Ouran High school Host and Hostess Club

Summary:What happens when the host club finds out about Ouran's new club the Hostess club. They are a group of young ladies with spare time that entertain a group of gentlemen who also have spare time. This story is in the point of view of Miss Harmony Mariko, a shy freshmen who is the newest addition to the Hostess club.

Animedancer: Hey guys I finally got chapter three out! Its come to my attention that I should probably switch the POV in third person to better get the character's personality out!

Tamaki: As much as we love you Lizzie we are not your own person fan service. Even though I don't blame you for it, alot of women can't control themselves when it comes to me!

Animedancer: That's right I realize that now..HEY WAIT I DIDN'T DO THAT SO I COULD FANTASIZE ABOUT YOU?!

Tamaki: Ow! Haruhi Lizzie hit me again, protect your father and yell at her?!

Haruhi: Tamaki, first off your not my father and second off you just ruined Lizzie's whole speech so no i'm not going to yell at her.

Animedancer: *Stares as the two of them get in an arguement* So...while that is happening why don't we have a disclaimer! :)

Disclaimer:I do not own The Ouran Host Club or the members, that is the great Bisco Hatori-san

Haruhi: Anyway here's chapter three

Tamaki: Enjoy?!!

What just happened...

I can't do this! It's my first day and I'm already doing something I have no clue of doing. My legs wobbled as I walked through the many hallways of the school and I shakedly held the basket tight. After about six minutes of walking around in circles I finally find the room and slowly opened the door. "Welcome to the Host Club!" said seven distinctly different voices from inside and I knew that this had to be the worst day of my life!

Chapter three:The Hosts vs. The Hostesses

Her eyes widened as saw the seven smiling faces simaltaniously turn towards her. She backed towards the door only to find it had closed and her face turned from somewhat neutral to absolutely petrafied. Tamaki turned up the heat when he noticed her face walking towards her with a certain spring in his step.

"Don't be scared princess, we don't bite..that is unless you want us to." he stated playfully which made her try and open the door even more and shrunk back in fear like a helpless five year old getting attacked. Haruhi's face went from smiling to a little worried as she walked over to where Harmony was cowering in fear.

"Tamaki, I think your scaring her." Haruhi stated as she looked Harmony up and down then noticed her clothes. She gave her a curious look and Harmony relaxed a little, well not trying to claw her way out of there anyway. "I..um..the Ouran Hostess club..ssssennt me to..um..say welcome." she stuttered as she slowly got up and dusted herself off. It was then that all seven faces of the Host club became very curious.

"Hostess club?" they all asked simultaniously. Kyoya checked his list of things to see if the club even existed and became a little frustrated to see it was not there. Suddenly Tamaki's curious face became very troubled, "You guys don't think..that is...Zuka Club?!" Honey and the twins' faces also become very troubled. "Please for all that is good! Don't tell me you serve women?!" Tamaki screamed as he began to shake Harmony's shoulders. Harmony began hypervinalating as she was being shook and she screamed in fear and ran to hide behind Haruhi.

"Guys knock it off! What is wrong with you guys?" She yelled before giving Harmony a sympathetic smile. "Please excuse them, they're not exactly themselves right now. Would you like some tea?" She quickly asked and was relieved to see Harmony give a small nod. It was then that Honey noticed the basket of goodies and immediately perked up.

"Snacks!" yelled the small boy and quickly grabbed the basket and stuffed a lollipop in his mouth. Harmony saw the boy and was curious, 'Isn't he a little young to be in high school?' "He's a third year here," stated Haruhi as she came back in the room with the tea. Harmony became surprised then gave a thankful nod to the tea. "I'm sorry..if I'm..bothering you..my friends dragged me into..the club and.." she said quietly mostly to herself. Haruhi smiled which made Harmony blush then choke.

"I'm sorry but um...are you a girl?" she asked looking Haruhi up and down and wondering how she missed it before. All the members, except for Kyoya and Mori of course, came infront of Haruhi in a blocking manner. "We don't know what your talking about?!" they yelled which made it even more obvious that Harmony had been right.

"Amazing," stated Kyoya as he pushed up her glasses, "she's smarter than alot of the girls here." Harmony blushed and Haruhi ducked under everyone and sighed. "Guys covering me up's not going to help show i'm not a girl." she stated then sat down beside Harmony. "But the only girls who could figure out she was a girl was the Zuka club!" yelled Hikaru. This led to to the five running around in circles again and yelling random statements about serving girls.

"You guys should really try decaf," Leiko said as she suddenly appeared in the room. Harmony looked slightly relieved but also annoyed at the same time. "We came to make sure you boys didn't do anything to our precious Harmony!" Banira yelled out before reaching in her pocket and sticking a sucker in her mouth.

Animedancer: Sorry if it sucks hopefully it'll be better as chapters go on!

Tamaki: I was in that chapter?! Haruhi did you see that! Daddy was amazing?!

Haruhi: But the whole time you were protecting me or flirting.

Animedancer: That's Tamaki in a nutshell though!

Tamaki: Why does the world hate me?! *goes to the emo corner, again*

Animedancer: I guess that's it for chapter three next time is Chapter four: The Battle of the Hosts!