Ziva pushed open the front door, dropped her school bag in the door way and headed upstairs to her bedroom. The house was empty. Ari was with Aba, Aba was away, and Tali must have gone to a friend's house after school.
As a force of habit, Ziva shut her door behind her. She sat down at her desk in the corner and opened the locked drawer with the key she kept under her mattress. This drawer contained all the things her father disapproved of. Her drawer of Secrets. She pulled out stacks of paper, various drawings, and leafs of sheet music she had written at her piano until she found the blue folder that was her way out. She pulled the folder out and piled all the loose paper back into the drawer before locking it securely again.
She looked cautiously behind her shoulder before she opened it. Months ago, when everyone ignored her, hated her, when she hated everyone and just wanted to get away, she had crept into her father's study in the middle of the night and quickly and efficiently searched schools for Art, Music, and Drama. She found three schools. She printed everything she could find, filled the printer back the way it was and deleted her search history.
Everything was in the folder before her. She had narrowed her choice down to 2 and now she made her final decision. Long Island School of Dance, Music and Creative Arts. In America.
It sounded nice. There were 6 blocks. A block, B block, C block, D block, E block and F block.
A block was the block that held the dorms for Music. Each room was a singular, equipped with 1 bed an ensuite, and desk, internet connection and enough space for a large musical instrument, like piano or drums.
B block was for Dance and Creative Arts. Essentially it was the same as A block and had a large hall for the dancers.
C block was The Stage. A huge stage for any type of production, massive red velvet curtains and a PA system to die for.
D block was mandatory studies; English, Maths, Science.
E block the Cafeteria
F block the Teachers block, off limits to students.
And 6 acres of grass and trees. For exuberant boys to play football, gossip girls to swap rumors and loners and lovers to hide away.
It sounded perfect. Now all she had to do was convince her father to let her go.
I'm sorry I know I said I would update sooner but I was snowed under with homework. 7 assignments to do in 2 weeks is not fun I assure you. Sorry if this chapter is a bit... crap really . But things are starting to heat up. If I made any mistakes with geography I don't really care. I don't live in America or Israel so bear with review, I desperately need ideas.