Sorry about the delay. I was in Wisconsin, visiting family. So I thought I'd give you guys the next part of the story that I typed up on my Ipod Notes yet again, in 5 degree weather!

On the Run.

When the morning finally found Erica Hahn curled up in her bed with the covers drawn over her head, the blonde realized that she was in a predicament that she didn't enjoy at all. Her world was crashing down around her and she was desperately trying to cling to it. She was trying to grasp the little pieces, trying to put them back together and hold them up. But the world continued to fall around her feet and she knew that the moment that she leaves her house, she wouldn't be in the same place she was just hours before. She wouldn't be Callie's—whatever she was to Callie. She wouldn't be a heartless surgeon with a very long list of names that she has taken. She wouldn't be the Wicked Witch of the West.

No, she'd be alone. No lover or best friend to speak of. She'd be broken, inside and out, and everyone in that hospital would know that she did, in fact, have a heart. She'd be just like Dorothy Gale. Alone in a world that she was suddenly thrust into, left to find her own way back home.

And Callie Torres was her Tornado.

Callie had lifted the foundations that she had so carefully put up, and rocked her world into a new one. And when the wreckage finally settled, Erica Hahn was left standing alone in a colorful world where not only did she see leaves, she saw so many different colors and objects that she didn't even know existed. And just like that faithful tornado in the Wizard of Oz, Callie Torres was no where to be seen.

And just like Dorothy, Erica Hahn only took a moment to look around her wrecked home before stumbling out into the new world.

It looked exactly the same, and yet nothing like the hospital that she had been working in for nearly a year now. The faces were the same, the whispers that buzzed around the hallways were still present. But this time the looks were directed at her and the hushed words contained her name. And Erica knew that some how, they knew too. They knew that her and Callie had once been something more than just best friends, and now they probably weren't even that anymore.

What bugged her the most, however, was the soft, understanding looks that everyone was giving her. No longer were their faces contorted with fear as they tried to scramble out of her path. No longer did interns gain a growing wet spot in the front of their pants as they met the icy gaze of the doctor. No, they looked more like they were waiting for the right moment to bum rush her into a hug. If that was suppose to make her feel any better about the predicament, then she didn't want to see something that would make her feel worse about it.

Clenching her jaw, Erica Hahn pushed her way through the hallway, past those burning sympathetic looks, and into the nearest On Call room. Locking the door behind her, Erica sunk to her knees. She hated the dank, musky smelling On-Call rooms in this hospital. She hated them even more when she remembered that it was in one of them that Callie had cheated on her. Yet right now, she felt completely safe in the confides of the darkened room. It was here that she could think.

So. Erica Hahn. Think.

She didn't have any surgeries until late that afternoon, and they were minor ones. In fact, all of her surgeries lately had been very minor operations, barely requiring much of her attention. Which was probably a good thing, considering all her mind power was being focused on Callie and their little… situation. If a big emergency came up, would she be able to function? Could she take that scalpel to a man or woman's chest and efficiently fix the problem and get out? Could she still be the Wicked Witch of the West? She was seriously beginning to doubt that. It was a mistake to try and go into work today. And she needed to get out.

Reopening the door quickly, she ignored the surprised faces that met her as she quickly pushed past them. But she couldn't ignore Callie's pained face that greeted her from the other side of the hall. It was almost as if Erica's vision did a complete funnel and all that she could see was black and Callie's face. The tanned Doctor's mouth opened slowly, then closed, forming silent, pleading words that Erica didn't even want to hear. The loud speaker over head came on calling a doctor's whose name didn't register in the blonde's mind. It could've been her own name and she wouldn't have even noticed.

The loud speaker came back on, the voice on it a little more urgent. "Will Doctor Erica Hahn please report to operating room number 4?" It was her name and she didn't notice! Cursing, she finally realized that the annoying sensation against her leg was actually her pager going off. Turning on her heel, Erica ran through the halls, her shoes slipping once or twice beneath her as she stumbled. It didn't matter though; the eyes that followed her stalked her for a different reason than her almost falling.

Erica Hahn didn't like the new place she was in.

---- later ----

Erica Hahn pushed her scrub cap off her head, closing her eyes as a sigh of defeat escaped her lips. She had been right. A big emergency had come up, and she hadn't been able to remain focused and professional. Worst of all, it hadn't been a man or a woman. It had been a child, a three year old boy with a piece of metal lodged in his chest. A simple procedure and she had messed it up. Nicked the wrong artery as her mind had wandered.

She watched as the nurse left to tell the poor boy's parents, and Erica Hahn realized that she had been wrong about something. She wasn't Dorothy Gale. She didn't come to a wonderful place were little munchkins danced and sung funny tunes. She didn't have a beautiful witch to tell her what to do next, she didn't have any friends to help her along the way. She didn't even have a brick road to follow when things got tough.

Erica Hahn was still the Wicked Witch. She was the Elphaba of the book that she despised. She was a girl that no one liked. But she didn't have any magic. She didn't have a cause.

Erica Hahn wasn't just the Wicked Witch of the West. She was all the flaws of the Witch, bundled up in one big, awkward package.

She was the part of the Witch that lead to the demise of the legendary Villainess.

… So where did that leave her?