"Heyyyy~ Sheena! Long time no see…" Was how the Chosen greeted her, as he approached. A goofy grin was ever present on his face… He couldn't even remember the last time he saw her… Well… Saw in the form of 'Actually speaking to or approaching…' She passed through Meltokio quite often, and Zelos and often seen her pass by, but he was never given the opportunity to speak.. She was always so busy… That had preceded for a whole year… A year since the two had really been able to 'see' one another.

The young Ninja whirled around to face the king, not saying a word to Zelos… Making his heart sink slightly… It seemed to always be like this… 'I guess it is kinda my fault she hates me…Okay…It IS my fault she hates me…' He thought rather grimly, mentally cringing.

"You told me you couldn't find anyone to perform this mission!" Sheena stated flatly, though anger was ever present in her voice… Lying was despicable…

The king tilted his head slightly, as though an innocent child. "Did I say that…?" He muttered in a clueless way, Sheena's blood begging to boil. "Well… I guess I made a mistake… I meant to say I couldn't find anyone to accompany the Former Chosen on this Mission… Besides… This mission requires more than one person…" He explained, correcting his former error…

'The stupid King knew I would refuse if he told me before hand that I'd be stuck with Zelos…Of COURSE he left that one little detail out…'

"..But…" The King began once more, interrupting her angry thoughts. "..There is no way to get out of this… You have accepted and must perform this mission with the Chosen…" putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'with.'

Sheena took in a deep breath, as if she were ready to explode, but let it out in a small, almost inaudible sigh. "Yes your Highness…" She muttered…

She knew the king was smirking this time… Even if his overwhelming amount of facial hair covered his mouth. "Good… Good…" He said rather gladly now. "Be on your way now, and Good luck." Following his goodbye, he wafted his hand in a dismissing fashion. Stupid… Pompous…Little --. Her thoughts raged as she turned around, and walked towards the exit.

Zelos followed behind. "Sheeeena!" He called out after her.

Sheena didn't stop, and pushed her way through the large front doors, and was greeted by the unwelcoming cold. She stopped in her tracks, and crossed her arms across her torso, letting out a small involuntary shiver…

The door creaked open only a few moments afterwards, Sheena, not even bothering to turn around, knowing exactly who it was…

"Sheena… You almost forgot something…" Came the voice of the Former Chosen… His comment made her look back, seeing her maroon scarf draped across his arm, and his trench coat like jacket slung across his shoulders. He grinned at her… His signature goofy grin, and stepped forward.

"Do you wanna catch a cold out here…" He muttered, and draped the scarf across her neck, and pulling it just enough so it wasn't to tight, or to lose. "There ya go! Hopefully that'll keep you warm enough on our journey…" He muttered with a rather concerned tone…

Sheena grabbed the end of her scarf with her hand, and fiddled with it, kind of nervously, a light blush creeping across her face at their now close proximity. "Heh… Thanks…" She laughed lightly, trying to 'play off' her nervousness.

Sadly, the nearly quite moment didn't last to long, when Zelos let out a small chuckle.. "But… If it doesn't work…You could always share my jacket with me!" He eagerly suggested.

Sheena turned to glower at him. "In your dreams… You Stupid Chosen." She growled.

"Ex-Chosen!" He immediately corrected. "In my dreams…? Yes…I have seen you in my dreams before… In my mansion.. All Alone…" His attempt to continue was cut off by a slap to the face. Sheena immediately stormed off, shouting at the Chosen as she made her way away from him… Zelos merely chuckled lightly, placing his hand on the cheek with the red tattooed mark.

"It's nice to have you back… Sheena" He muttered to himself, only dazing off for a few more seconds before racing after Sheena.

"Hey~ Sheeeena! You never did said 'Hello'"


Hehe ^-^ This was a FUN chapter to write… (Probably cuz' it was mah first time actually writing as Zel~)

X3 Sorreh for any spelling or Grammar errors… I read it over, but My spelling ish horrid, and my grammer ish worst… Hopefully Microsoft caught all ze mistakes -

Warn meh if there OOC… If the scenes are awkward… I'm sorreh… I really needed to maker Sheena slap him…and Close fluff moments aren't mah thing O_O… So I wasn't able to do anything like that yet XDD Hopefully I can get over it soon…

Thanks to all those who read it =D And I'd like to say thanks to Blade Liger Knight for helping encourage meh father ^-^ THANKS ALLL~

R&R Please~ Corrective criticism much appreciated~