ALMOST FINISHED! Review for the /possible/ second last chapter lovelies!

…And I quite possibly may be posting another Itachi/Deidara, don't kill me; I know I rape the pairing to death. But it'll be cute, and… cutesy!


Sasori tried hard to withhold his laughter after Deidara had explained why he was back in his old room instead of with Tobi. Deidara swear he felt a little steam come out his ears as he sat down on his bed and glared at the grinning red-head. His hair had frizzed out at the sides, still slightly damp and messy. In the early morning darkness Deidara had come back ranting about 'Madara' and all Uchiha's being insufferable assholes. Sasori had been quick to knock the blonde out and place him on his own bed.

"Does it look like this is funny un?" Sasori paced from the door to his bed with his hand over his mouth, withholding chuckles. Deidara had just gotten fucked by /Tobi/ of all people. Sasori couldn't believe it, even if Deidara was entirely uke, Tobi?

"Yes, it looks fucking hilarious Deidara. Hence the laughter." Sasori finally stopped pacing and winced as he rolled his right shoulder. Deidara continued to glare; the puppet-master deserved everything whoever had done to him. The blonde kicked his feet off the side of the bed and swung his legs back and forth. Sasori watched the exasperated bomber closely. Deidara hadn't slept for nearly long enough in the last few days, he was grumpy and frazzled. Sasori bit his bottom lip and walked over the Deidara's bed, sitting on the edge. He felt bad when Deidara instantly cringed, but ignored it and gave the younger blonde a bored look.

"You know you wouldn't have ended up in Tobi's room if Itachi hadn't attacked me Deidara." Deidara ground his teeth and sat up. Sasori was going to try to guilt him into blaming Itachi, and it wasn't going to work, even if Sasori had a point…

"What do you know un? Itachi wouldn't have known that Tobi was the one I ended up rooming with after you." Sasori chuckled and left his head fall into his hand.

"Next to Zetsu, everyone else has a roommate." Growling and tired of Sasori's teasing, Deidara jumped up from the bed and kicked the older man hard in the shin. Sasori's eyes went wide before he bent over the rubbed his throbbing leg.

"What the fuck Deidara?" The Iwa-nin was proud of himself, but hadn't put much thought into the running away portion of kicking Sasori, and soon found himself pinned roughly against the wall by the puppeteer. Sasori gritted his teeth, wishing he could tear the blonde apart right there. He had had enough of the teen's garbage and shoved one hand into his own pocket, the other holding Deidara in place. Wide blue eyes watched the unseen hand find something small in his pocket and bring it out, it was a vial filled with a purple fluid.

"You're going to poison me Danna un? I dare you." The left palm mouth on Deidara's hand chewed incessantly, seemingly unnoticed by Sasori. Grinning, the Akasuna popped the lid off of the vial and swirled it around.

"No, I'm doing both of us a favour, and getting you out of my hair until my patience comes back." And with that he grabbed Deidara's jaw and forced his mouth open, quickly dumping the small contents of the tube into his mouth. The sour taste made Deidara squirm, but with his mouth forced closed by Sasori's hand, he was forced to swallow it. The liquid warmed as it hit his stomach, making him slightly queasy. Deidara grinned a little and tried not to fall forwards into Sasori.

"Itachi's not going to be very pleased that you tried to kill me un." The red-head had finally noticed the forming clay bomb the hand mouth had tried to spit at him, so he grabbed the mouth, took the clay out and threw it into the trash bin.

"I haven't tried to kill you. It's just to make you… relax a little." Deidara felt like he was getting drunk, his hands had gone a little numb, and his head felt heavier than his feet. Not a minute after he'd swallowed the purple liquid he felt too hot and sluggish. Unable to balance himself, he tripped forwards into Sasori, his head landing on the other's chest causing the older man to smile.

"Aw Dei-chan…" He ran his fingers through the blonde hair as he supported him; Deidara made weak little moans and fidgeted endlessly. "I wish so much that we could have a little fun right now." Pushing Deidara against the wall again, Sasori looked into the azure eyes and licked his lips; the blonde had turned into complete mush in the other man's embrace now.

"One last thing…" The Akasuna couldn't help the force he used to pull the blonde close and connect their mouths. Sasori kneaded Deidara's bottom lip between his teeth softly and relished in the blush that spread across the blonde's cheeks.

"Un… Danna." Sasori narrowed his eyes and stopped the kiss. If he continued with this he would be hunted down by Itachi and killed for it. Deidara's mouth hung open slightly and his numb hands barely held on to the fabric of Sasori's shirt. With a heavy sigh, Sasori threw Deidara over his shoulder in one swift movement and opened the door to the hallway. Deidara made a quiet noise of disapproval, but couldn't fight to get back on the ground.


Itachi sulked in his room, not really understanding what to do with Deidara. He wanted the blonde, but couldn't bring himself to even imagine being with him. And with a death-wish against Madara, life in the Akatsuki might become difficult for them…

"Itachi open the fucking door, this idiot's heavy." Sasori's tired sounding voice was followed by a hurt moan that could only be coming from Deidara. Keeping his stoic facial expression, Itachi got up from his chair to open the door. A very annoyed looking puppet was carrying a very drunk-looking Deidara. Sasori pushed past Itachi and threw the blonde on the bed; Deidara quickly curled up into a ball and snuggled into the blankets. Itachi blinked twice, not fully understanding what was going on.

"Sasori what did you do to him?" The red-head scoffed and crossed his arms, insulted that he would be accused of killing Deidara. "Is he drunk?"

"No, I drugged him. Now get his mission over with so some of us can fucking leave the base. Kakuzu and Hidan haven't left their room in two days, and Zetsu's going stir crazy." He pushed past the Uchiha to slam the heavy wooden door in his face. Itachi looked from the door to the adorable blonde on his bed. Kisame hadn't been back since last night, so there wasn't going to be anyone disturbing them.

"Itachi-samaaaa un." Deidara moaned half-unconscious and very drugged. Itachi couldn't help but let a smirk find his face. He walked over to the low bed and leaned over the blonde.

"Yes Deidara-kun?" Deidara reached up and grabbed Itachi's wrist, trying to pull the older man on top of him.

"Warm un…" Staring at the twitching bomber, the Uchiha pulled his hand from Deidara's grasp and rested it on the other's arm. He really was too warm, boiling almost. Deidara whimpered and turned over so he was facing Itachi. It was almost too easy…

"Deidara…" Hearing his name, the younger man turned his head ever so slightly to look up at Itachi with that oh-so-fuckable pout on his face. That was enough for Itachi to lose it. He'd wanted Deidara forever, and here he was completely open to him with no one stopping them. Itachi leaned down and kissed the blonde hard. Deidara's eyes flew open as he tried to focus on who was kissing him. He couldn't even remember where he was anymore. Itachi slipped a cool hand up the other's shirt and caressed his chest, rubbing softly over his nipples.

Deidara pushed his head back and moaned, trying to put his thoughts in order. Itachi's touches were turning him on far worse than anyone else's had. Fisting the sheets, Deidara gasped when he felt Itachi's mouth on his neck, sucking at his pulse. Itachi growled and rolled over onto his back, pulling Deidara to sit on top of him. The blonde was incredibly turned on and just going with the motions, as soon as he was situated on top of Itachi he bent down and shoved his tongue into the other's mouth. Deidara sucked on Itachi's tongue sensually and pulled the band out of the raven hair.

The blonde moaned into Itachi's mouth and ground down on him, catching Itachi off-guard. With a wild smirk on his face, the Uchiha undid that string holding Deidara's pants up and pulled his own shirt off. Itachi felt frantic, he had wanted this for so long. Deidara groaned at the loss of Itachi's lips and panted, he was still over-heating from the drug, and couldn't feel anything except pleasure.

"Deidara… pants." The blonde stared at Itachi with slight confusion. But Itachi ignored it and pushed Deidara back onto the bed, yanking the sweat pants off and beginning to kiss down Deidara's neck, sliding the offending shirt over the other man's shoulders and licking a trail down the younger's stomach. Deidara giggled, it tickled when Itachi's tongue and teeth played with the skin just below his belly button. Deidara grabbed the raven's hair and moaned,

"Itachi… please un." The Uchiha wanted nothing more than to service his blonde, but Deidara had made him wait for this, now he was going to have some patience. He completely ignored Deidara's member as he ran his hands up Deidara's chest. Itachi moved up the blonde's body and presented him with three of his fingers.

"Suck Deidara." Still giggling, the blonde drowsily took the three fingers into his mouth and ran his moist tongue over each one coating them evenly. Itachi had to bit his lip, imagining what that tongue would feel like elsewhere…

Kicking his own pants off with ease, he took his fingers from Deidara's hot mouth and pushed the blonde to lay down. Covering him instantly, Itachi positioned his fingers near Deidara's asshole and kissed him deeply.

"Relax love." Deidara couldn't be anything but relaxed right now, he barely felt the first finger go in, and moaned with closed eyes after the second one. Itachi flexed the two fingers and curled them to find Deidara's sweet spot. The blonde arched hard off the bed and pouted at Itachi's evil smirk.

"Itachi-sama j-just do it un…" Itachi couldn't be more pleased to hear his blonde say that to him. Quickly sliding the third finger in to be sure, Itachi pulled them out and leaned over Deidara again, this time placing his own rock-hard member at his entrance.

"Do what Deidara? What do you want?" Deidara whined and grabbed Itachi's hips. The Uchiha began to slide into him, only pushing the head of his cock in. He stopped halfway and pulled mostly out, teasing the younger man below him. Deidara writhed and turned entirely red,

"Nooow un!" Itachi leaned down and bit harshly into the soft neck skin below Deidara's ear, pushing into him roughly and savouring the scream it got out of him. Deidara clung to Itachi and bucked his hips for more. Not even trying to ease him into it, Itachi started thrusting into the blonde with incredible force. Although still a little foggy, Deidara tossed his head back and begged Itachi for more, digging his nails into Itachi's back until he was sure he felt blood. The Uchiha above him groaned and pushed Deidara so he was half-sitting up against the wall behind the bed. With his long pale legs wrapped tightly around Itachi's waist, all Deidara could do was hang on as Itachi pounded him.

"Ooh fuck Itachi more un!" Deidara asked breathlessly. The raven smiled and leaned back onto the bed, letting Deidara ride him. The blonde bucked his hips back and forth and reconnected their lips in passion. Roughly biting down on Itachi's tongue, Deidara felt tightness begin to build, Itachi saw the look on his face. Reaching between them while Deidara continued to ride him, Itachi grasped the leaking cock and pumped every time Deidara slide down onto his own. The bomber felt over-loaded with sensations, and it didn't take long before he was moaning as he came all over Itachi's stomach.

With Deidara spent, Itachi had to support the blonde as he bucked faster into the tight warmth surrounding his penis. He knew he was close, and Deidara began biting and sucking at his collarbone, the still wriggling hips of the blonde driving Itachi over the edge and causing him to fill Deidara with his cum.

"Nnn, Itachiii…" Deidara ground Itachi's skin between his teeth once more before collapsing fully on top of him. Both of them breathing hard, it was difficult for Itachi to move away from the blonde, though he desperately needed a shower.

"'Tachi-sama… too dirty… shower, then sleep un." Itachi smiled and lifted Deidara off of him, catching thee soft lips in a loving kiss.

"I like your thinking."
