Chapter five

Cair Paravel appeared in the distance, reaching high into the sky with its golden spires. We had travelled two days, and now we were approaching the palace at a rapid pace. I was eager to see Lucy, so I had urged Peanut into a gallop as soon as I had spotted Cair Paravel.

I was so glad to be home, but a feeling of dread had wormed its way into my happiness. What if Lucy wasn't still…I brushed the thoughts from my mind, focusing on guiding Peanut.

In thirty minutes, we were back at Cair Paravel. I jumped off Peanut and lead him to the stable. I handed his reins to a stable hand who looked glad to see that I was back safe and sound. I gave him a quick smile and rushed out of the stable and through the gardens. Sharley followed, scurrying to keep up.

I went down the halls at a much faster pace than was lady-like, brushing past all the servants whispers of: "She's back!" "Thank Aslan!" "Hello, Queen Susan!" "We're so glad you're back safe and sound!"

When I was in the hall leading to Lucy's chambers, I slowed my pace. Fear gripped my heart. Her door was closed, and I softly walked toward it, afraid of what I would find.

I gently opened the door to the dimly lit room. The doctor was sitting beside Lucy, looking very concerned. I breathed a sigh of relief. She was still alive! But I knew she wasn't out of danger yet, and I quietly walked over to the doctor.

He looked up from Lucy, startled. "Queen Susan! You're back, thank Aslan!" he whispered.

"How is she?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"Not well at all. In fact, I believe she only has a few hours left to live," he replied grimly.

My face crumpled, and tears began sliding down my face. "We f-found the p-plant," I sniffed. "Do y-you think it is g-going to w-work?"

"You found it. You found it!" the doctor whispered excitedly. "So it does exist. Where is it?"

I took it out of my pocket and showed it to him. He stared at it a moment, and then motioned us out of Lucy's room.

"Queen Susan, I cannot tell you for certain that this will work. But it is worth a try," he paused. "Sharley, go get some water, a bowl, and pedestal. We're going to make this into medicine."

Sharley set off at a brisk pace to carry out her task, while the doctor and I made our way back into Lucy's room. I sat down beside her, cradling the KandleKirkle in my lap. I reached for her small, thin hand and held it tightly.

Sharley appeared in a few minutes, and the doctor motioned to me. I whispered "I love you" and pulled myself away from her.

I met the doctor in the hall.

"All right. Susan, you're going to have to make the medicine, since only royal hands can touch the plant, and Sharley, why don't you go sit with Lucy?"

Sharley went to go sit with her, while I viciously swiped tears off my cheeks.

"Now, pluck all the petals off and place them in the bowl," the doctor instructed. "Break the stem into smaller pieces."

I did as he instructed, and then he told me to crush them. I began crushing them fiercely. The petals gave off an earthy aroma along with a tinge of something else. I didn't have time to contemplate its smell or looks though, so I focused on crushing them to the tiniest pieces I could.

After the doctor said that they were miniscule enough, he told me to add a bit of water. I added the water and mixed the contents together. The now thin mixture sparkled blue and silver; and the doctor said that he believed it was ready to give to Lucy.

We entered Lucy's room, and Sharley stood up. "Did you turn it into medicine?" she whispered.

I nodded solemnly, and the doctor gently aroused Lucy. She moaned and her eyes fluttered open. She didn't say anything, just stared blankly, as if she didn't realize we were there.

"Lucy. Lucy, I'm back." The only response was her eyes flicking towards me and then fluttering closed. The doctor once again aroused her, and he gave her the KandleKirkle medicine. She swallowed it, and then went back to sleep.

"What do we do now?" I asked softly.

"Now? Now we wait." The doctor ran a hand over his hair.

"And pray," Sharley added.

"Yes, pray. Pray with all your heart," the doctor said.


The next few days were stressful, grim, and tiring. Sharley, the doctor, and me; as well as a few other close friends; sat by Lucy. She would often stir, but only once had she opened her eyes.

After an entire night of staying up with Lucy, the doctor said I should go get some rest.

It had been three days since we had administered the flower medicine to Lucy, and so far, there hadn't been any changes in her condition other than her staying alive. We were all overjoyed at this, of course, but we still were anxiously waiting for her to show signs of becoming well.

The doctor said that if the KandleKirkle was going to heal Lucy, then it would happen in the next couple of days. If it didn't…Well, we could only hope that Peter and Edmund would return with the fire flower cordial.

I dragged my feet to my chambers and collapsed on my bed. As exhausted as I was, you would think that I would fall instantly asleep. But no. Restless thoughts whirled through my mind. Sleep just wouldn't come.

I tossed and turned in my bed for who knows how long, until I had to get up and walk around. I paced back and forth aimlessly until my legs cramped up and I had to lie down. The cramps in my legs eased up, and I closed my eyes. A restless, troubled sleep finally came.


A loud bang startled me awake. I jolted up, looking through bleary eyes. I shoved some unruly hair out of my face, and stared at my door.

Sharley had flung open the door and was standing there, tears streaming down her face. My heart plummeted to the very depths of my stomach. My thoughts whirled. What would we tell Peter and Edmund when they came home and found Lucy…gone? I burst into sobs.

Sharley walked over. Her tear-streaked face was bright with light, and she was smiling.

"Susan! She's going to be all right! She's not dead! She made it through the night, and her fever broke! There, there. It will be all right."

My heart leapt. She hadn't been crying out of sorrow-It was out of joy! I grinned through my tears and gave Sharley a huge hug.

After a few moments, I wiped my happy tears away, combed my hair with my fingers and hurried down to Lucy's room.

Lucy was there, sitting in her bed, smiling. A lot of the color had returned to her cheeks, and she no longer looked feverish.

I rushed towards her. "Oh, Lucy! You're well! You're really and truly well!"

"Yes, Su. I am. Really and truly," she said softly.

"Now, even though the KandleKirkle pretty much healed Lucy, she will still need to regain her strength. She has been lying in her bed for weeks and weeks, after all," the doctor warned.

"Oh, yes. Of course," I said, determined to keep my lively sister from bouncing back into life too quickly.

Lucy grinned and asked about all the things that had gone on while she was sick, and I began to explain. She listened intently, giggling at some of the humorous parts, and asking many questions. As we sat there, talking and laughing, I knew that I had gotten my sunny, sweet, loving, lively sister back once more.


A/N: So that's the end of the story! I hope you liked it! Sorry it took me so long to get it up. Review please! ;)