Do I Like Her?

Natsume was in his room sitting on the study table thinking about a certain person, 'The stupid Mikan…..wait, did I just called her by her name?' he thought. He had never ever called a girl by her name before. But there's something about her that makes him happy inside. Every time he sees her talking to other guys other than her friends makes him pissed off.

Then, an image ran through his mind of a girl with brown hair tied in twin ponytails, brown eyes and a warm smile.

"She always uses that smile of hers to brighten my day. She's the only one who understands me. Ruka is an exception to that. When I'm lonely, she's always beside me. I need someone like her in my life for the empty space in my heart. She came at the right time in my life….."

He was always looking at her from afar as he sees her smile, laugh and argue with the annoying cat girl. "everytime I look at her, she always looks cute errrrr……did I just call her cute? AAAARRRGGGHHHH, my head, I'm out of my mind! I probably just need a rest……"

He got up from his seat and lay in bed. He recalled everything he thought of tonight.

Natsume Hyuuga is thinking of Mikan Sakura………

Then he came up to a conclusion…………….

"It's official, I like- no, I'm in love with Mikan, Mikan Sakura…….."

With these thoughts he drifted to sleep with a amile.