Gimme Shelter – chpt 13.

By: sifi.


I don't like this, where IS it! Dean's concentration was so focused on the surrounding area and the young man so very like his own little brother that the crafty approach of the maturing wraith slid by unnoticed. It moved stealthily from deepest shadow to deepest shadow, moving closer to the blinding rose gold radiance of his personal life force, the other one forgotten. The other one was physically weak but intellectually powerful. But this one, this one had both high intellect and physical prowess, it also had a hunter's abilities and even more important a life force strong enough to feed it for years! Reaching the shadow at the back of his leg it moved quickly, before he could sense it.

It slid up around his leg, up his back and around his neck writhing free of his panic slick grip, sliding up his face and into his mouth. It felt his body try to eject it, the muscles clenching, the throat closing but it was too late. It felt him gasp unsuccessfully for air and it felt the body fall to the ground as it situated itself deep inside. There was some discomfort it noticed sensing a seal not unlike one of the many that kept their kind in the vortex, but this body had only one on it, and since it was nearing maturity now, that single seal was little more than a thorn in its side.

Settling snugly around the spinal column it shot tendrils of itself in a starburst outward, some twining up the spine into the hard spongy gray matter of the brain, some outward into the extremities and yet others into that mysterious and elusive house of human life force where it began to feed and grow in strength. In time it would become inseparable from him. In time it would become the most powerful creature in existence.

There was something dark inside this new house it noticed. Something filled with the strength of hate and rage, and as its consciousness began to explore, it began to feel. Those feelings made it even more powerful.

It turned its new eyes to the young man in the middle of the grid and smiled feeling a flush of warmth. The boy was of no consequence, he was not a competitor for prey. In order for it to take its place at the top of the food chain it knew it would have to eliminate any and all competition. It also knew it made the perfect choice. It's host had been ruthless not so long ago, he'd done things in a world similar to the one it had been called from. In that hell made for humans this host had bathed in rivers of blood and pain and tears, and he'd enjoyed it. It's time to bring that joy out into the world of man. It thought with human words and turned walking with a smile toward the patiently waiting car on the roadside, leaving all vestiges of its and his other life behind.



Please r&r thanks.


A/N – Thank you all for your wonderful support and encouragement, at this time I think you should know I'm going on an indefinite ficcing hiatus.

I plan on being part of the E/O drabble challenge but other than that, I am required to focus on a few different projects for a while.

I hope to return soon. Thanks though for every wonderful review and for all the joy you've allowed me to share.