I don't know is this has been done before but I wanted to write it:


Chapter 1

Bella's POV

I could not believe this was happening to me. I fell for it. My mom is still safely in Jacksonville while I am here at my old ballet studio with James. I felt are sharp pain in my wrist and naturally I screamed, that pain was shortly lived, but a new sensation took its place. Now all I could feel was my hand burning. I barely understood what was going on. Was this what dying felt like? Then I thought if I was dying then why was my hand burning; I couldn't be in hell as far as I know I did nothing wrong to have me end up there. Then it hit me this was what it felt like to turn into a vampire. I would soon be like the Cullens. I looked over realizing my vampire family were there disposing of James except for Carlisle who was taking care of my leg which I was sure James had broke. I felt myself going unconscious but NO!!!! I didn't want to I wanted to be able to tell Edward I loved him in case something went wrong. But I knew I could not fight this. I looked towards Edward and saw him looking at me with pain in his eyes and that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

Edward's POV

Seconds ticked by since Alice told us her vision of Bella running off to save her mother, how can my Bella be that careless and not wait for us. What if I didn't make it? What if I am too slow and cannot save her. I would not think of that now if worse comes to worse I will find a way to kill myself so I do not have to live without my precious Bella. Finally I reached the ballet studio to hear a scream from inside. I rushed in seeing James over Bella I knocked him out of the way. Finally the rest of my family showed up to finish off James. I knew Bella needed my help so I turned away from James to look at her. My eyes fell to the bite mark on her wrist and my eyes looked pained; I was too slow and I knew I was too late to stop the change from happening.

Authors note: this is my very first fan fiction I would like some feed back on how you like it. Second chapter is written but I want at least 3 feedback before I post it. Thank you.--Janet