He just stood there, staring at Janet in her cell, arms folded tightly across his chest. Everyone else had left, and undoubtedly Jack would soon begin looking for him.

Ianto loved Jack, and Jack knew that, even if Ianto never actually said it. But he didn't know what Jack thought of their "relationship", he was happy with what they had together, but he always wondered what his captain thought.

Just as that thought entered his mind he felt two strong hands press against his hips, and then snake around his waist. He could feel Jack's warm body slowly press against his back, and his breath on his neck.

"Jack." He whispered as he leant back onto the older man slightly. They stood like that for a few seconds, until Ianto suddenly straightened up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He could hear the confusion in Jack's voice, but there was something else as well. Hurt?

He stopped, but he kept his back to Jack. "I cant do this Jack. Not now."

"What?" Ianto stayed silent, he knew Jack was genuinely confused, "You've been acting weird for the last few days, I think I deserve to know what's wrong!"

He sighed, "What am I to you?" There was no reply so he continued, "Clearly nothing." He started to walk away again, until Jack suddenly shouted, "Ianto I fucking love you!"

He turned to face Jack, shocked by this sudden outburst from his captain. He had heard the slight anger in his voice but only saw sincerity in his eyes. "What?"

Jack strode slowly over to him, he stopped when there was little more than inch between them, and found Ianto's hands to hold in his own. "I love you Ianto."

He looked down at his and Jack's hands, "You don't have to say it because you think that's what I want to hear. I just want to know what we are." He looked up and straight into Jack's sparkling blue eyes.

Jack let go of the young Welshman's hands and once again wrapped his arms around him pulling him close. Jack pressed his lips to Ianto's in a tender kiss, the latter wrapped his arms around Jack's neck and gladly let him deepen the kiss. Ianto pulled back enough to speak, "I love you too." Jack grinned at the sound of those words, and once again closed the gap between them.

Even though Ianto never got his answer, and probably never would, he was truly happy. :)