Well this isn't my longest chapter, I'd have more gumption to write if you would review y'know... But Special thanks to ShadowRose18 and Caitalyna for your constant (and loved) reviews. The weekend... Finally. Sorry if this chapter is a bit vague or unclear in some spots, the main reason for this chapter is a the very end, so the other parts are just small details. Again... Probably in the sequel type story to this there will be a flashback that explains and develops this chapter more! I LOVES YOU ALL!

Disclaimer: *DOWN WITH DISCLAIMERS!!!* Don't own this stuff... But you guys already knew that, I own the plot and the cafe, the cafe is mine!

Three months past in a bliss of emotions and outings with friends. Emma's head rest on a pillow, her blue eyes drifting over her bare ceiling. She had often told her aunt that she would hang bookcases on the ceiling, if only the books would stay up there. Her blonde hair was loosed and spread around her face like a sun's rays. The words of books seemed to whisper to her from stacks of books that were placed around the room. She suddenly heard a familiar tinkling of bells from downstairs and she bolted upright.

"Emma!" The warm voice of Julia Ingledew floated up the stairs.

"Coming! Be right down!" So far, so good. Usually Emma wasn't the one to go behind someone's back, but she was positive that her aunt didn't want going out with anyone yet, not again, and perhaps not ever. In fact her aunt had made it very clear that she was to wait for Charlie to return. But it was clear to everyone else that it was over and done for. She hurried downstairs where Olivia stood, leaning against the wall, tapping rapid letters out onto a cellphone screen. "Livvie, you ready?"

"Oh!" Olivia looked up and smiled in surprise. "Hey Em, I'm ready, lets go." She leaned away from the wall, smiling her knowing smile. She tucked the cellphone away into her pocket and was reaching for her wrist when Julia appeared again.

"Emma, you look nice. Where are you two going?" Julia commented as she took in the long, floaty, yellow, sleeveless shirt and white leggings with silver flats.

"Just the movies..." Emma murmured, "Just felt like wearing this..." She reached for a denim jacket that hung on a hook. "We'll be back in like three hours?"

"Um-hm. Yes... I guess so..." Julia sighed, and smiled wanly, "See you then." She fluttered her hand in a 'good-bye' gesture and flitted back to the back of the bookshop.

Nervously Olivia tugged her outside and hissed, "That was TOO close!" Her eyes were wide, "I don't know If we can continue doing this..."

"Liv!" Emma protested, her mouth forming a small 'o'.

Olivia pressed a cool hand to her mouth. "No, It's fine for now, let's just get you to Tanc."

Emma immediately giggled and raced after her friend who was skipping along at full speed towards the end of the street...


Tancred was barely moving faster than a shuffle, every few minutes Lysander cast him a frustrated glance, but Tancred didn't pick up his speed.

"What is up with you!" Lysander growled, now thoroughly annoyed. His eyes darted this way and that.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Tancred muttered and picked up his pace to a normal gait.

Now Lysander sped after him, no questions asked. He stopped when Tancred stopped and turned to look at the place that Tancred had chosen, "This looks nice." His gaze traveled over the small cafe with the picturesque park/garden to the side, large windows faced out, their cute shutters pushed aside to reveal the setting sun.

Tancred nodded, glancing at his cellphone for the time. "She should be here any-" Tancred whirled around suddenly at a tap on his shoulder, his eyes hopeful.

As soon as he turned around Emma wrapped Tancred up in a soft hug. She almost shivered when his arms slipped around her waist and barely squeezed her back.

As they parted they glanced over to where their friends had been standing, Olivia giggled girlishly and was backing away, "See you later, Em..." she said before turned and sprinting back down the street, something extremely odd for one such as Olivia, orange-streaked hair, black jeans and rainbow splashed with silver sequins tank over a white t-shirt.

Lysander cast them a smiled and wheeled around, zipping his coat up as a wind picked up and waved as he bolted back towards the height, "Homework! Later!"

The remaining two backed away from each other, a bit and gazed at each other slowly. "Do you want to go inside?" Tancred murmured, finally breaking the awkward silence.

Emma nodded taking his hand, standing on tiptoes she kissed his cheek and then pulled back tugging him along.

Tancred smiled, and opened the door for her to pass through, neither of them said anything, both knowing that the other was thinking about that fateful night so long ago...


Within minutes they were seated, an awkward silence rode over them, but excused as they scanned the menus placed before them. They ordered and they talked, they laughed so hard that Emma was almost crying, her stomach ached from the laughter. They finished eating and had slipped outside, walking loops around the park, talking about anything they could think of. Night stars began to burst from their hiding places and dance over their heads as the two slowly made their way back towards the bookshop. They were just around the corner as they started saying their good-byes, not even looking up as they crossed the empty square. Emma finally glanced up and stopped dead in her tracks.

Tancred was jerked to a halt, "Emma what is..." Parked in front of the bookshop was a mud-splattered van, bits of white poking out from beneath the mud and dust. "No..."

Emma could only nod numbly, she reached up and kissed Tancred again and wrapped her arms around him, "I should go. I'll call you... Alright?"

Tancred nodded hugging her back, "Alright." He then stepped away and sank back into the shadows, leaving Emma to watch him go.

Emma shuddered without his warm presence beside her, but slowly made her way up the few steps, opened the door to find only her aunt's reading light on in the back room, muffled voices came from within. She walked toward it nervously and pushed her way through the curtain.

A boy sat in a small cleared off area of the couch, his eyes were dropping, bags seemed to sag beneath them. His clothes a bit disheveled, overall looking a bit more than haggard. Emma could hardly tell it was him, but he got up off the couch, limbs full of weariness and wrapped his arms around her. Emma stiffened and pulled away, "Charlie?!"

*collective gasp* CHARLIE!?! NO!!!

Me: YES! Not that I like him very much, but he is back to rue the day! (Surprisingly I hardly ever watch TV...)

SOO... What did you guys think? If you liked it tell me, if you didn't... Err... Well... Tell me anyway!


-xx, Winter :)