Summary: What would you do if you woke up in the shoes of Sookie Stackhouse?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Southern Vampires. Sole copyright belongs to the genius that is Charlaine Harris. I just want to live in her world for a little while.
A/N: This is my first attempt at a fan fiction EVER! I had this idea rolling around in my head and I had never seen anything like it so I thought I would give it a try. Please tell me what you think and if you guys think you would read more chapters. Be critical but me nice to I am new at this. I also know the writing is a little shody but I wanted to get this out of my head and into the world before I exlpoded. I hope you enjoy and if you don't just let me know either way. Thanks :)
My name is Elizabeth Jones and I am addicted to the Sookie Stackhouse Series. I can't help it. After book one I was hooked. It's mostly due to the eerie way my life and Sookie's are freakishly similar. Minus the whole vampires and shape shifters walk among us thing our back stories are pretty much the same. My parents both died in a horrible act of nature like hers, I to have a womanizing dog of a brother who does underneath it all really care about me, I think, and I am a simple bar maid. But it doesn't stop there. I too have long blond hair, am gifted in the looks department if I do say so myself, and was blessed in the bust area. I can also relate to the feeling of not belonging. For some reason, for my entire life, I have felt like I am not where I belong. Like I'm not living the life I was suppose to live. I don't have psychic powers that cause others around me to make me feel like a freak but I understand the emotion of feeling like an outsider. So, I live vicarious through little Miss Stackhouse and escape to a world where being different is seen as a gift and not a curse. Hot vampires and wicked good plot lines don't hurt either.
It had been a particularly horrible night at Murphy's Bar, I'd gotten my butt pinched, twice, so I decided to do what I normally would on a day such as this. Go back to my lovely and solitary apartment, make myself a cup of tea, and read some Sookie Stackhouse fan fiction online, or so would have been my plan but alas no one had updated and added another chapter. This really was not my day. So, option two it is, rereading one of Charlaine's (I figured she wouldn't mind if we were on first name basis now) masterpieces. I picked Dead Until Dark and settled in. I was about half way through the first few chapters when I suddenly felt very distant and tired. Then everything went black.
"I think she's coming to." Are you talking about me? I thought to myself as I suddenly realized the surface I was laying on was not as soft as my couch. And how did people get into my apartment. Okay don't panic Liz try to open your eyes and see if the voices are familiar.
"Did you manage to track who did this in my bar." Okay not familiar male voice but he sounds like he has a slight accent he's trying really hard to hide. I really need to try to open my eyes.
"Sorry oh great one but they were gone over an hour before we got here." Wow. Use sarcasm much? Female voice got it. If I could just open my eyes.
Success, all I can see are two pale faces standing over me slowly coming into focus. Why do they look so familiar? The male is tall, has long blond hair almost the same color as mine, and is wearing a black fitted shirt. I know he's still blurry but I can tell he is gorgeous and that the goth thing is really working for him. The female is petite but looks strong and dressed sort of like a soccer mom. If they are a couple then they really have different styles in clothing.
"Lover, you had us worried for a moment there." The male said in a voice the sounded like silk being wrapped around me.
"I wasn't, I knew she wasn't damaged that badly." There was that sarcasm the strange women had again. Did she practice it in front of a mirror or was born with that gift?
Suddenly, like a tidal wave it hit me. "I know you." I managed to squeak out finding that I had not gotten my voice fully back from where ever it had gone.
"Intimately." Said that silky voice with a devilish smirk.
"Your Eric" I managed to point at the beautiful gorgeous Viking I had come to know and love "and your Pam."
"Congratulations. Do you want a prize?" Pam responded in the witty way I love about her character.
Eric sent Pam a glare that I assumed was the universal signal to get out or else. As she sulked out of the room Eric came and sat down next to me on the couch not for one second taking his eyes off of me. Was I dreaming? I must be dreaming because it couldn't be real. I suppose that's what you get when you read your favorite novel before you go to bed. If Eric was sitting next to me on the couch and had sent Pam away then … oh … this dream was about to get very good. Suddenly, but slower then I knew he could have, vampire speed and all, he took my hands into his and gazed into my eyes. Oh, here it comes.
"Sookie, you've been attacked by what we assume was the Fellowship of The Sun and since it was at my establishment I would like to know why and by whom exactly."
What? This is my dream and Eric is worried about his bar and not about my well being or about getting me into bed with him? Typical Eric but hey this was my dream. I got up to leave but right before I reached the door he managed to grab my wrist, and hard too.
"Ouch that hurt. What do you think you're doing?" I noticed two things at this point. One, my voice had come back in full force and two that I had one angry vampire staring me down. The funny thing was, I felt that he was angry and frustrated with a little dash of concern. Was this the blood bond? Man, I must really have a detailed and overactive imagination to be dreaming all of this.
"We were not finished speaking Sookie." Eric said in a voice that I am assuming is suppose to sound menacing but since it is only a dream what did I care. And this was my dream. Why did I have to be Sookie? Why not play myself.
"My name's not Sookie. It's Elizabeth thank you very much. Now let me go so I can find Bill. Maybe he will play nice in this dream world of mine."
"Sookie what is the meaning of this?" He barked about fangs down and a little more of his accent coming through. I felt confusion and anger coming across the bond loud and clear. I must have really hit a cord with the whole Bill comment but hey my dream right.
I was about to get all malicious and tell him how he really didn't exist anyways so to just get over it but I had a feeling like someone was tugging me back somewhere and then it started to get dark. I started to feel like I was falling and I think I heard someone calling out for Sookie but then everything just went blank.
When I finally opened my eyes after which seemed like an eternity I found myself in my own living room, on my own couch. "What a crazy realistic dream" I said to myself as I looked around to see where my book had managed to fall too. After a considerable search in the blanket I had been using I saw the book on the floor. I went down to reach for it and then froze. On my wrist was a bruise. And it was shaped like someone's hand.