Minna-san!! ::pumps fist in air::

Ok, so I actually put some planning into this one, so it won't be a flop!! XD But as per the title, it has a lot to do with music creating the atmosphere. While I do dislike songfics, a couple times you'll run into a song that would REALLY be beneficial for your...ehm...experience. Sure. :D



.Prelude. (Comptine D'Un Autre: L'Apres Midi)

I wish I couldn't remember life before him.

But I can, and they aren't good memories. Actually, it's more like one big memory, a bunch of days melded together with no knowledge of time. I didn't know how old I was, let alone the month or day.

It was always the buzz of fluorescent lights that occupied my brain. Everything there was so…clean and white. Too clean. Too white. My white garment was so out of place on my grimy body. I only understood later why I was only allowed to bathe once a month, to conserve water.

After all, why waste it on undesirables like me?

I gave up hope of being adopted soon after I arrived. Girls got adopted more often than boys, I had guessed. Plus, I was weird, with yellow hair and blue eyes. The people that walked by gave me funny looks. And I was getting old, not cute enough to advertise. I had this griping feeling that they were going to confiscate me somehow, that I would be tossed somewhere to rot and die like the nothing I was.

But I was sure wherever I was taken after death would be better than this.

I wondered about my past several times, about my parents. I could never remember. Nothing. The days melded into one constant, bleached existence.

And then it happened.

There was no warning. They just unlocked my cell, and I jolted awake at the clanking it made. They grabbed my upper arms, rendering me helpless, and dragged me out of the cell, my home.

Pitiful eyes watched me as I was dragged down the hallway, still in a sleepy daze. I remember trying to rub my eyes, but every time I would try to move, their grip tightened.

Once they took me out a wrong door, my stomach began to lurch. What was happening to me?? Where were they taking me?? I was starting to get dizzy with fear.

I must've seemed like a rabid animal, thrashing about violently, kicking, and shrieking visceral, terrible, inhuman cries.

Suddenly I was being thrown forcefully from the iron grasp. All I knew was pain. Pain, pain, pain. There was warmth trickling down my face and neck, I was so dizzy, and my vision was quickly blurring into black.

The last thing I heard was a voice, urgent and panicked, yet deep and musical.

Then black.


I woke up to warm sheets, and the sound of something new and lovely drifting through the air.

From that point on, my life would be filled with the sound of music.

It's a prologue, of course it's short.

I want to get a fair bit of this cranked out by the holidays, so updates will be kind of rapid fire for a bit. ;D

Please review, I haven't been active in a while, and feedback is awesome!!