A/N: Some is mine, some isn't.

This is after the heists. Everything is okay with Brian, him and Mia are together. Letty is gone, with no explanation. The teams' records are cleared. This will either be a DomOFC or a VinceOFC. I haven't decided which. Jesse didn't die!!!

I do apologize for taking so long to update. I've had some personal and health issues that needed to be taken care of. So, on with the new chapter!

Chapter Three

"Claire Bear! You're staying for a long time right?" Leon asked as soon as I'd come up the stairs.

"Le, darlin, I'll stay as long as I can. It depends on a lot of different things, and I'll deal with those when they come." I said shortly, my tone ending the conversation.

"Okay, well, there's a race tonight. You coming?" He asked, bouncing on his heels.

"Le, if you don't stop bouncing, I'm going to tie you up and throw you in a closet like I did when you were a kid!" I growled.

They all laughed and Vince said, "So that's what's wrong with him!"

"Yes, I tied Le up when he was little and hid him in the closet. You have no idea how annoying he can be!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"We have no idea?" Vince asked incredulously. "We've lived with him for a while. We know how annoying he is!"

Le playfully swung at Vince, and then a whole fake fight started when Mia and Jesse joined in. Dom finally just yelled, "SHUT UP AND FREEZE!"

They all froze as he started to speak again. "Mia, go get ready, you take forever. Leon, Vince and Jesse, go do something other than fighting."

They scattered, Mia going upstairs and the boys heading for the Play Station. Dom motioned for me to follow him into the kitchen, and I did so.

"If you're going to the race tonight, I have a request." He said, turning to look at me.

I hesitated, and then motioned for him to go on.

"I'd like for you to ride with me and stick by me at all costs. You're a very good looking woman, and I have no doubt you'll be able to take care of yourself, but this is my territory, you're under my care, and I'd feel better if you agreed." He said, looking down into my eyes.

I could tell he was sincere, and shrugged. "Sure, why not." I could always ditch him later if I needed to.

I would appreciate input on what happens next. All suggestions will be considered, and if used, credit will be given.