Android 18: Only Toriyama owns us – neither did Gero, nor does this miserable writer.

Chapter 4 – FAMILY

Objectively, being a martial artist himself, Krillin would understand my urge to fight and he was supportive by nature. Subjectively, he was the kindest person I had ever met, and I feel lucky he considers me as an equal being. So we got married in a private ceremony with only the Z-Fighters, their respective families and pets.

ChiChi gave me a series of recipe books, Bulma removed the chip in my head and connected the nerves back to my brain – though the earlier memories had been erased, now my thinking could include imagination and not only assessment and analysis.

I realized that Krillin's friends were now our family friends. I was no longer an opponent, but a part of the team, like Tien, Vegeta and Piccolo were.

Living at the Kame house often made me wonder who was the greater pig – Oolong, or his master. After I conceived, Roshi gave us a DVD set that none but Yamcha could tolerate watching. When our daughter was born, I convinced Krillin to name her Marron – not after that wretched woman, but as a tribute to the pure emotions he had felt.

Sometimes we went to visit the Gang. At the Lookout, Mr. Popo politely guided us, the young Guardian Dende struggled to overcome his shyness, and Piccolo often indulged in a friendly spar with Krillin. Tien and ChiaoTzu tried to socialize in their ways, and I understood not to take their exclusive nature to be rudeness. Yamcha seemed always to be swarmed by girls, but somehow managed to remain single.

Krillin said he only flirted because he realized his incapacity to love anyone other than Bulma, after losing her.

Vegeta continued to call me names like 'Toaster on Legs' and 'Dishwashing Machine', but secretly relished a thorough fight with me. Trunks, Goten and Marron sometimes played together – the former always leading, the latter creating havoc by his hyperactivity, and the last remaining a spectator. It's a miracle Gohan didn't snap under the immense pressure and workload hid mother subjected him too.

Then one day Gohan came to Kame house in a ludicrous costume and told us about the upcoming World Championship. We heard the name VIDEL quite a number of times. The others were going to participate too, and I wanted to compete for the prize money. Krillin was in a lousy shape and I decided we needed to train better.

The biggest clause, however, was Goku would come back for a day to participate!

The Big Day has come at last. The competition is the main event no doubt, but today has another significance to me. Goku is the central figure of the Z-Gang even in his absence. Now that I am a part of it, his approval means a lot to me.

Everyone was lost in a mesh of individual thoughts, mainly regarding Goku. He came with his halo on head and met Goten for the first time. Then,once in the fighters' Zone, he noticed me. Krillin, as usual, blushed explaining about us. Goku's expression at hearing about our child was priceless. I wish someone had taken a snap of his face and Piccolo hadn't burnt their camera.

That joker Hercule needs to be killed. I wont mind doing the society that good myself.

Now the Punching Machine ceremony is going on to count power levels. Coincidently, my serial number here is also 18. They have called my name. Krillin is whispering to me for the seven hundred and forty seventh time to take it lightly. Have faith in me, Krillin (dear Krillin)!

Thank you Frankokomando and Mystic SaiyaGirl for your encouragements. Don't worry, chibi dende – I am careful not to confuse between a professional android and an emotional human from a long ago era. Krillin's Lover – well the pearl is Krillin's way of expressing his feelings for 18. Remember the episode when he and Gohan found it (before Goku returned from space) and he realized him and Marron just wont work?

Handling this p.o.v. was quite a challenge for me, especially because of her emotionless ness and inexpressiveness. 18 is a gray character, of a darker shade, like Piccolo and the 'Prince-in-the-Shining-Spandex'; yet unique in her own right. I will consider my story successful if my readers find it ok.