Hi everyone,
I'm so sorry that these haven't been updated. I'm going to read through the ones I have published here and update if I have anything that can be updated, I used to write a lot, not so much now what with cosplay making, my horse and the fact I have to work now, I barely have any free time anymore.
i know I have a new story from the Blue Exorcist fascination, and if I'm honest, most of these fics, I look at them now and wonder what I was on. Certain ones I may continue, if only because I want to actually finish a fic properly.
i thank everyone who has viewed and reviewed, I appreciate it all and hope you will follow some of my other stories I have right now. I hope my writing has improved since these ones.
once again, I'm sorry to Dissapoint anyone expecting a story update.
(formally Tanawalker)