Chapter Six

At noon, Pein and Konan always met in the kitchen for lunch. Konan would arrive first and start preparing the meal, and Pein would come in soon afterwards. He then would seat himself at the table and watch her.

The meals would vary from day to day - normally they had a good amount of food stocked so hot meals were common. Konan would make noodles or stew, all home-made. However, when food was running low, they would stick with instant ramen. Even then, instant ramen wasn't a bad meal.

Today was one of those days, due to Deidara's large appetite the day before. Of course Pein knew nothing of Deidara's feast, for Konan had kept her promise not to tell him of it.

"I don't know why all of the food is nearly gone, Konan! I just don't understand…we restocked only three days ago! We shouldn't be out so soon…" Pein mused.

Konan smiled over the simmering pot of cooking ramen. "Well, the organization work up large appetites, especially in these times."

Pein nodded. "I suppose. I'll have to call Siguchi to get us restocked. Do you have any requests, Konan?"

"Some fish would be nice, I think. We haven't had that in a while. Oh! And more tea."

Pein grinned at her. "Konan dearest, you go through more boxes of tea than I think I've ever seen anyone else."

Konan laughed joyfully. "I do love my tea. It calms me."

"I'm glad." Pein said quietly, tracing pretend figures on the table.

"So," Konan murmured, stiring the ramen with a wooden spoon. "how do you think Sakura-san is faring? She didn't seem too happy this morning…"

Pein shrugged. "Put yourself in her place Konan. The poor girl must be suffering. I pity her."

"I do too. Although I hope she's able to adapt to life here - and soon. I hate to see people miserable. It makes me sad." Konan said. "But at least the others seem to take a liking to her… I know Deidara is, at least. And Sasori doesn't seem to mind her entirely neither."

"What about you, Konan? What's your opinion of her?"

"Well, she has a strong will and a tinge of stubborness to her. But she is also very sincere and cares about others - even I can see that. When I asked her if we could be friends, she agreed almost immediately, even though she knew I was Akatsuki."

"That sounds foolish."

"And perhaps it is. But she watches over herself well - she'll be okay. I just wish that -"


Konan and Pein exchanged pained glances.


Hidan, for those who are not familiar with him, is a nasty fellow. Hidan is immortal, due to the worshipping of his god, Jashin. Violent by nature, Hidan can be heard from far away, as his favorite words tend to involve curses. When meeting Hidan, a wise person would tell you to keep your head down and your lips sealed - that would be the smart thing to do. If only Deidara had known that bit of information during the time he met Hidan - it would've saved him an arm.

Hidan knocked loudly on the wall to declare his presence, but he also knocked hard which made a handful of rock fall to the floor.

He grimaced. "Oops. Oh well. It's not like this place isn't a dump anyway."

"Hidan," Pein said firmly. "where have you been all morning? You missed our meeting - that would make it the fifth time this month. I could have you killed for that."

Hidan let out a curt laugh. "As if you'd risk loosing such a valuable member."

"You're nothing that we couldn't replace, Hidan."

Hidan uttered another long and disturbing laugh. "You're bluffing."

"On the occasion," Konan voiced, turning from her pot of noodles. "he isn't. We have a new visitor here at Akatsuki. I think she would be able to take your place if she desired to - hypothetically of course."

"Oh really. And what does the little creampuff do, huh? Make a batch of cookies and give them to her enemies?" He chuckled at the joke.

"No, Sakura is a medical ninja. Along with this, both her body and mind are very strong. She would be a useful asset on the battlefield." Konan retaliated.

Hidan made a face, as if mocking their words. "Then where the hell is she? I wanna see if I can blow a hole through her. Ooh wait, that's right!" He put a hand in front of his mouth, faking surprise. "She can heal herself! Well maybe if I rip off those limbs of hers she won't be able to!"

Pein stood up, walking menacingly over to Hidan - they were of equal height.

"You try anything to destroy the peace we've worked hard to set up here," Pein uttered in a low voice, his auburn eyes glowing intently. "I assure you will have granted yourself a one way ticket out of Akatsuki. You understand?"

"You wouldn't have the guts."

"Well then. Would you like to find that out?" Pein asked, calmly. "I would have absolutely no problem doing away with you."

Instead of backing away from Pein's threat, Hidan only came closer. "You forgot one itty-bitty thing - I'm immortal. You can't send me anywhere. And like your dear Sakura, I find myself incredulously useful as well. I cannot die."

"And that may be, but I'm beginning to doubt if you're really worth the effort. Perhaps it would be better if Sakura took your place."

"That little bitch can't even compare to me." Hidan sneered with a taunting smile.

"I beg to differ…" Konan muttered under her breath.

"What did you say you little whor-"

Pein licked his lips, grabbing the front of Hidan's cloak. "How dare you speak to her, you malicious leech. She is above you-"

"Bullshit." Hidan muttered.

Pein's chakra spiked, his eyes flashing dangerously. It was a very rare instance when Pein would be angered by something. - even rarer when he would actually show it.

"Pein…" Konan said quietly, coming up behind her partner. She laid a hand on his shoulder. "He's not worth it."

"Yeah, your little girlfriend is right. I'm just not worth it - not worth anything. Right sweetheart?"

Pein slammed Hidan back into the wall. "Go back to your quarters - and stay there." He said this as he pushed Hidan into the hallway.

"You'll get what's comin' to you one day, Pein. Both you and your girlfriend - watch yourself!" Hidan said this with a laugh as he stalked back down the hallway.

Pein stood there glaring at the doorway in which Hidan had just left, breathing heavily.

"That Hidan… he puts such a bad taste in my mouth." Konan said quietly. "His arrogance is sickening."

Pein nodded his head and gritted his teeth. He looked over at her, brow furrowed in anxiety. "…Maybe I should just kick him out. We don't need people like him around here, jeopardizing our goal."

Konan nodded slightly. "But we also must think, Hidan is unique. Who else could we send into battle knowing he'll come back without dying? In the scope of things, he would never have to be replaced. However if his attitude continues to be a threat to our organization, we may have no other choice."

"…But who would take his place? Sakura? That's not proper."

"I'm not sure. But if things would come to that…"

"But she's a prisoner Konan! She can't be promoted to an actual member."

Konan bit her lip. "Perhaps you're right…but what if she proves herself worthy? What if she doesn't run away, and contributes to our goal? She very well may be even more useful than Hidan. I think we should give her a chance, at least."

"She detests us, Konan. The Akatsuki is known to be the most fearsome organization in the world. What would make her want to join us?" Pein said.

"…our goal is honorable, I think. If we just shared that with her, then maybe things would work out."

"…Perhaps. But it's still too early to reveal anything of that stature to her."

"You're right." Konan said, nodding. "But we still have to test her ability - see where her limits are. We need to make sure she is fit for things."

"I'm one step ahead of you, Konan." Pein smirked at his lover. "I wonder what her outcome will be…?"


Hidan trudged down the hallway, grumbling inaudible curses as he did so. He didn't care if Pein was the leader or not - he still despised him. Why did he join anyway? Now that he thought about it, it made no logical sense. He never had liked leaders very much. In his mind, the only one who could give him orders was Jashin.

'And that's the way it should be.' Hidan thought. 'I don't want to be led by a fool like Pein. I swear, one day I'll just kill him."

What Hidan didn't realize was that there were plenty others out there who would take his place in a heartbeat. When a ninja is exiled from their village, they can never return again. Most of these people have to scrounge for food and shelter elsewhere just to survive. Living like that would be difficult, and most would try anything just to get out of the situation. In this case, most would be overjoyed to join Akatsuki. After joining, you are given free clothing, food, and a room all to yourself. The only tradeoff is that you must do anything your leader tells you to, no matter what. This includes going on missions to gather information, snatch items…etc. However, most would consider this a great deal. Of course, not just anyone can join - only elite ninja with extraordinary skills can even be considered an entry. Even then, chances are very slim. But those who are gained entrance are treated just as well as any exile possibly could.

In that case, maybe Hidan should just accept his blessings.


After her encounter with Itachi, Sakura had spent the remainder of her morning resting. Being in a new environment is always exhausting, so she wanted nothing more to lay down and take a rest.

After waking up, she realized how hungry she was, and decided to head off to the kitchen for lunch - that is if she could find it.

Sakura paid close attention to where she was going, fearing that if she didn't she'd loose her way. She found that the washroom was actually just a little aways from her room, and Pein's office was next to that.

Sakura smiled to herself - maybe she was finally getting better at this afterall. Maybe things were going to get better!

"Hey! You there! "

Sakura perked up. Maybe things weren't looking up after all!

A man with white hair was approaching her - he was a member of Akatsuki. She could tell that much by the design on his cloak.

"What do you want?" Sakura asked steadily, stopping where she was.

"You're the new girl, right? Sakura? I've never seen you around here before."

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, that's me. Who are you?"

"Why, the most powerful ninja of them all. Hidan's the name. Don't you dare forget it." The man chuckled. "You're a pretty one, aren't cha? Why don't you come with me? I've got something to show you."

Sakura looked skeptically at the male. He seemed like the type of guy that may be misleading - there was something about that purple hue his eyes gave off…

'This is trap, that much is obvious.' Sakura thought. 'If that's the case, I can't let this guy know I'm on to him. I won't let myself be taken advantage of.'

Sakura smiled pleasantly. "Why, what would you possibly have to show me? I'm quite hungry, and I was heading over to the kitchen. Can it wait for later?"

The man shook his head. "Absolutely not, beautiful. Time is of the essence, after all. I'd like to show you right now."

Sakura sighed. "But I'm so hungry. I'm sure it won't matter if I see it later…"

The man was getting irritated by her resistance to cooperate. "No. Now." He grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to steer her down the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sakura asked. "Let go!" If she only had her chakra at it's normal level, she could shake him off easily.

"Damn! Stay still!"

The man had manage to lead her to a dead end.

"What is this? You seriously need to leave me al- !"

The man forced Sakura up against the wall and put a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't shout.

"Mmmfph?!" Sakura tried.

"So, you were trying to take my place in Akatsuki, huh?" The man pulled out a kunai out of his pocket, pushing the blade against her throat. "For the love of Jashin, nobody tries to backdoor me. You may be beautiful, but for that you deserve to die." He laughed eccentrically, lavender eyes flashing. "I have a feeling I'm going to just love this - I can see it in your eyes…so much pain." He licked his lips. "Lovely."

'I knew it. Definitely the crazy, deceiving type.' Sakura swallowed. 'But what does he mean by saying I'm trying to take his place? I had no intention of doing that. So why…?'

"Yet, somehow you're too damn gorgeous to kill off. Maybe I could spare your life…if you beg me. Immortality is quite long, you know. And lately, it seems that even Jashin can't supress my boredom. Perhaps you're the answer…? So what do you say?" He let his hand off of Sakura's mouth so she could answer.

"Well, if you insist…" Sakura let a small smile come across her lips.

Hidan grinned despite himself, releasing Sakura from the wall.

"I only have one little request though, Hidan…" Sakura said softly. He liked the way she said his name - it gave him chills.

"And what would that be?"


Sakura's fist made direct contact with Hidan's face. He held his now broken nose, glaring at the girl.

"Stop being such an asshole, you sick womanizer!"

Hidan smiled. "You're a little firecracker, aren't ya? I like that."

Sakura cocked her head to the side. "Really? I'm glad. Here, lemme give you some more!"

She lifted her foot and preceded to kick Hidan in the stomach, but he caught it. So instead, Sakura turned her body, which released her captured foot, and drove the other into his jaw. Hidan groaned in ecstasy - he really did love pain.

'That kick I just gave him was significantly weaker than usual. The stupid bracelet on my wrist is taking my chakra! I can't do this for too much longer or else I'll pass out!'

She flipped in the air, and landed several feet away. It was hard doing even something simple like that without feeling drained.

"I'm not to be underestimated, bastard." She mustered.

Hidan smirked deviously, and began pulling out a large scythe from his cloak. The scythe had three blades instead of one, and was painted crimson and silver.

"Yeah, me neither, bitch."

He ran his fingertip along the sharp blade, which caused the slightest bit of blood to run out. He held his fingertip up to Sakura so she could get a good look.

"See that? Blood." He said, eyes widening at the sound of the word. "And there's going to be a hell of a lot more if you decide to continue this skirmish. It's a win-win situation…at least in my favor."

"Win-win? What are you talking about? You actually like killing people?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Jashin commands it of me."

Sakura scoffed at the man. "Monster."

"We're all monsters in this world, sugar. It's the role of the ninja. You've killed people - what makes you any different from me?"

"I don't like it! Besides, I've saved more lives than I've destroyed. Simple as that, darling." She sneered.

Lavender clashed with emerald as the two glared at each other.

Hidan licked his lips with bloodlust. "Such a pity. Well, this is the end. May Jashin forgive you."

Hidan swung his giant scythe towards Sakura, taking very little effort to do so. Sakura instead jumped in mid-air, dodging the attack.

'He's got me cornered against the wall - this isn't a good position to be in. If I could manage to switch sides with him, I would have more of an advantage.'

Sakura waited until Hidan swung the scythe at her once more - she was trying to get her timing just right. When it was six inches away from her, she jumped upon the blade and swiftly ran up the rod. She flew off the weapon, high over Hidan's head, and landed in the open end of the hallway.

Hidan chuckled. "You gonna run away now, bitch?"

Sakura smirked. "I suppose I could - running would be the smart thing to do. But right now all I'm concerned about is teaching you a lesson! I won't lose to you, Hidan. Even though my chakra is low, I'll still beat you."

"Brave aren't we? Let's see how long that lasts…!"

Hidan flung his scythe at the girl, who dodged it with ease.

"Again with the damn scythe? I'm beginning to think you're just a one trick pony."

Hidan looked at Sakura with hidden amusement. "You really have no idea, do you?"

In a puff of clouds he was gone, causing Sakura to look around in a panic. Suddenly Hidan's voice echoed throughout the whole hallway - taunting.

"What? Can't you see me?"

"I'm over here."

"You gonna come get me?"

"Show yourself!" Sakura screeched angrily.

"I guess I was right. You're just weak."

"Who's brave now?"

"Come out bastard!" She yelled, emerald eyes anxiously searching.

"If you insist."

There was a sudden gust of wind, and then before she knew it he was right behind her.


She rapidly switched to a crouch position, and twisted a leg behind so that she could trip him. However he burst into clouds again.

Completely and utterly frustrated, she let out a gut-wrenching scream. She was so exhausted now - her predicament wasn't fair.

"What's wrong, Sa-ku-ra? Tired of these games?"

"You coward! Come face me!"

And then she was pinned to the wall once again, Hidan holding the scythe at her throat. She was so drained, both physically and mentally that she couldn't make herself move anymore.

"Let go…of me, you…monster!" Sakura tried to muster. Her words were coming out like slurs now. "If my chakra was… I could beat you…"

"I pity you. You're so weak that you can't save yourself, even when on the verge of death." Hidan said more seriously, his voice filled with bloodlust. "Let me release you of your suffering - of your weakness."

"No! I don't want…!" Sakura groaned. "…I can't!"

Suddenly she caught sense of another person there with them - their chakra gave off a huge flame. It was very familiar to her. Could it be…?


Sasori sat on the edge of his bed, grumbling quietly to himself. Currently he was holding a small, incomplete puppet in his hands. The puppet was painted a pure, glossy white and took the figure of a female. He seemed to be having quite a hard time painting the facial features - namely the eyes. He was normally very skilled at painting such things, so it was odd that he would be having trouble.

"I…must make it perfect." Sasori stated. "It must be perfect."

"Hey Sasori! I want in, yeah!" Deidara barked, punching the door open with a fist.

"Go away you incompetent fool."

"Why? You know you love my company." Deidara said teasingly. Sasori snorted. "So what are you doing in here in the dark? You're like a vampire."

Sasori looked up, glaring at the blond through half-lidded eyes. "I believe that would fall under the category of 'none of your business'."

Deidara ignored Sasori's bitter response and snatched the puppet from Sasori's hands.

"Oooh! What do we have here?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Sasori said plainly, rolling his eyes.

"A baby doll? Oh, how simply adorable."

"Take your leave. Now."

"I can see that, yeah. Are you practicing your skills as a mother?" Deidara's jolly laughter bounced off the walls in the small, dark room. "Seriously though, what is this?"

"A puppet."

"Yeah, I should have figured as much. You're always making the same old puppets, all lifeless and boring. But at least this one looks a little prettier."

"Put it down." Sasori said impatiently.

Deidara shook his head, blue orbs sparkling. "No, no. Wait a minute! Your puppets are never painted like this… the finish on this is quite remarkable, actually. The white paint is very smooth and creamy. And," He turned the puppet over in his hand. "I see you've started working on a face. Red lips…not a bad touch. It's a nice contrast to the pale skin tone. But where are the eyes? You have the lids and eyelashes… but no irises."

"I was getting around to that." Sasori stated, clearly annoyed.

"Well, excuse me for evaluating your work. I on the other hand could've done a lot better, yeah. But mine would be made out of clay and would explode soon afterwards. Now that would be a sight."

"So you're saying you would put all that work into it, just to see it get destroyed? Foolish…"

"At least my sculpture would actually do something besides sit there!" Deidara scoffed. "What's the point if it doesn't do anything? Sure it can move - but not on it's own accord." He pulled the puppet's hand up, just to see it fall back down. "It's not bad, but it'd be a hell of a lot better if it were to explode."

"Maybe the point isn't for it to explode…" Sasori said quietly.

"Ah! So then it would be a keepsake of sorts! A gift, maybe?" Deidara guessed, grinning wildly. "So who are you going to give it to? Sakura?"

"…I never said that."

"You don't have to say it for it to be true, yeah!" Deidara chuckled. "So you have the hots for Sakura then? All of these years of being alone finally caught up to you, huh? I should've figured as much…"

"Silence annoying brat-"

"- you know, I thought you would've tried to woo Konan over, had no other girl showed up. But we all know that Pein would probably kick your ass if you tried pulling that…" Deidara joked.

"Are you done yet? I need to finish my work." Sasori snapped, grabbing the puppet from Deidara's clutches.

Deidara nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess. But one more thing - how about we make this a competition? We both make Sakura a gift, and whichever one she likes the most wins."

Sasori smiled slightly. "Win what? Her heart? You can't wager her heart for her."

"Perhaps not. But how about this - whoever wins get first dibs on Sakura, meaning that they can try to woo her over all they like. And the loser can't do anything to stop it, yeah." Deidara said proudly.

Sasori couldn't help but utter a chuckle. "Since when have you had affections for Sakura?"

"She has a good head on her shoulders and isn't too bad to look at. So why not? But remember, I have a head start. She already likes me. But last time I checked, you two haven't had the best relationship. So good luck with that, yeah!"

"Fine." Sasori sighed. "Whatever will get you out of my hair."

"Prepare yourself, yeah! I'm not going to lose to you." Deidara said determinedly.

"Me neither, you fool. Me neither."

Deidara started to walk away, however stopped to look at Sasori once more. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Pein told me that we have a mission and we're to go to his office right now so he can explain the conditions. Sakura is supposed to come as well."

Sasori sat up in his chair. "Sakura? Where is she?"

"I was told that Itachi was going to go fetch her. She should be in Pein's office as we speak."

Sasori stood up, slipping on his cloak. "Let's go then. I hate waiting."

Deidara rolled his eyes, smirking. "I know that."


"Itachi? What the hell!" Hidan stated angrily. How dare Itachi interfere with this moment, with his kill!

"What do you think you're doing to that girl?" Itachi stated calmly but powerfully.

"I'm giving her what she deserves. She wants to take my place here at Akatsuki, the little bitch!" Hidan cursed.

"No…! I'm not!" Sakura shook her head with all the energy she could muster.

"Liar!" Hidan yelled, slamming her into the wall with even more force.

"Hidan, seize this. Sakura is our guest here - we must not harm her. You're making a fool of yourself." Itachi said harshly. "Set her down."

Hidan completely ignored Itachi, as he drew the blade closer to Sakura's neck.

Itachi sighed internally.

Giving the correct handsigns Itachi made two clones - one grabbed Hidan's scythe while the other pinned Hidan to the opposite wall. The real Itachi picked up Sakura, and proceeded down the hallway.

"Break his legs." He ordered the clones as he walked away. "So he can't follow."

Mere moments later, Hidan's screaming could be heard - although it seemed like he was thoroughly enjoying his legs being broken.

Itachi looked down at the girl in his arms. "How are you faring?"

Sakura nodded weakly. "I'm fine, I think. Just…tired. If my chakra wasn't restrained I would've beaten him for sure."

Itachi smiled a tiny bit for her. Even though it was a small smile, it was still genuine.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile like that. It's…nice." Sakura giggled lightly. "I know you're apart of Akatsuki and everything, but I don't think you're as bad as everyone says you are. The Itachi I've heard of is a merciless monster - but you seem nothing of the sort."

"You don't know that Sakura-san. I could very well be a merciless monster - I could just put on a kind face in front of you."

Sakura smiled. "No… I don't think so. You're not evil - I have no doubt about that. My guess is… you're a good person who bad things have happened to. Right?"

Itachi cocked his head to the side, making him look a bit like a child. "Something like that, I suppose."

Sakura closed her eyes. "I'm glad. I still want you to tell me everything one day, Itachi-san."

"I shall. But it certainly won't be today - you need rest."

"I'm okay with that. I can wait."


Wooohoo! The 6th chapter is finally done!!! :D I want to apologize, however, for how long it took. I pray that you understand - laziness is a cruel thing. From now on, chapters will be coming much, much sooner (NOT 6 months apart anymore). I expect the next to be out by next week!! ALSO, i've started a doujinshi about this story, located on my Deviantart page (I'm GetsueiHime on there as well - i believe there's a link to it on my fanfic homepage here). It's only 4 pages though, and i'm not done with it ... I plan on coming back to it after this story is finished.

Soooo... that's the plan! Sorry for the wait, and i thank all of you for reading! It means so, so much!

Love, GetsueiHime.