Disclaimer: No matter how much I wanted to own Mai HiME, the lack of money hinders it and even if I have the money to own the series…Sunrise has beaten me to it!

Summary: It's hard to be poor, to owe someone gratitude…but sometimes it has its advantage. SHIZNAT (Yes my dear readers, another Shiznat story from me and that's because I'm bored updating my previous stories so I'll try my luck on another Shiznat that has nothing to do with any of my previous ones.)

Rated M and you know why. Shoujo-ai pairing (So not a fan of Sapphic-themed story? Get out and don't read my stories as I won't be writing any hetero story!). Alternate Universe. Unedited.

Lucky Suki One

I was born 'on' a broken gurney at the middle of the street. My mother was stupid to kick hard on the ambulance's door while she was in labor and that caused the door to open. The driver got sidetracked by the sudden ruckus inside the ambulance and his attention to the road faltered while he was going 130 kph, not because you're driving an ambulance means that every driver and trucks on the road will stop or swerve to not hit you…not when it was the ambulance that hits them.

So there…the ambulance toppled to its side releasing the gurney with my mother strapped on it, her belly enlarged with me inside and trying to get out to the middle of the street, the friction breaking the said equipment and in one ear piercing howl…I was born.

And my mother died of blood loss

The two paramedics, the ambulance driver and the doctor in-charge all died from the accident. They arrived at the hospital DOA

I was left alone for the first time.


From the hospital I was then taken from one orphanage to another, from one foster home to another and they all saw me as a menace…no an omen. They all say that I'm the bearer of bad luck. My first foster family lost their only income generating store after adopting 2 year old me; they took me to an orphanage near them. At 6, I was adopted again, stayed in that second foster home for 6 days until my adopting father met an accident and lose one limb, they once again brought me to another orphanage. The third foster family adopted me at age 9 and their house burned the night I arrived at their house.

So after the third adoption, they brought me back to the orphanage and then they got the impression of me having a string of bad luck hanging on my back…well after tracing my history, I already knew that no one will want me.

So I run away from the orphanage and lived on my own, on the street and became a hustler, a thief and soon a gambler.

What a stupid thing to do…gamble when you don't even have any money. So here I am, hungry, sleepless and I owe Takeda a great amount of money.


"So what do you want me for?" The blue haired street smart woman asked the man behind the pristine desk

Takeda Masashi looked at the green orbs of the woman in front of him, "You owe me how much?" he asked smiling. He then rested his back on his chair and crossed his leg on the ankle

"A lot…"

"I want to hear you say the exact amount Natsuki." The raven haired man said

"Three hundred thousand." Natsuki grumbled but Takeda smiled after hearing it

The business man shook his head, "I really have no idea why I keep on playing games with you Natsuki when I know that you have no money." Takeda said. He stopped when his assistant, Yuuichi Tate whispered something in his ears. He smiled and looked at the scowling, dirty woman again, "Oh yeah…you have an infinite strings of bad luck that's why I keep on playing with you." He said and then the two men started laughing

There was no response despite the two men know that the woman in front of them could actually hurt them. She was on their turf anyways and there's nothing the greasy woman could do about it.

"So what? You want to get me on your bed and fuck me so I can pay?" Natsuki asked sternly

Takeda's eyes grew wide and then he burst out laughing, "And what? Bring your bad luck on me and my company? You got to be fucking kidding me Kuga!" he said then laughed out loud once again, he was clutching his side from laughing hard

"Then why am I here?" Natsuki asked

Natsuki waited for the two to calm down, she was getting frustrated and she wanted to strangle the two to death, but her evil thought was interrupted when her nose detected the smell of food. She turned her head to the now opened door and her mouth watered at the sight of food

"Okay…Kuga, I know you're hungry so I sent food here, so help yourself." Takeda said making a gesture to his butler to leave the food cart at the center, beside the standing woman.

Natsuki doesn't need to be told twice so she helped herself with the food. She attacked the food with vengeance, stuffing her mouth with the foods until she can't chew it anymore; she grabbed the glass of water when she felt a choke coming.

"Easy Natsuki, the food will not go anywhere!" Takeda said


After swallowing the now churned food, she wiped her mouth with her arm and looked at Takeda, "So why are you nice to me when I owe you that much money?" she asked

Takeda and Tate grinned evilly at her

"Simple Kuga," it was Tate who was given the job to explain, "Takeda-san here is collecting your debt."

The greasy woman scowled, "And you know that I don't have the money yet? The banks and houses are tight recently so I don't have any money to pay you and you know…gambling doesn't give me money…"

Tate shook his head, "We are not talking about money here Kuga, besides, there's no money that got out from Takeda-san's pocket, you owe him and he is collecting."

Kuga stopped eating, "If you don't want to fuck me, then what will you collect?"

Takeda and Tate grinned


The wide door to the office opened revealing a chestnut haired woman elegantly wearing a white and purple Yukata. She strode inside the office with grace borne from years of practice. Her crimson orbs were smiling as they focused on the man behind the desk.

"Oniichan." She called and bowed her head to the man sitting on the presidential chair, "Aoi-chan told me that you wanted to see me?"

The handsome man looked up and returned his sister's smile, "Yes." He replied and motioned for his second sister to sit at the chair in front of him, "I did asked Aoi-chan to tell you to come here."

The beautiful woman sat at the said chair and her smile widened, "And what does my nii-chan wants from poor old me?"


"Ara…my brother is kind' a stiffed lately and I am quite nervous as to why he'll suddenly want me here in his office."

Silence as the two siblings gazed at each other's eyes

Reito rested his back on his chair. Reito Kanzaki, Shizuru Fujino and Mikoto Minagi are all siblings; they have one mother but three different fathers though. Reito was 7 when his father Rad Kanzaki died; his mother married a businessman, Shinichi Fujino begetting Shizuru. When the princess was around 5, Mr. Fujino met an accident that cost his life and a year after, Ayame married again to Takuya Minagi and begets Mikoto. Last year, Takuya Minagi died of heart attack while he was still under a very naked 'young woman' who the siblings suspected was Mikoto's father's mistress.

"Okay…" the raven haired man nodded, "I'll be straight Ru-chan, I need you to be my escort next month for my competition." He said flatly

Shizuru smiled, "You mean that 'gambling' competition?" she asked

Reito smiled and nodded his head, "You know how this is important to me." He said, "Besides, if luck is on our side and I get to the finals, I not only will have the chance to win money, but I'll have the chance to beat that good for nothing Takeda, and then I'll…"

"…strip him off of all his money until he come crying on my feet!" Shizuru finished for her brother

"Ru-chan?" Reito glared at his sister

"Why don't you just hire someone to kill him or frame him up?" Shizuru asked

"Because my sister…where's the fun in that? Besides, that's too unmanly to do." Reito reasoned


The chestnut haired woman smiled and nodded, "But why me? Can't you take Fumi-nee-chan with you? Besides she's your girlfriend!" Shizuru said

Reito sighed, "She hates gambling and she doesn't want to see me gamble. It's not nice to play when someone's sulking beside you."

Shizuru nodded, "You got a point." She eyed her brother, "Alright I'll be your escort then."

Reito stood up and suddenly pulled the woman to him and hugged her, "Ookini Shizuru!" he said

Shizuru pushed him away and looked at her brother knowingly, "Aoi-chan is getting married with Chie-chan you know that right?" Shizuru asked and her brother nodded in agreement, "Then you know that I need another personal servant…"

Reito smiled, "I'll take care of it!"

"And that she'll be tagging along wherever I go?" the crimson orb princess asked with a grin

Reito's eyes widened, "Even to the event?" he paled when Shizuru nodded


"Okay…I'll just have to get someone with a good background plus someone who will not bring me any bad luck!" he said

Shizuru smiled, "Is that all nii-chan?" she asked and Reito nodded then motioned for her that she could leave. The woman bowed her head once again before leaving the office, leaving a now problematic Reito Kanzaki.


"Why the hell are you here Kuga? Didn't I tell you that I don't give freebies?" The red headed hair cutter yelled at the blue haired woman who entered her shop

Natsuki grinned and waved a wad of bills in front of the other woman's face, "Who said I'm here for freebies Nao?"

The red head smiled and her head followed the smell of money, "Where the hell did you get that?"

They both looked at each other's green eyes, "I got a job."

Nao's brow rose up, "Really?" she asked in a disbelieving tone

"Yeah…and that's thanks to my bad luck!" She said happily

"Oh…and the bad luck becomes a good luck because?" Nao asked

"They're paying me for that bad luck! So that's good luck!" she said then sitting on one of Nao's dirty barber's chair

"Hey! Don't sit there you'll be leaving a bad luck mark there!"

"OI!" Natsuki shouted, "I told you I am paid for that!" Natsuki said indignantly then rested her back on the chair, "So you have to make me look like a woman!"

Nao's eyes widened, "I might worship money Kuga, but there is no way I could make a woman out of you!" Nao said grinning

Natsuki threw a brush on Nao when the meaning behind the jabbed dawned on her, "Oi! I have no intention of having sex with you!" Natsuki said and frowned when Nao laughed at her. "Are you going to make me look like a decent woman or should I go to another parlor for…"

"It'll cost you!" Nao said

Natsuki grinned, "I told you I'm paid to be the 'bad luck girl' and I can afford it!"

Nao smiled, "Okay…" she said stepping closer to the blue haired woman and taking the wad of money in her hands, "So we'll start by giving you a bath…your highness!" Nao said before putting the money inside her bra and pulling Natsuki off her dirty barber's chair…well the only barber's chair in the shop anyways.

The red head brought Natsuki to the second floor where her room was located and pushed the woman inside her small bathroom-restroom, "What kind of job wants bad luck anyways?" Nao asked

Natsuki smiled, "Well…you need tons of bad luck when you want your opponent to lose right?"

Nao looked at Natsuki and when the meaning crossed her mind, she smiled, "Well…what a scrupulous master you have then!" the red head said

Natsuki grinned, "Birds of the same feather flocks together I bet!"

Nao laughed softly, "Okay! You will tell me all about it or I will not be pulled in the middle of this!"

Natsuki frowned, "Who says about pulling you into this?"

The red head grinned, "Me." She said before pushing the woman under the cold shower and shutting the door, "MAKE SURE TO CLEAN UP WELL NATSUKI!"

