Angel's Of Mine
J.J.: Hello people!
Shuichi: Hello!
Yuki: …
Littlekely: This is the final chapter of 'Angel's Of Mine'.
J.J.: Yep! 'Last Feather to Fall'! I hope you enjoy it!
Yuki: Why would I enjoy it? I had to kiss Tohma. I'm still pissed about it.
J.J.: Tohma requested it. I couldn't say no to the guy.
Yuki: -vein pops-
Littlekely: J.J. does not own Gravitation.
J.J.: Nor does Littlekely.
Shuichi: Okay! We're ready to go!
J.J.: Yeah!
Yuki: You think I'm gonna leave it at that you bitch?!
J.J.: Bring it on you uke crazed asshole!
Littlekely: On to the story.
Last Feather to Fall
No, wanna sell your soul ame ni soppo mukarete mo
No, forget smile again bokura waratteitai dake
nee oikakete oikakete shiroi kaze
nee koininatte aininatte hane hirogetai
nee ii koto mo warui koto mo subete tashite
ni de watte umaku ikite toki wo koetai
toki wo koetai
"Finally! A decent rehearsal!" Fujisaki declared as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Hiro chuckled.
"Why are you in such a good mood Shuichi?" Hiro asked.
"I won't tell!" Shuichi exclaimed with hearts in his eyes. Hiro's eye caught on something red and Shuichi's neck and twitched.
"What's that on your neck Shuichi?" Hiro asked. Shuichi stopped jumping up and down and tried to hide his neck.
"I don't know what you're talking about Hiro." Shuichi said walking towards the door. Hiro's arm extended towards the door and grabbed a wailing Shuichi.
"Let go! Let go! Let go! LET GO! YUKIIIIIII!" Shuichi yelled. Hiro pinned Shuichi under him on his back and saw something under his shirt. Hiro vein popped.
"What's under your shirt Shuichi?" Hiro asked. Shuichi pulled his shirt down and then pulled it up to cover his stomach and neck. "Did you do something to have a hickey on your neck and your stomach?" Hiro asked. Fuji walked over and turned blue.
"H-Hiro?" Fuji asked.
"What?" Hiro asked in an aggravated voice.
"T-They're trailing down." Fuji fainted and Shuichi blushed. Hiro thought for a second.
Flash Back
"H-Hello?" Shuichi asked trying to form coherent sentences.
"Shuichi? What are you doing?" Hiro asked. Shuichi tried to stifle his moan but it slipped a little.
"C-Cleaning." Shuichi lied.
"You can't clean to save your life. Anyway, I probably wouldn't want to know anyway." Hiro said. "Anyway, I have some news!"
"What? Ah!" Shuichi accidentally screamed into the phone. "YUKI!" Shuichi whispered.
"Hurry up. I'm restraining myself." Yuki said.
"Please pay attention. I heard that Tohma is giving you his job." Hiro said.
"Why?" Shuichi asked.
"I don't know. He called me saying that he was going to give you a promotion to his job if you wanted it." Hiro said. "So? What are you going to do Shuichi?" He asked.
"I have an idea." Shuichi said and then screamed when Yuki licked his head of his penis.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AROUND THERE!" Hiro yelled into the phone.
End of Flash Back
Hiro's breath was caught. At that moment, K and Sakano walked into the room.
"That was wonderful performing today Shuichi!" K exclaimed.
"Um…Mr. Nakano? What are you doing to Mr. Shindou?" Sakano asked. K looked down and saw Shuichi blushing under Hiro. Before Hiro could blink, he had a magnum pressed against the side of his head.
"What do you think you are doing?" K asked. Hiro shuddered.
"I'm not doing anything! Just look at Shuichi's body!" Hiro yelled. K calmed down and looked at his body. He saw a trail of hickies down his navel and past his waist line.
"Shuichi…take off your shirt." K ordered.
"I don't wanna!" Shuichi yelled. K pressed the magnum at Shuichi now. Shuichi shuddered and removed his shirt. K admired the work, Sakano fainted, and Hiro almost punched in a wall. There were hickeys all over Shuichi's body. Some in straight lines and some in curves like a…
"Painting." K said. Yes, thank you. Yes a painting. "Turn around Shuichi." Shuichi obeyed and the hickeys were also on his back and on his neck. They started at his ear and then began to make their way down his spinal cord and behind his paints. Hiro couldn't take it and punched in the wall.
"Yuki was a little more erotic than usual." Shuichi said with a blush. K started to chuckle while Sakano regained consciousness.
"Is that why you're in a good mood then?" K asked. Shuichi smiled brightly and nodded. Sakano sighed.
"I'm just happy that Mr. Seguchi didn't leave." Sakano said.
"Yeah," K said. "I really did think that you were going to take Tohma's job…after what he did to you."
"No. Even though what he did was wrong, he did it because he loved Yuki. I couldn't punish him for that. However, YUKI IS MINE!" Shuichi yelled. K chuckled.
"How did Mr. Yuki take it when you told him that?" Hiro asked. Shuichi's face dropped.
"He said it was stupid to think that!" Shuichi whined. Hiro sighed.
"Well you are." Hiro said.
"You want to fight Hiro! We can take this outside!" Shuichi said jumping on top of Hiro.
"Get off me!" Hiro said with a blush. K sighed.
"Things will never get old, huh?" K asked.
"Not as long as Shuichi is here." Sakano said. And Mr. Seguchi.
Yuki sat in front of his computer aggravated by the blank space he saw. I should have chosen a different profession. Yuki sighed as he put out his cigarette. Yuki looked at the time and sighed again. 6:54. The brat's going to be home soon. Yuki sat in his chair and debated on what to do. Oh fuck it! I could say it at least once in my life time! Yuki walked out of his study room and plopped down on the couch with a sigh. He turned on the T.V. and pretended to watch it. Minutes later, he heard the door unlock and his heart sped up. Why am I getting so stressed out for? Shuichi walked into the living room and stood in front of Yuki.
"Get out of my way you damn brat." Yuki ordered. Shuichi pouted.
"Aww! Come on Yuki!" Shuichi complained. Yuki sighed. I can't say it. Shuichi smiled and wrapped his arms around Yuki's neck.
"Get off me." Yuki ordered. Shuichi pouted and shook his head.
"Say you love me." Shuichi said with a smile. Yuki's sweat dropped. I knew it.
"No." Yuki said.
"Why!! Yuki!! Come ON!!!" Shuichi whined.
"That's in my ear. I said it already didn't I?" Yuki asked.
"You didn't say the exact words!" Shuichi whined. Yuki sighed. He flipped Shuichi until he was under him and kissed him passionately. This always happens. I might as well just show my love. Shuichi deepened the kiss and Yuki complied. Yuki's hands trailed up Shuichi's shirt and Shuichi gasped at the contact of skin between them.