"What are you? (tell me quick before the work catches up and sees I'm missing)"
Both of us had somewhere to be but we had been separated from our packs but one of our 'families' could live without one of us and that one isn't me.
(no, no it is the leader, the king, before me that isn't human, vampire, or werewolf but something else all together)
"Shouldn't I be asking that? Didn't you just come at me at a flash like speed or was I just dreaming that?"
Dreams? When was the time I ever had one of those?
(beside the ones that swim before my eyes and always end in a happy ending, but most of all they end)
"No your very much awake, strange boy, are you even a human? You certainly don't smell like one."
From the moment my eyes fell on him (which was so very far away) I knew he was something new, something that was beyond understanding in any species (human or other).
"I may not be human but neither or you, I can sense it all around you. (she's so very cold, it runs all the way through her) I'm a a-alien, now what are you?"
So it wasn't enough that the world was littered with vampires and werewolf's (which couldn't live in the same space let alone the same world) then God had to go and let aliens in, well at lest I have someone to share my strangeness with.
"I'm a vampire. (spiting the word out like it was full of venom)"
He didn't laugh like others would (I doubt he laughed really much in his day to day life) and say with eyes full of 'is she a loon?' the words that were repeated when it came to this 'vampires aren't real, duh.'
"You believe me (strange not-quite-a boy)?"
"Of course, why in the world would you lie about that?"
Oh, I'm starting to like this guy, this leader from another plant (not just another mother) that held out his hand in welcome to the scary, frightening creature that was me.
(sorry his welcome was nothing like the Star Trek sign, Jasper would have loved learning that. It is after all his favorite show, along with the View.)
"Greetings, alien-boy. And don't you worry I'm going to save that nickname just for you."
"Oh, joy."