A/N: Hey everybody! This is my second story, and I'm really excited about it! I don't know exactly what will happen in the end, but I'll get there eventually. And this first couple of chapters I will probably write the same event from several people's perspectives so you can get a good understanding of what is going on.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the characters. Stephenie Meyer does.


I woke up on a Friday morning in my bedroom. It was 7, still early, but we would need to get up for school if we weren't going to be late.

I live with my parents, Charlie and Renee, in a fairly modest 4-bedroom house. However, my two best friends also live here. Rose was adopted by my parents before I was born, and Alice's parents died in a car wreck when I was seven.

Since she was my best friend (besides Rosalie), and she had nowhere to go, my parents also legally adopted her. Ever since then all three of us have been inseparable.

I crept into Alice's room and jumped on her bed, screaming, "Wakey wakey". She sat straight up and shrieked before she saw it was just me. Then she flopped back down and covered her head with the sheets and mumbled something like, "Shut up and get out of my freaking room."

I knew she would be up and about before long, so I went into Rosalie's room and basically did the same thing. Except she attacked me before she realized who it was. Violent much.

I went downstairs to get a cup of hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows. Just as I predicted, Alice bounced down the stairs before long and Rosalie followed her.

Alice yelled at me for a while about being inconsiderate in the morning while Rosalie just glared at me. I put on my best innocent face and said, "But I just wanted to have time to fix my hair and do my make-up before school."

Alice shrieked and Rose cracked a smile. Alice cried, "Oh please, please please can I do your make-up?" I sighed, "Yes, Ali" while stirring my hot chocolate.

We pulled into the parking lot with 5 minutes to spare. We all jumped out and walked toward our lockers. As we pulled our books out, I asked, "Hey girls, how about we go see a movie tonight in Port Angeles?"

Rose considered this and agreed, and Alice didn't even consider it, she just said yes. The bell rang we and we went off to our respective classes.

The day went fairly quickly. Mike Newton asked me out at least three times, but I kept my cool and politely turned him down. Gym was bad as usual. I hit Jessica on the head with a volleyball and somehow managed to serve the ball behind me.

We went home together and grabbed a quick snack. Then we all went upstairs to get ready for tonight. Alice did my hair and Rose did my makeup. We dressed in jeans and nice tops and heels, then drove to Port Angeles for dinner before the movie.

Still, something felt off. I had felt like someone was watching me for the past 3 days, and I couldn't shake it off. I decided I was being silly and paranoid, and didn't mention it to the other two.

We went to dinner at a little Italian place that was very good. Then we drove over to the only movie theater in town and found a parking spot that was right near the edge of the forest. It was in the back, but it was the only place I could find.

We picked a chick flick to watch that looked pretty good. Alice and I ordered some popcorn and soda, but Rosalie said she was "watching her weight" and didn't eat anything else.

It was funny how Rose had just eaten an entire plate of spaghetti with breadsticks and just now was watching her weight. She must not be feeling good or something. I would ask her if she felt okay, but I knew from experience she would only admit something was wrong when it was very bad.

The movie took about two hours, so we were out of there by 9:30. It was dark outside, but it didn't bother any of us girls. We weren't afraid of the dark. We lingered around, talking to some of our friends from school.

Finally we decided to leave. But something didn't seem right.


Throughout the movie, something seemed off. It felt like something very bad was going to happen to us, but I couldn't name what.

I decided I was being a scaredy-cat and that everything was alright. There was no need to tell the other two. With that determined, I got back to my popcorn and the movie.


At dinner I felt fine. But as we walked out of the restaurant, it felt like someone was watching us. It made me sick to my stomach. When Alice and Bella ordered popcorn and soda, I declined, saying I was watching my weight.

I really wasn't. After all, I had just eaten a huge dinner. But I didn't want to worry them, and, after all, I was being stupid. I tried to concentrate on the movie so I didn't waste my good $6.50.


On Monday morning the Boss called Jasper, Emmett, and me into this office. Either something was wrong, or we were going to be sent on an important mission. The Boss never called anybody into his office.

I had started working for his "organization" about 2 years ago, though not under my own free will . I had got mugged by a gang member and had reported it to the police.

I was able to give a good enough description that they found the guy, a member of a notorious gang in town. I prosecuted him, but the gang got to me first. They said I could drop the charges and join the gang, or be killed.

I chose to join the gang. Ever since then I worked for the Boss, doing things like bringing people in and providing security. But now it appeared something big was going to happen.

At least Jasper and Emmett were with me. They were my only two friends in the gang, and like me, were not here by choice. Jasper had almost gotten killed by a member, but fought his way out of it. They were so impressed they forced him to join.

Emmett had a friend that got drawn into the gang. When he met up with this friend, a couple of the more important members had come along. They liked his huge size and brains, and forced him to join as well.

So with trepidation we walked into his office. He handed us each a folder when we got situated. Then he began.

"In these folders are the profiles of three young women, ages 17 and 18. They live in Forks, Washington and are seniors in high school. Two are are adopted by Charlie Swan, the police chief. The other girl is his biological daughter.

Charlie Swan is very outspoken against the gang and does everything he can to stop us. We are going to send him a wake-up call, and show him nobody messes with the gang.

Kidnap these three girls, and bring them back here. It shouldn't be a challenge for you. I have seen you fight, and three scrawny girls should hardly cause a problem. These girls will stay here, then. They will not be killed, but not be allowed to leave. They will be our servants. Any questions?"

We were speechless. Security was one thing, but kidnapping was another. I don't know if my conscious could let me live with it. Still, at least they wouldn't be killed. And life in the gang wasn't that bad.

But deep down I knew I didn't have a choice. It was do it or be killed. If I was killed, someone else would do it. If Jasper, Emmett, and I were here, we could at least watch out for them.

I looked at the other two. They seemed to be having the same thought processes as me. We said together, "We'll do it"

"Good" said the Boss, "I knew it wouldn't be a problem. Everything you need will be supplied for you. You leave tomorrow. It will be a 2-hour drive."

Oh dear God. What had I gotten myself into? Kidnapping? I must be insane.


I did not like the sound of this assignment at all. But still, we really didn't have a choice. And we could watch out for the girls here.

I knew the kidnapping would not be a problem. According to the profile, the tallest girl was only 5'9". And since Edward was the shortest at 6'2", we would be able to handle them easily. After all, they were girls. How hard could they be?

We gathered all of the necessary supplies. Although it felt inhumane, we also brought ropes, handcuffs, blindfolds, etc. We brought plenty of food so we wouldn't have to stop, and spare clothes.

Us three discussed this at length when we were alone. None of us wanted to do this, but we felt like we didn't have a choice. Even if we refused, he would just get somebody crueler to do it, and the girls would be worse off.

The best thing now would be to get the job done and be as gentle as possible. It would have to do.

A/N: So, what did you think? Please review! Thanks!