an unmanly 'oof!' to the floor. She hugged me around the neck and buried her face into my chest and nuzzled me over and over again. I sighed and sat up while prying her arms from around my windpipe before holding her at arms length.

"Sakura—" I began but was unable to finish as she interrupted me.

"Before you start just let me say that I did some thinking and I came to the decision that I was wrong." Well duh, I already knew that. "I shouldn't have ever said those things to you. He's still my fr-friend and I care what happens to him. I don't know what came over me but I think that I was just je-jealous of all the time you spend on him instead of with me…"

Oh no. I looked sideways, away from the blushing girl, to peer inside the bedroom and saw that the imprints left by Sasuke's body were no longer there. I looked back, horrified, at the girl who sat between my legs fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

Oh no, Sakura, please don't!

"I-I, also, came to another conclusion while I was thinking. Actually, I discovered it ages ago but never had the guts to tell you," She finally looked up at me and my stomach flipped, and not in the pleasant way, as she gave me her most tender look.

"Naruto, I think I've fallen in love with you."

My entire body stiffened as I screamed in my head, no matter how much I expected this to happen there was no way to prepare myself. I quickly got up and backed away from her trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

I almost jumped when my body collided with another person, undoubtedly Sasuke. He held me by the hips keeping me firmly in place. Why was he doing this to me!? I couldn't break free from him or Sakura would get suspicious. I bit my lip and looked back at the girl who was exactly where I left her.

"Sakura, you can't—" I bit my lip more harshly, changing directions. "What makes you think you love me?" She got to her feet and began to, slowly, make her way towards me. I tried to take a step back but Sasuke prevented me from moving.

"Naruto," I flinched at the way she said my name, "I thought you'd be happy that I'm finally returning your feelings, you had such a crush on me back in our gennin days." She said it with a laugh, she was too close to me. She put her hands on my chest and stood on her tip-toes so we were eye-to-eye. "I know you're scared, I did dump this on you quickly, but all I ask is that you give it—give us—a chance." She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to mine.

OH FUCK! I was frozen and I couldn't move and she was making out with me and I really don't like it! I reached behind me and grabbed at Sasuke's shirt, practically begging him to do something.

I didn't know what to think when I felt a hand move from my waist and reach over my shoulder, but I definitely wasn't expecting Sakura to suddenly be sent flying backwards before she hit the floor, hard.

She looked up at me, from her place on the floor, with hurt and tears in her eyes, I felt my heart stop when I realized that she thought that I was the one to push her away so heartlessly. "Naruto, I thought…"

"Sakura, I've changed since we were twelve. I admit that, yes, I did have a crush on you, but…that was all it was, Sakura, a crush." I watched as her heart broke and felt sick with myself. She unstably got to her feet, I attempted to go help her but Sasuke held me back. "I'm sorry." I knew the words would do nothing to help her but they were all I had to offer.

She steeled herself and looked at me, "Just think about it, a-at least give me that."

I opened my mouth to tell her it was hopeless, but I just couldn't bring myself to crush her more, "Okay…"

She nodded to me and with her head held high turned an exited my flat, closing the door quietly behind her. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair before turning around to face Sasuke, who had just reappeared. "You didn't have to throw her!" I said it harshly.

He glared at me, "You were doing nothing to stop her, so I had to."

I clenched my jaw. "I could've handled it just fine! And my method would have left her physically unharmed!" Sasuke snorted at me before blocking a punch I aimed at his nose.

"Oh yeah? You didn't know what the fuck to do!" He suddenly stopped talking, I was taken aback by the serious expression that had appeared on his face as he looked down at me. "Did you not want her to stop?"

My eyes widened in shock. Was Sasuke fucking Uchiha being insecure? "What the hell, bastard?"

"Just answer the damn question."

I stared in disbelief, "Of course I wanted her to stop! If you hadn't noticed I kinda like to take it up the ass and my type seems to be arrogant bastards with duck-ass hairstyles who frequently try to end my life! Its not my fault that I froze up when my closest friend in this fucking village suddenly comes on to me spouting shit about love and other crap!" I was breathing heavily now.

He sighed and rubbed his temples, "Whatever."

I shook my head while rolling my eyes, 'whatever' was Sasuke-nese for 'yes love, I overreacted, like always, you are completely right please forgive me' or at least that's a rough translation.

I grabbed a handful of his hair before he could turn away from me and brought his lips down to meet mine. We pulled back almost instantly, however, at the horrible taste of our morning breath combine with our lack of dental hygiene. I almost burst out laughing at the face Sasuke was making; absolutely adorable.

"Come on teme, if you hurry I might just let you fuck me in the shower."

No smut I'm sorry! I just needed to get Sakura's confession out of the way! Don't worry Sasuke's gonna stay with Naruto for a while so there will be some smex! Now review please or I won't update XP