I'm trying to work out quite how to word this and failing miserably.
In truth the only reason I stuck with the whole fanfiction thing for so long was because of the amazing reviews I got on this particular story.
I don't know why the reviews I received were so kind. Reading back now, my grammar was terrible, my sentence structure was abysmal and the punctuation was awful.
The warped ramblings of a thirteen year old British girl, making up weird scenarios in her head and sharing ideas with her few friends that understood FF in a Science class – it seems so weird that this thing I thought of has over a thousand reviews and God knows how many hits.
I remember telling me PE teacher how well this whole thing did, and she was amazed.
Okay, so I failed science that year because all my motivation was centred on writing, but now I'm getting more or less straight A*'s in English, which is the American equivalent of A+.

I guess I'm trying to say that I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I had never stumbled upon this site and decided to write something that I thought mildly funny.
I want to write for a living. I know that. I don't think I'd be so sure of that if it wasn't for all your reviews and sticking with this.
I don't want to leave this story unfinished. Even if I don't remember what connection I had with the Twilight series, this story is the one that I can't bear to leave hanging.
So, I had an idea.
This thing needs a conclusion - an ending.
So I wanted to offer you guys a chance to write the ending, because I don't have the inspiration to do it, and don't feel I could do it justice.
Please send me a last, final chapter to round this off nicely.

Message me or send me the document, whichever.
I want to leave it up to the readers to decide the ending.

In the meantime, I'm going to go through and edit every part of this and make corrections.

Now though, I want to credit the four best friends I could have ever made through something as risky and vague as the internet.
Amber, Laura, Rosie and Tara.
These guys and I had such an instant connection, and I can say with a certain degree of pride that we're all still in touch.
It's given that Tara being Australian and time zones make it hard to talk as often as we'd like, but thanks to Twitter and mobile messenger services, it makes it a lot easier.
As for the others, we've been quite a few concerts together and talk a lot.
I know half of them won't even read this. Maybe Amber will, because I told her about this.
I guess we all lost that connection with Twilight as it was ruined for us.
You really have them to thank for me updating as often as I did. Good God, they used to nag me!

I just want to say I'm sorry for leaving this so long, and I know you'll all probably hate me.
I swore to myself that when I started this, I wouldn't be one of those people writing those annoying author's notes saying how they couldn't write Twilight fanfiction anymore.
Yet here I am.
I genuinely am sorry.
I want to thank you all for sticking with this. I'll be shocked if the original readers of this even have any interest left.

So thank you for boosting a thirteen year old's confidence.
Three years later, I have made some of the best friends ever and have a rough idea of what career I want to follow.
Maybe I'll write something else for a different genre. I'd like to think I will.

Yeah so…. Please do send in some documents for the last chapter. It'd mean a lot to finally be able to round this all off.

Sarah x x x