Epilogue: The Heart of Egypt
Tia's POV
My story is nothing fancy, it's not worth mentioning. I was just one of the fortunate ones to find true love in one of the hard places to find it: the desert Egypt. I was a servant girl by the wrath of the gods, with no say in the matter. I died in the wrath of evil and jealous by women whom I trusted my life with, and they killed it. The day I died was the day I was born.
I found resolution in this life. I found myself being strangers among people which it should be. Sure I'll never see my family again or the people I did grow to love, but you know what? I rather be this than trapped in the world I knew. The world I knew was cruel, I couldn't be a person, but a servant girl. I am free, to roam the world as much as I please, no one can tell me what to do ever again. I am free!
The ladies of my hut eventually aged and died; I never caught up with my killer but I have a feeling it was those ladies who plotted my death. I laugh in the face of death, knowing that I will never age and ended up with the guy of their dreams. But it saddens me at the same time. The amount of human life I have missed takes its toll. But, I'm not saddened for long; I have dearest sweetest Benjamin to cheer me up.
All we need is each other to be complete and happy. That's all we ever needed. I know we are vampires and there will be no one in all of Egypt that will understand that, but sometimes there are things that a person just can't know.
Sometimes I wonder if the heavens had a special purpose for vampire on this earth. If we have any meaning. I mean we kill humans (with the exception of the Cullens and Denalis) just to drink their blood, hide the bodies and go on as if it never happened. Is there a purpose for that? A reason, a statement, anything? Of course these are only questions with no answers, that's what makes us even more mysterious. That's the whole glory of being a vampire.
I look over in Benjamin's eyes and see a sense of happiness and peace within his mind. He is just that; always cheerful and full of life. That's my dose of medicine, happiness. And he gives me my prescription every day.
He walks over to me, holding my waist once again with his cold, tender fingers. I feel them underneath my dress, as he makes my toes curl up. He nibbles my neck softly and makes me laugh. I slap him lightly then my hands overlap onto his, feeling his true hands. My head goes to his neck as I smell him. We are outside in the sun that is a blaze which makes us sparkle, but we don't care. Let them see us.
"Tia, my darling, what troubles you this day? " Benjamin asks between his nibbles.
"What do you mean? I am fine." I responded rocking back and forth now with him following my movements.
"Your mind seems hazy lately, my love. Are you alright? Are you thirsty?"
I shake my head, forcing Benjamin to get off my neck. "I was just thinking about the time we met and when you changed me… After all, it was our anniversary not long ago."
"You actually remember?" He chuckled out.
"Of course I do, silly. It was the best time of my life, I found you."
"Surely, you're just kissing up to me now."
I smiled yet again. "No, it really was, Ben. It's unfortunate that my family would never be able to see you."
"We will be united one day. Don't you worry, it's just taking us longer to get to the other side. We will see our families again… one day."
"I know. But for the time being, we have each other, and that's all we need." I turn to face him now as his arms are still wrapped around my waist. My hands reach up to his neck looking up into his beautiful eyes and olive skinned face.
"Don't you forget Amun and Kebi. Without them, we wouldn't be here, we would be in the afterlife."
"Of course! How could I forget them, but you're my lover, spouse, mate and husband. Amun and Kebi can't match up to that no matter how hard they try." I answered hiding back a grin.
"They could never match that." He lifts me off the ground now hearing my laughs once again. My legs wrap around his and my arms hold him tight. We admire for a moment and he compliments me once again. To him, I am a goddess who could do no wrong. To him, I'm beautiful and mysterious like the twilight, and I believe him, because he's the same way.
I kiss his cold lips once again knowing in my still heart that we are Egypt. And Egypt's ours for the taking. We are the blood that keeps it flowing in this land of the unknown, we keep Egypt on our toes.
Yes, we are the heart of Egypt.
A/N: Wow! *Whew* Here's the mushy part. Thank you, thank you for the marvelous reviews. I thank everyone who has put it on the subscriptions/favs (10 favs!). It means the world to me. Truly it does. I thank beahawk and maximom4077: I know you guys don't read "Twilight" and probably have no intentions to, but it does mean the world to me that you took the time to review and still enjoy the story. I thank you always. I will be writing a story of Amun and Kebi soon, and I hope you will come out and read it. ^.^ Thank you once again for the wonderful reviews! You guys kept this story flowing.