Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Dancing with the Stars. They belong to their rightful owners.

Long note below, See you at the bottom.

Epilogue-One year, six months and two seasons later


March 18th 2010

Dancing with the Stars Premiere Night in two days

Hello my readers, the night have finally arrived. Well in two days away but you know what I mean.

Since my stint on the show, I've been asked specially to write a little blog for the paper on my journey and now I'm back to write for the show only on the sidelines.

Coming in second place two seasons ago had a somber feeling to it. But I'll admit I have no regrets being on the show and of course it was an experience of a lifetime. At least I didn't get in last place! I will get a chance to go to the show; well hopefully I'll be able to go since my little baby inside of me is growing fast.

I am thrilled about the new cast this season like last time. Though I may have to admit, I have heard of a few of them.

I do wish them lots of luck as they face the challenge of learning how to dance and all the sweat and tears that goes along with it. Who knows they might have a chance at the finals? Although it hard to tell right now, we'll have to wait come premiere night.

All in all, this will be a season we'll probably never forget.

So sit back readers and set your DVRs for opening night. I congratulate the dancers and celebrities for their commitment and hard work for this season.

Until next time.

I read over my article before I clicked on 'send' on my laptop. I rested my hand on my growing stomach as I yawned.

Before we go any further, let me bring you up to speed.

Ever since the show, my life has changed drastically. But only for the better, not the worse if you get what I mean.

Alice and Jasper are currently planning their wedding ever since they became engaged since Christmas Eve. They are planning a late fall wedding after I give birth and all. I guess she didn't want a maid of honor waddling down the aisle and give birth in the middle of the ceremony. That was exaggeration from Alice but my baby wasn't going to be due until the middle of August. She still is the makeup artist for Dancing and I don't think she's going to be leaving that job anytime soon.

Rose and Emmett are still happily married for nearly two years and she's still putting up with him. I think those two were meant for each other ever since high school. She is expecting her second child a few months after I give birth. She was expecting her first child while in the mist of wedding planning and didn't find out until a few days after the finale of my season. They had a girl who they named Chloe Michelle about five months after their wedding. She thought she was overwhelmed and stressed out with work and wedding planning.

My parents are still living in the house that we grew up in though my mom wants to go down to Jacksonville when Dad retires from the force. My dad isn't so sure about that.

Jacob and I keep in touch from time to time. He and Leah broke up while I was on the show and he's now with a girl he met when he went to Fort Lauderdale for a motorcycle expo named Renesmee. They did try out the long distance relationship before she moved up to Washington awhile to and are still going strong.

I retreated to my bedroom and laid down on the bed after I changed into my pajamas. I felt movement on the other side of the bed as I grabbed my book.

"Did you get your article done?"

"Yeah I just sent it to the editor" I replied, grabbing my book.

"Then you should be resting love, not reading."

"Edward I am resting, I just want to read a little bit plus the baby wants too anyways" I said.

Did I mention that Edward and I are married and expecting? Why don't I go into that story right now?

After the season was over, Edward and I dated again before we became official. I'll admit I was scared about becoming an official couple because people would speculate and there would be some rumor that I dated Edward only because he was the judge and I wanted to get better scores blah, blah, blah.

At first, there were photos of us together going around which did cause a bit of a speculation about us. Then after a month or so, we let some people know and they had a suspecting feeling it was bound to happen.

We did let out a statement saying that although I met Edward personally during the show, I had no intentions of hooking up with him to get better scores. I wasn't that type of girl and never will be. Then after awhile, the media was out of our lives.

Edward was the judge for one more season before hanging up the notepad and he is now a doctor in a pediatrician's office for a year now. He had gotten his medical degree prior to being a judge on the show and he did the judging as a temporary job back in its third season but remained on the show for three seasons.

I'm still a journalist for the Seattle Times. I occasionally do the Dancing with the Stars blog when the show is in its run. So writing for the paper for two different topics can be stressful but writing is what I love doing.

Edward and I dated for nearly six months before he got down on his knee and proposed to me one night when I got home from work. I was shocked, surprised and filled with joy when he asked me.

Alice of course helped plan the wedding and what not. Hey she does what she does best.

Looking back on this journey, it was an experience I'll definitely never forget. It taught me also that life is short and there are times when you should take risks. I never thought that doing ballroom dancing live on TV was one of them. I may have suffered bumps and bruises and not to mention a sprained ankle to get to where I was on the show, but it was worth it.

I don't mind that I was in second place. I do admit that being in first place would've been nice but I'll take second. It's better than being in last let's put it that way.

As I slowly fall asleep, I cradle my baby bump and couldn't imagine how I wounded up from being on the show. All I know is that it was very well worth it.

A/n: Here we are. 32,974 hits, 116 reviews and a bunch of alerts, we've come to the end.

I do feel sad that this is over. But I feel that this is how it should end. Keep in mind that reality shows like this and American Idol there are the popular contestants who are that good do wind up either shockingly eliminated or wound up in second or third runner ups.

I thank each and every one of you who reviewed, alerted me, and stuck by me as I went on this journey. I didn't think this story would get far. I thought I would get a few reviews and that would be it. It was you guys that kept me going and while I may have been really late in updating, I knew I still had readers who would anxiously wait for an update.

Now, my new story which I came up with a title called In Between Crime and Punishment, will make its debut sometime next week. It'll be rated M of course for language, some dark stuff and a tad possessive Edward involved. I still got to go over and make final edits before I post so keep an eye on that.

Thank you so much for your support and patience once again. You guys are the best and I hope you stick around as I continue to write which is now frequent since I'm on summer vacation and now I got new story ideas popping out left and right.

Signing out for now,