Ouran High school Host and Hostess Club

Summary:What happens when the host club finds out about Ouran's new club the Hostess club. They are a group of young ladies with spare time that entertain a group of gentlemen who also have spare time. This story is in the point of view of Miss Harmony Mariko, a shy freshmen who is the newest addition to the Hostess club.

Animedancer: Hey guys I hope you enjoy and be sure to leave a comment! ^-^

Tamaki: Lizzie what is the meaning of this since when is there a Hostess Club!!!

Animedancer: Uh...um so yeah here it is! Oh and almost forgot:

Disclaimer:I do not own The Ouran Host Club or the members, that is the great Bisco Hatori-san

Tamaki: Wait you never answered my question?!



Ouran High School, aka spoiled rich people academy, With its beautiful atmosphere and completely shallow students how could not want to come? I still don't see why mom wanted me and onee-san to go here but a deal's a deal. My name's Harmony Mariko, 15, a first year at the prestigious Ouran Academy but you probably don't care about that. Anyway me and my brother, Sakka, have been to Ouran since we were kids and its still the same. See we aren't really the rich type, we like to work to earn things which is why Ouran isn't really our style. When we were kids me and onee-san wanted to live in an apartment, you know be away from the whole snap-of-the-fingers-get-whatever-you-want thing. So mom said if we did we had to call every night, visit often, and of course go to Ouran. Oh Joy, but even though the people there seem different the music program is pretty good. Oh crap I keep getting off track but oh well better tell you now so you don't get confused later.


Chapter 1: Welcome to the club

Sweet music filled the air as the sound of an excited crowd roared through the auditorium. A wide smile crossed my face as my baby blue eyes seemed to really glisten at the enjoyment of the crowd. Our voices echoed all around as my platinum blond hair swung left and right in rhythm. The mic still on the stand seemed to even be dancing along and we really couldn't stop our feet from moving. Suddenly everyone froze as my parents ran on the stage and smiled even bigger than I did. The look of shock took my expression as my father cleared his throat and took the mic off the stand. The band all smiled then nodded towards each other as if knowing what to do next. Next thing I heard was "Kiss kiss fall in love!" and instantly my eyes burst open as I looked at my bedroom ceiling.

Great it was dream! Turning my head I quickly turned off my cell and raised myself up trying not to fall asleep again. I quietly got out of bed and walked to a small white table at the other side of the room. I look down and almost throw up at the yellow monstrosity that waited for me. I can't believe the uniforms had to be this horrendous I mean you'd think they would pick out something like the middle school one. Oh well better suck it up and get ready! After I'm dressed I quickly put up my hair in my signature ponytail-and-white-bow look. I look at my mirror and am satisfied to see just the way it should be. I glanced over at the clock then grab my bag and run out of the room towards the kitchen. Oh man it was my turn to make breakfast and now were both going to starve. The minute I see the stove something gets in my path and gravity takes its toll and the next I know I'm on the ground. I get up only to hear laughter and see a band-aid on my forehead.

"Man Harm you would think that if you keep falling like that you would be in the hospital by now." A wide smile spread across my face as I saw the lime green eyed brunette standing in front of me. I gave a small hug to Sakka then instantly remembered why I was running in the first place. Sakka seemed to notice my expression and pulled out a piece of toast and handed it to me. "I thought you might like some breakfast," he said in a cheerful mood. "Onee-san please you didn't have to do that, I'm sorry its my fault and..." He cut me off by taking the toast and putting in my mouth. He then grabbed my arm and ran out the door towards our bikes. "Harm you really shouldn't apologize so much and were going to be late if we don't hurry." Leave it to Sakka to ruin my apologies and act like it wasn't my fault. I spot my bike and attempt to get on the dress not seeming to cooperate.

After about five minutes and attempting to get on without ruining the dress I finally succeed and am on my way to school. "So you ready for another day at rich people academy?" Sakka why do you always know how to cheer me up. A small smile came across my face and I quietly nod trying not to think about it. He notices this and then spots the gates of school. We carefully got off the bikes and walked through the large entrance. Going seperate hallways we said our goodbyes and walked towards class. I was alone...again. Its funny how big this school is it surprises me anyway can find there classes here. I turned left then opened a large black door that led to class. The minute I walk in a hundred eyes turn there attention towards me. Two identical shadows grabbed my arms and dragged me towards my seat. Why is everyone doing that to me today!

"Aiko...Hana..." I said hesitantly as the two twins approached excitedly. They aren't usually this happy in the morning are they? Aiko spoke first, "Harm you know how yesterday we went to a new club during free period." I nodded reluctantly, I think I know where this is going. Hana then finished "Well we were thinking you should come too, it gives us credit and it passes the time!" I thought about it for a moment, "What...What club is it?" They looked at each other then smiled sheepishly at me "That's a secret?!" They always did that to me, the twins were tomboys, but it wasn't hard to tell that, so when they did something it usually for they're enjoyment. It was either sports or messing people's heads, they were known as the rebels of the school. Its true if they grew out there short black hair and smiled instead of glared at people with their chocolate colored eyes, then all the guys would be on their side by now. Anyway after considering it for about ten minutes I reluctantly agreed.


(During Free Period)

Finally class was over but a new trouble awaited me as it was now free period and this new club would be waiting. After walking for what seemed like forever we came a large white door with a golden handle. The sign read "Art Room 3" in big golden letters that seemed to shine as though it was a neon sign. I took a sigh and opened the slowly making sure nothing was going to fall on me. "Ah Ho Ho Ho she's perfect!" came from a tall figure then a smaller childish figure spoke too, "Kawaii she's so adorable!" Where was I and where were Aiko and Hana? My eyes came into focus as I noticed six people around me and knew I was going to regret this. "Welcome to the Ouran Hostess Club Harmony Mariko!"

My eyes widened as six faces were examining me then nodding towards one another. A tall, curly red headed, green eyed girl spoke first with a bright smile on her face, "Harmony Mariko I'd like to thank you for joining us!" Since when did I sign up for this?! I spotted Aiko and Hana in the corner smiling sheepishly at me and gave me a thumbs up. I turned my attention back to the red head hoping to get an explanation and she seemed to understand. "My name is Suzuki Leiko, third year here at the beautiful Ouran Academy!" I almost burst out laughing at the last part but didn't show it on my face. She pointed to a girl next to her with glasses, straight black hair, and violet eyes "this is Kato Chikako same year!" Chikako nodded and checked something off her clipboard.

The little girl next to her ran up to me and hugged me tightly, she had two big blond pigtails and the cutest hazel eyes I've ever seen. "I'm Ito Banira, fourth year here and this Tenshi!" She pulled out a stuffed black cat and cuddled it close to her. She gave me one last smile then skipped happily back to her spot. Wait she's a fourth year?! Leiko spoke again this time pointing to a girl sitting reading a book. She had short dyed electric blue hair and seemingly maroon eyes, she seemed like a very dark person. "That's Yoshida Mika, a second year, don't let her scare you she's actually a very caring person!" Mika raise her head and glared heavily at Leiko showing she wasn't afraid to do something to get what she wanted. Aiko and Hana crossed their arms as they were apart of something important. Leiko looked at them then me "And of course you know Aiko and Hana!"

I was still confused and tried to get things straight, "So what do you do here if you don't mind me asking?" Chikako stepped forward and pushed her glasses up into place, "I believe I can answer that." Her voice seemed so precious and matter-of-factly it was hard not believe anything she was about to say. "Our job is to make sure our customers, the young gentlemen of Ouran, are satisfied in talking about familiar subjects." I stepped back a step as the idea hit my head. Leiko noticed this and put her hands on her hips, "As young ladies its only duties to see that our guests are satisfied! Which is why we have different types." "Types?" I said in a quiet voice still not getting the idea behind this.

All of them nodded in agreement and Leiko began to explain: "See all members have a different appeal to them which we call a type! I'm the princess type, Chikako is the intellectual type, Banira's the chibi type, Mika's the gothic type, and Hana and Aiko are the mischievous type! Oh and of course your the musical type!" Musical?! I didn't sign up for this and how am I the musical type. Banira spun around happily, "Yeah Harm-chan is apart of the club I'm so excited." Wait is no one listening I can't flirt and I really don't want to do this.


Animedancer:So what'd you think Tamaki?

Tamaki:What was that?! The host club wasn't in any of this and were supposed to be the main character. What about my dear daughter Haruhi!

Animedancer: Well it is the first chapter and its in Harmony's point of view.

Haruhi:Tamaki what's wrong now?

Tamaki:Oh dear daughter Haruhi Lizzie has made a fan fiction about ouran and were not even in it yet.

Haruhi:First off I'm not your daughter and second off I'ts the first chapter I'm sure we'll be in the next one.

Tamaki:Haruhi your so mean to daddy. *goes to emo corner*

Animedancer: Well um I guess that's the end of that so thanks for reading and come back for chapter 2. ^-^