Authors Note: All things Twilight belong to Stephenie Meyer, the rest is just my mind playing while I work.
Love to all of you who favorited/alerted/subscribed to N&J, sitting in a three! I hope you'll enjoy this story just as much!
This is the sequel to Nessie & Jacob, sitting in a tree, you do not need to read it to follow this one, but I think you'll find yourself a bit lost about Nessie and Edward if you haven't.

Beta: Lacrema You're the best, truly. I would be lost without you.


Chapter 1


Great, just great!
Here I am, finally done with high school (for the first time, that is), and I'm being escorted to my senior prom by my father. Honestly, could this get any more embarrassing? No matter how good I look, and Alice made sure that is very good, I'll still be the girl with no date.

I understand that Jacob can't disobey a direct order from Sam. But it's not like I can tell people that my boyfriend would be here if he didn't have to go hunt down a group of newborn vampires in his wolf-form. I actually think saying that would be worse than coming alone. Both Emmett and Jasper offered to take me, but it didn't feel right, and how could I choose between them anyway? I guess I could have asked Seth, he looks enough like Jacob to fool people, but he's going to his own prom, with his current girlfriend.

"Chin up, Nessie, this will be the best night of your life!"

Alice knows I'm sobbing, and why. She's in on all my plans; she doesn't like them at all but admits that I am old enough to make my own decisions when it comes down to this.

"He said he would do his best to be there when you arrive. Is it really so bad to not go from here to there together?"

"No, but not knowing if he'll make it is. I wish you could see them."

"So do I sweetie, so do I..."

She gave me one last hug and placed one more pin in my stubborn hair, now twisted up in an elaborate knot, leaving curls to frame my face.

"You look divine."

Mom entered the room as she spoke softly. She held a jewelery box in her hands and sat down on my bed.

"I know you love that necklace but it doesn't go well with the dress and the rest of your attire. I think this would look lovely on you."

She opened the box, displaying a simple necklace. The chain was thick and almost scaled, short enough to gently caress the neck at all times. There was just one charm on it, but what a charm! It was a perfectly pure diamond, the size of a golf ball. Mom's wedding gift from the Volturi leader, Aro.

"Mom, I can't use that! It's too much, I'll just use some of the stuff you and dad've given me."

She swiftly got to her feet and was clasping it around my neck before I had time to stop her. My reflexes had slowed since I had gotten my period a little over three years ago. One more thing that set me apart from Nahuel's sisters. Both mom and Rose had been so ecstatic, I think they would have cried their eyes out if they only had any tears.

She was right, the necklace wasn't too much after all. It suited the dress so well that I realized Alice had picked it knowing about moms plan all along. Did it really matter anyway? Everyone already knew we were rich, this would only make them more envious. I was so relieved that this was the last time I would have to see any of them. Jess had decided to make my life a living hell after my sweet sixteen when I started dating Jacob and her making fun of me in the cafeteria fell flat. She didn't do much that year, until Alice graduated. Now, however, she took every chance she got to be mean and give snickering comments about Jacob, his looks, how much older he was, how he didn't even finish high school. She knew an awful lot about him. Sometimes Google really isn't my friend at all.

"Esme wanted to lend you these. They are her favorites."

Mom handed me a pair of marvelous earrings. Alice had made sure I got my ears pierced right after my big party, scolding herself for not thinking about it before.

"Thanks, Nanna. I love them and will be careful with them."

I said it quite loud, not knowing exactly where in the house she was.

"Is there more or can we leave?"

I was getting restless, I wanted to be by Jacob's side as soon as possible.

"No, I think you're done. The bracelet we'll just have to live with."

Yes, they would. As we made our way downstairs I fingered it. The only time I'd ever taken it off since Jacob gave it to me was when he'd added to its length. It made me feel like I carried an ever-so-small piece of him with me all the time, and I felt naked without it.

"Renesmee, you are truly stunning..."

Not only dad, but the rest of the family too, was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. Jasper was literally radiating off joy as he looked at me; he always relished being around me when I thought about Jacob. They had me spin, showing off the deep green dress that hugged me so tightly. Dad looked at me with sad eyes before he hugged me hard-- a little too hard, it would leave bruises in the morning.

"You grew up too quickly, where did our baby go?"

"Aw, dad, we both know I wasn't a baby for long."

"Now, that's exactly what I mean."

He held out the coat for me; it was Rosalie's favorite and I felt surrounded by love, thinking about how they all were part of my garment. The dress Alice had picked, mom's necklace, Esme's earrings, Rosalie's coat, Jacob's bracelet and the knowledge that any man, fine, male vampire, in the house would have escorted me if I had only let them.

"Your chariot awaits you, my fair lady."

Dad bowed as if he were a mere servant. It made me smile as I left the house that I loved as much as my parents' cottage. The Vanquish was the only car in the driveway.

"If you are to arrive alone, at least you should do so in style. It's not too late to ask Emmett or Jasper to join you, you know."

I reached out my hand and touched him, showing him exactly how much too late it was and had been since I had turned six, or sixteen.

"I know Jacob's the only one on your mind, sweetie, but just for show..."

He opened the door and held it as I slipped in. As he was about to close it, Alice came out of the front door at an alarming speed, holding my purse.

"Phew, I made it. We almost forgot this; that would have ruined the night!"

She winked at me as she handed it to me. Yes, without the key inside it my nightly plans would become a complete disaster.

Dad rolled his eyes and muttered something about girls and handbags, oblivious to the real meaning behind the exchange. Alice had gotten good at hiding her thoughts lately.


Arriving at City Hall, wow, how did they manage that? Every other year's had just been in the gym. It was as I feared, no Jacob waiting for me. The Vanquish made it impossible for me to sneak in unnoticed; everyone's heads turned as dad pulled to a halt and got out to get my door. The wave of gasps that went through the crowd made me smile. They had been right, Alice and Rosalie, to dress me up way too much. I felt better knowing I looked wonderful.
Jess was the first to come up to me once I was inside.

"So, where's that native boyfriend of yours? Or did they make a rule saying you need to have finished high school to come?"

She didn't manage to make me angry anymore, just sad.

"He's working. He said he'd try to make it in time."

"Oh my, is there a tree emergency down on the rez?"

In the official version Jacob worked as a woodsman for the rangers and took some extra shifts at a car repair shop. I didn't bother to answer her question; she needed no more fuel for her fire. When I spotted some of the people usually sitting at my lunch table, I went and stood by them, keeping a close eye on the entrance.


AN: So, what do you think of this first chapter of sequelness? Was it worth the wait? Please do not expect the same insane uploading rate as I had on the first part (once a day...), this one is harder, I want to be careful with where I take them, and I also want both myself and Lacrema to be satisfied before I upload.