Fight Against Team Taka
…Leaf Village Normal POV…
Sai was talking to Sakura.
Actually, Naruto requested that Sai look after Sakura.
"Sai, I know you'll be busy for Danzo for a while, but I need you to look after Sakura," Naruto said.
"Me?" Sai asked.
"The news of Sasuke is devastating, and I think Sakura agrees that what Sasuke did is wrong and needed to be taken care of," Naruto said, "But, Sasuke was her crush since the academy. I don't think she's suicidal, but there is a chance she might do something crazy."
"So you want me to watch over Sakura and make sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret," Sai responded.
"Yes," Naruto responded.
"But why ask me to do this? Why not Kakashi or Captain Yamato?" Sai asked.
"Lord Hokage told me that Kakashi will be busy with something, and I have a feeling whatever Kakashi is doing, he'll need Captain Yamato," Naruto explained, "Besides Sai, although you do annoy Sakura and me a lot with your way of interacting with people, you've gained our trust. So I trust you enough to make sure Sakura doesn't do anything crazy."
"I won't let you down," Sai responded.
…End Of Flashback…
"So Sakura…" Sai said.
"Sai, I know Naruto told you to look after me," Sakura responded.
Sai was shock hearing it.
"Naruto always look after his friends, even when we don't ask him too. Even when Sasuke, Naruto, and I became a team, he was there when we needed help," Sakura explained, "I do appreciate everything he does."
"You care about Naruto a lot, don't you?" Sai asked, "I mean more than just a brother."
"Yeah, I guess I do," Sakura said as she thought, "Maybe more than I did about Sasuke."
…Naruto's POV…
The moment Zetsu formed, all of us 'guards' came out from behind the curtains.
"Now what?" Lord Raikage asked.
"It's one of the Akatsuki!" Lord Minato replied.
"So it would appear," Lord Tsuchikage responded.
"He's not alone!" I responded, "There's four other scents here. Including Sasuke's."
"Ah! Your sense of smell is as strong as ever," Zetsu responded.
"Sasuke? As in Sasuke Uchiha?" Lord Raikage responded.
"Sasuke?" Gaara asked.
"What's he doing here?" Kankaro asked.
"The one with the Sharingan?" Lady Mizukage asked.
"The one who killed Haku and Zabuza?" the guy with the eye patch asked.
I would love to stated the fact that I had a roll in Zabuza's and Haku's death, but this was not the time.
"Who is he?" the big stone ninja guy asked.
"A member of the Akatsuki. I'm pretty sure," Lord Tsuchikage replied.
"Where is Sasuke Uchiha?" Lord Raikage demanded as he grabbed Zetsu.
He's fast!
Not as fast as Lord Minato and me with the Flying Thundergod, but still, he's fast.
"If you don't answer me, I won't go easy on you!" Lord Raikage responded.
"Oh fine… I'll give you a hint," Zetsu said.
That wasn't enough as Lord Raikage killed him by squeezing his throat.
"Hey you! Nine-Tail's Son! You can smell out Sasuke, right?" Lord Raikage asked me.
"Yes I can," I responded.
"Lord Hokage! I'm going to borrow him!" Lord Raikage said, "Shi! Durui! Let's get started!"
Lord Raikage smashed through the wall and ran off.
I couldn't help but sweat drop.
First Lord Raikage told me to go with him
"Lord Hokage?" I asked.
"Go ahead Naruto!" Minato told me.
I nodded and made the hand sign.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I yelled.
Three clones appeared around me.
"You know what to do," I said.
"Right!" the clones said.
I chased after Lord Raikage.
…Normal POV…
The Naruto shadow clones took a lotus position and stilled.
"Why did Naruto summon two shadow clones just to sit here?" Temari asked.
"They're not just sitting there," Minato responded, "They're gathering Natural Chakra."
"Nature Chakra?" Gaara asked.
"Also known as Sage Chakra," Onoki replied, "It's a type of chakra that allows someone to enter sage mode."
Ao made handsigns and the chakra network around his covered eye bulge.
"I see it. The clones are gathering chakra from around them!" Ao responded.
"Now I know where I seen you before," Kushina responded, "You're the only guy ever known to gain the Byakugan from a Hyuuga Clan member."
"That's right," Ao responded.
Samurais called back up as well.
Karin sensed something coming her way.
"What is it Karin?" Sasuke asked.
"The Samurai are starting to move! They seem to be looking for us!"
"It was Zetsu," Juugo responded.
Sasuke started fighting the Samurais.
The thing about Samurais is, like ninjas, they know how to use chakra.
Only thing is, they focus on combining their chakra with their swords.
It didn't matter as Sasuke was able to kill them.
…Naruto's POV…
I finally caught up with Lord Raikage and his men.
From what I can gather, the tan guy was Durui, and the other was Shi.
I wasn't planning to release one of my clones until we find Sasuke.
"I can sense a lot of chakra disappearing!" Shi said, "It's coming from bellow us."
"Demon kid! Is that where Sasuke's scent coming from?" Lord Raikage asked.
"My name is Naruto, and yes!" I replied.
Suddenly Lord Raikage's body started charging with electricity and smashed down to the floor below.
Only thing was that Lord Raikage's stunt also caused the rest of us to fall with him
We manage to land safely.
I got up and look around and saw him.
Sasuke, standing there.
Only thing was that I sense a lot of cold, dark chakra coming from him as well as the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan.
When did Sasuke gain the Mangekyou Sharingan?
This isn't good.
"I'll teach you to fear my anger!" Lord Raikage said as he threw off his cloak.
"Not good!" I responded as I made the hand sign, "Release!"
…Normal POV…
The Naruto Clones had already transformed into their toad/fox-demon/human hybrid form.
"So this is Sage mode," Gaara responded.
"If he mastered this, no wonder Naruto got promoted," Kankaro responded.
"How does shadow clones help him enter sage mode?" Temari asked.
"To master sage mode, one must be able to stand perfectly still. And to retain Sage Mode while fighting they must be able to stand perfectly still and fight at the same time," Minato responded, "Normally it's impossible for someone without fusing with someone who also knows how to go into Sage Mode. But somehow when a shadow clone has dispersed after going into Sage Mode, their sage chakra is transferred to the original person, just like their memory."
Suddenly one of the clones disappeared.
"Looks like the battle has started," Kushina responded.
…Naruto's POV…
I feel bumps forming on my body, my ears grown up to a fox like point, my nails and fangs grow, and my nine tails appeared.
I open my eyes revealing my toad/fox like eyes.
I was now in Sage mode.
Just in time too. Sasuke started charging at Lord Raikage.
"Sasuke! Don't rush in alone!" the guy with the orange hair yelled.
Wait a second!
Part of his skin look like Sasuke's curse mark.
I don't have a good feeling about this.
…Normal POV…
"Hey, shouldn't we do something too?" Kankaro asked.
"I'm not doing anything! Otherwise my hip will go out," Onoki complained.
"I want to see Sasuke. They say he's the guy who killed Deidara," Kurotsuchi responded.
"Do as you like! But stay out of the Raikage's fight, or you'll get yourself killed.
"What about you Akatsuchi?" Kurotsuchi asked her teammate.
"I'd better stay here in case the Tsuchikage's hip goes out," Akatsuchi replied.
"Are you going to check on that boy?" Mai asked.
"Naruto can take care of himself," Minato responded.
"You're sure confident about it," Gaara stated, "Even though Naruto will be facing Sasuke."
"Naruto has changed since you last seen him, Gaara," Minato responded, "Although he doesn't seem like it, Naruto has matured a lot recently."
"Matured?" Temari asked.
Gaara nodded as he had a feeling that Naruto has changed.
"Also, not only Naruto mastered Sage Mode, but he mastered several new jutsus. Including another of my original jutsus," Minato responded.
"Another of yours… you don't mean the Flying Thundergod jutsu?" Onoki asked.
"Oh I definitely got to see this now," Kurotsuchi responded as she headed off.
Durui used a water style jutsu to stop Sasuke and then fuse electricity with it.
The combo hit Sasuke.
I knew that wouldn't work.
"Guys! Watch out!" I said, "Sasuke has learn techniques not even I'm aware about over the past few years."
"Right!" Durui responded.
"We need to blind Sasuke," I thought.
Shi made same hands signs and used some kind of lightning jutsu to send a bringht flash.
Lord Raikage moved in to attack.
That's not enough.
Sasuke dodge Lord Raikage.
However Lord Raikage and Durui moved in.
Durui was using a sword.
Suddenly the orange hair guy and some guy with a huge sword…
Wait a second… I know that sword!
I 'jumped' in toward the guy with that sword.
I moved in, hit the guy's hands holding the sword, grab it and jumped out of range just as Lord Raikage and Durui attack.
The orange hair guy's skin turned into armor as he blocked both attacks.
I appeared away from the guys holding Zabuza's sword.
That's right!
I'm holding Zabuza's sword.
I don't know when that guy got this swords, but I wasn't about to let it get destroyed by Lord Raikage.
"Hey! How did you get that sword? Why did you get it?" Shi asked.
"Long story on how I got this sword, but I got it because it's too important to let it get destroyed," I replied as I strapped it on my back.
Wow this thing is heavy.
Maybe I can find out about it from one of those mist ninjas.
"Hey! That blondie has my sword!" I heard one of those guys yelled.
"Shi! Check the area and see if he's got anyone else with him. I don't want them to keep popping up out of nowhere," Durui yelled.
"Hey demon-boy! Was that the Flying-Thundergod Jutsu you just use?" Lord Raikage asked.
"That's right!" I responded, "I can use other jutsus too."
"You might be some use after all," he responded.
Was he just using me to track?
…Normal POV Meeting…
"We should do something," Temari said.
"If it'll come down to it, I'll fight," Mai said.
"I'm staying here! If I go and fight, my hip will give," Onoki said.
"My Samurais will help them out if needed," Mifune explained.
"I still owe Naruto my life. If he needs help, I'm willing to help him," Gaara said.
"That's easy for you to say. You don't even know anything about running a village," Onoki responded.
"What was that?" Kankaro asked.
"Calm down Kankaro!" Temari yelled.
"You sure have changed a lot Onoki," Minato responded, "Last time I saw you, you didn't care about your health or age. You were willing to put everything on the line to make your village stronger."
"Hmph," Onoki responded.
"One of us should check on Naruto, incase 'it' gets out of hand," Kushina said.
"Right. Naruto might be able to suppress his instincts, but he still doesn't know how to control it," Minato agreed.
Gaara heard this and was concern.
"I want to see Sasuke. They say he's the guy who killed Deidara," Kurotsuchi said.
"Do as you like, but stay out of Lord Raikage's fight or else you'll get yourself killed," Onoki responded.
"What about you, Akatsuchi?" Kurotsuchi asked her 'teammate'.
"I'll stay here in case lord Tsuchikage's hip goes out," Akatsuchi replied.
…Naruto's POV…
Well, things got bad.
That guy with the orange hair, went into stage two of his curse mark.
Not only that, but his personality seemed to change to more berserk like.
Sort of like what I was told I get when my demon instincts take over.
The guy's skin seem to gain armor that broke out of his shirt.
There must be tubes too, because chakra is blowing out of his back.
I heard the other guy with Sasuke said something about killer mode.
I need to do something quick.
Lord Raikage charged at the orange hair guy.
The guy was able to turn his skin into an armor shield against Lord Raikage's punch.
The guy that had Zabuza's sword came at me.
I guess he wants the sword back.
I formed the rasengan and jabbed it into the guy.
However my rasengan went right through him.
"That won't work," he said as he went for a grab, "Now give me back that sword."
"No way!" I responded as I 'jumped' out of the range of his grab.
So he's made out of water, then Earth Style jutsus should work.
I made a series of hand signs.
"Sage Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bomb Jutsus!" I yelled.
A earth dragon form and fired balls of mud at the guy.
It hit him directly.
I turned to Lord Raikage, who had apparently jabbed the other guy into the wall.
I had this sinking feeling that guy is far from dead.
"Hey! You need help?" Durui asked.
"Yeah! Keep this guy busy for me!" I responded.
The orange hair guy's armor turned into cannons.
I have no time to form the Chakra bomb.
"Shadow Clone jutsu!" I yelled making the hand sign.
I created a shadow clone and it helped me form the Shurikan Rasengan.
Just in time too, because the cannons were about to fire.
"Lord Raikage!" I yelled.
He turned to me just as I threw the Shurikan Rasengan.
The orange hair guy fired a blast of chakra.
Lord Raikage dodge it as the Shurikan Rasengan hit the blast, causing the explosion.
My Shadow Clone used the flying thundergod jutsu to help lord Raikage.
"Shi! What's wrong?" Durui asked.
I turned and saw Shi was unconscious.
Darn it! I forgot about Sasuke's Genjutsu.
Just then I sensed someone behind me about to attack.
I 'jumped' out of there before he could attack.
I appeared behind the guy and found it was Sasuke.
"Sasuke!" I responded.
"It been a long time Naruto," Sasuke responded.
Lord Raikage use the time to attack Sasuke by grabbing him and throwing him into the ground.
The force was strong enough that the ground broke.
I turned to where the Orange hair guy was at and saw that he was now in the wall.
At least he was out of the way.
However a shiver went down my spine.
I turned to Sasuke and saw he had summons Ribs made out of chakra to protect himself.
Sasuke then summoned a skeletal hand that forced Lord Raikage away.
"I'm no here for this shenanigans," Sasuke said.
I turned to Durui who had defeated the silver hair guy with electricity.
Well, I guess that would work.
Then I turned to Sasuke and took a look of his eyes.
His Sharingan.
It was like a 6 pointed star.
Could it be the Mangekyou Sharingan?
I mean, it doesn't look like the description of Itachi's Mangekyou.
Then again, neither does Kakashi's.
His eyes started to bleed.
Black flames came right at me.
I 'jumped' out of the black flames before it could touch me.
However, it hit one of the samurais and it didn't go out.
This must be the Amaterasu.
I took out some kunais, sharpen them with wind chakra and lightning chakra and threw them.
Sasuke teleport out of the range.
I 'jumped' just as Sasuke appeared and hit him.
Sasuke was forced into ground.
Sasuke got up just as Lord Raikage use the time to attack Sasuke.
Sasuke summoned Amaterasu around his chakra skeleton.
"Don't under estimate me!" Lord Raikage yelled as he hit the flames and Sasuke.
Only thing was that Lord Raikage's arm was on fire, and now he was out to try at attack Sasuke some more, while the Amaterasu was still active.
I need to stop him.
But before I could a sand shield came out of nowhere and stopped Lord Raikage.
I turned to see Gaara Temari and Kankaro standing there.
Temari used wind style jutsu to remove the armor from the Samurai and Kankaro used Chakra strings to moved them out of the way.
"Good of you to come," I said.
"Where did you get that sword?" Kankaro asked.
"I took it from one of the guys that was with Sasuke," I replied, "It actually belonged to Zabuza."
"Why have you interfere Lord Kazekage? I have enough problems with this demon kid!" Lord Raikage yelled.
"He saved you from loosing an arm and a leg," I responded.
"Hmph," Lord Raikage responded as he use his own jutsu to remove his left arm that was still on fire.
Then he told Shi to heal his arm.
"Stop this Sasuke!" I yelled, "You don't stand a chance with all of us here, and you know it!"
"You really think you can beat me, Naruto?" Sasuke asked.
I took a deep breath.
I remember what the First Hokage told me about him being friends with the man he had to fight.
"Look's like history will repeat itself between the two of us," I responded..
"What are you talking about?" Temari asked.
"Before the leaf village was formed, two boys became friends, even though their clans were rivals. Years later, they ended up fighting each other in a life or death battle each for their own beliefs," I responded, "If Sasuke continues his path, we'll have to recreate the life and death battle of the first Hokage and Madara Uchiha."
Everyone was shock hearing it.
I guess because most of them never knew the First Hokage, and only knew about the basics knowledge of the First Hokage.
However, I met the first Hokage, and he told me about it.
Only other person who might know about it is maybe Lord Tsuchikage, if he met them, and Lady Tsunade.
Sasuke and I looked at each other.
Then Sasuke smirked.
"You have matured since our last encounter," Sasuke said, "So be it. But you'll have to survive until then."
"Same goes to you," I responded.
Everyone around me prepared to attack.
Kankaro summoned his Sasori puppet.
Temari had her fan out.
Sand was poring from Gaara's gore.
Even Durui was ready to attack.
Durui summoned laser like lightning, Temari using a wind Style jutsu, Gaara fired sand bullets, and Kankaro had his puppet fired weapons.
The combine attacks caused an explosion.
However, when the smoke cleared, a strange demon like creature made out of charka surrounded Sasuke.
"Only those who control the double mangekyou sharinging can use this power. The third power: Susano," Sasuke explained.
"Everyone! Retreat!" Shi yelled.
"Durui! Take this for me!" I yelled throwing Zabuza's Zampacto to Durui.
Durui took it as I took out a scroll and bit down on it.
There was one hope!
I released my second clone to gather more sage chakra, since I was nearly out.
Sasuke's Susano summoned a sword as I transform into my true form.
"Everyone! Get bac!" I yelled as I started to gathered all my sage chakra and normal chakra.
Everyone look at me as I formed the Sage Style Chakra Bomb and retreated.
I jumped and hit the chakra bomb with all my strength.
It hit Sasuke's Susano and created an explosion big enough that it cause the ceiling to fall.
Lord Raikage protected him and Shi by breaking through the rubble with his lightning armor.
Gaara protected the rest of us with his sand.
Sasuke must of used this time to escape, because his scent was gone.
But his two companions, plus one that been hiding, was here, unconscious.
Well, this was a disappointment.
Lord Raikage was outraged.
However, I do know I'll see Sasuke again, and when we do, we might have to fight.
Only next time, it would be a life or death battle.
I was holding back my full power on him this time, but next time, if I'm going to win, I'm going to need to use my full power.
But I can't help but shake this feeling that what I said about Madara and Lord First Hokage changed everything Sasuke might have originally thought.
Next Time: Just when I thought I could take a break, that mask guy from the Rain Village appears out of nowhere in the meeting room. Wait! He has the sharingan, and he claims to be Madara Uchiha. What on earth is going on? Whatever he has plan, it's not good. What will Madara has to say? What is the true ambition of the Akatsukis? Read to Find Out...
A/N: Naruto didn't know Juugo's and Suigetsu's name that's why I didn't have him refer them by his name. There's a reason I held back Naruto through most of the fight.
Anyways, for those who wants Naruto/Hinata pairing: STOP REQUESTING IT. If you want Naruto/Hinata pairings check out my other stories involving the Naruto series: Naruto's Different Life, Pokemon Ninja Adventures, Arashi Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. I just thought for this story, for those who prefer other pairings than what I usually do, I try something new in the pairings that I'm willing to work with.
Anyways... I'm not sure if I should have Naruto keep Zabuza's Zampacto or not. There's still the matter of the crack on Zabuza's Zampacto. I know it can regenerates after absorbing blood, but its not like Naruto is willing to kill someone with it. I might have a poll set up on the question. It would have to be temporary though.
Also the way I had Naruto fire the Sage Style Chakra Bomb is based off of something I did for Feudal Era's Nine-Tail Fox.
Fight Against Team Taka
Lastly (recently added) I'm having a poll to decide which stories I should update after I finished a Fanfiction I'm working on: The Tales of the Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus. There will be Five choices, including 'The Nine-Tail Fox's Son' and each month I would delete the choices and have a new list of stories from my list to vote from, except for the fifth choice which will be the story that got last place in the previous poll (or one of them if there's more than one). This way you guys get to help me decide which incomplete fanfiction I should work on each month.