A\N: A while back Baby Kitty pointed out that even though I really love her writing, I have yet to write a TommyZedd pairing of my own. Me being me, this is the result: an extremely complicated story with only a guess at coherency and plenty of TommyZedd. Thanks to Rene for betaing it!
I don't like these dreams.
They float into my mind every so often, side effects of my gem. Trini, in one of these dreams, told me that all Yellows have this ability, to understand others, to let our minds and theirs spill together. The dreams aren't happy, though. They're nightmares.
Now the dreams lead me to another planet.
I look around. This is the farthest I've ever astral traveled, even in dreams. I know it's another planet because the star feels...different, somehow. Even in midday, I know it's another star. I know, somehow, that it's just slightly older.
I hate this intuition.
I look around. I'm on top of a grassy hill. A young couple is laying under a tree, kissing and flirting. Lovely. I roll my eyes and see the city. Might as well walk there. I'm not going to see anything here, am I?
The city is beautiful. It looks like something from a movie, with cobblestone streets and an open-air market, but it's cleaner and prettier. Real, too--this feels real, as real as anything else. A few people glance at me, smiling. I frown. How can they see me? No one's ever seen me before.
Everyone looks beautiful, I realize. Elven. This is so weird. Ethan would have a field day. Maybe I can find that one guy he's always harping on about, Elrond? Elrod? Whatever. The Lord of the Rings guy.
"Ah, nasonin." A man says, bowing to me. "Lese, que es kin jakin? Kin le kalin nin es a te atrea..."
I frown. "Excuse me?" I ask, wondering if he's speaking Japanese. Yep, Eth would have a field day.
Then I hear a rumble. People start screaming, and I look up. A fleet of warships is shooting into the atmosphere, glowing cherry-red as they fly down and shooting lasers. One of the beams of light hits a tower top, and it crumbles to the ground. Suddenly overwhelming panic hits me, and I sink to my knees, clutching my head.
Oh, god. It hurts. Hurts so much. Why does it hurt? Where the hell am I? What's going on?
Blue-skinned people march through the city, wearing some kind of plastic-looking black armor. They shove the elves aside, shooting some and taking others away. I see a child torn from the hands of her mother, both screaming their heads off.
I reach for my morpher, but it's not here. In the dreams I'm not Yellow Ranger, I'm just Kira. I hate these dreams! I run to the chaos, but the blue-skinned people just walk through me.
I hear marching and see an army of elves, each one wearing gleaming silver armor, heading for the blue-skinned people. I watch helplessly as they fall, one after another.
"WHERE IS YOUR PRINCE?" One of the blue-skinned yells, from the top of some kind of temple.
"I'm right here, Zordon!"
I see a teenaged elf, in battle armor, with a drawn sword. His hair is raven and pulled into a strange braided ponytail, and his deep amthyst eyes flash with anger. "Let my people go, or I'll deprive yours of a leader!"
"You've taken that from yours, why not mine?" Zordon demands angrily. Zordon? No way. That can't be the guy who created the Power Rangers. He'd never do something like this. "You can't win, Zedd! Come peacefully, and no one else will get hurt."
Zedd laughs. Oh my sweet God, that's Zedd. The guy Dr. O fought when he was a kid. This is...okay, you know what, this goes into the list of dreams I am never, ever thinking about again, because this is something I really don't understand at all. Trini, I hate you so freaking much right now.
"No matter what I do," He says, "My people will pay. So I will take weregild from you, Eltarian!" Weregild? Isn't that...oh, right, blood money. Ethan said that when Conner threatened to kill his annoying little chiuaua. Sometimes Ethan just geeks out because he can, I swear.
Zordon leaps at Zedd, and the two have the kind of battle I thought only existed in freaking Hollywood. Lasers flying everywhere, fancy swordwork, the whole thing. Finally Zedd wins, his sword at Zordon's throat.
"Release my people. NOW!" The last word is spoken with the same commanding air Dr. O uses when he's trying to get Conner to do something in battle, only times ten. It's impressive. The elves duck for cover. I guess they've seen their prince ticked off before. I sure wouldn't want to get in his way.
"Kill me, and my Rangers will kill you." Zordon says with a smile.
Five people step out, each one in a Power Ranger uniform. The Red Ranger speaks in a strange tong, but Zedd laughs bitterly when he finishes speaking.
"My brother? You take my brother as one of your soldiers? And here my family thought you'd simply murdered him." Zedd shuts his eyes, obviously in pain. "Zordon, I will dance on your ashes and scatter them to the winds for this."
The Red Ranger steps forward, says something along the lines of, "No, you won't," and slips his sword under Zedd's, knocking it away from his leader. Zedd stares at his brother in horror, then says something so gentle and loving I feel a pang.
The Red Ranger speaks slowly and darkly in English. "I will always serve my master, brother." Then he slices at Zedd.
Zedd screams, blood flowing from his shoulder. I don't move--much as I want to help him, I don't even know whose side I should be on. Zordon's, or Zedd's?
Zordon gets to his feet, saying, "You see how I can turn anything against you, Zedd? Even your own blood! Your father must be so ashamed of you."
He moves a little closer, still staying far out of range of Zedd's sword. "The death of your world will be on your head."
The blue-skinned people vanish, and I step forward. Maybe I can help. I can't believe this. I mean, how could any Ranger hurt someone like that?
Bright red light washes over everything. People scream. I shut my eyes, trying to protect them.
When I open my eyes, I see wasteland.
I leap upright, and for a second, I think I'm still on that planet. Then I see the walls of my room and shudder. Oh my god. Oh my god. What was that?
A hand touches my forehead. I spin and see a monster, skinless, with metal and plastic tubes winding around his body. I can't scream, I'm too scared.
"Shh, little one." The monster says. "Sleep."
I feel myself sinking into darkness and welcome it.
Here, the dead can't scream.
I see the next-door neighbor as she weeps and begs the police not to take her husband from her. I see a child sitting listlessly on a sidewalk, battered and hopeless. I see Conner practically begging his parents for love, Ethan nearly sobbing as he tries to explain why he can't be the good son anymore. I see Dr. O crying to himself over someone he loved, someone he never talks about.