Hi everyone!!~ This is my first fan fiction... hope you all like it!

Hope you will like the theme. Also, my mother tongue is not English, so please understand if I am not writing too well.

And I rewrote this chapter. So if you guys have the time you can read it again if you have already read the original one.

Disclaimer: I don't own KKM! I'm just a mere fan of KKM!~ Enjoy!~


Yuuri stood on a lone cliff, far away from the battlefield. Safe from all attacks, but still able to monitor the situation of the war. The war that was not expected. This war against soushu.

Brave soldiers of shin makoku charged towards the deadly soushu warriors. They were undefeatable. Nothing seemed to stop the warriors of soushu, soldiers of shin makoku were defeated one after another. No attacks worked. They were just killed mercilessly, one after another.

Yuuri's head hung low, biting his lips and grasping his fist in anger and distress. "why, why won'y any attacks work? What is the purpose of my men fighting out there when we know there is not chance they can win? Why do they have to die? If only I had suppressed soushu earlier, then there wouldn't even be this war! It is all my fault!"

Conrad, who was ordered to stay by yuuri's side in case of any ambushes, comforted the miserable king, "heika, they are soldiers, they were trained to fight and protect you and this country. They die honorably on the battlefield."

No reply was heard from yuuri. It was obvious that he did not accept this sort of an answer. Yuuri stayed silent, but Conrad could see the determination that filled yuuri's eyes. Yuuri walked away from Ao's side and walked to the furthest part of the cliff.

"I will not allow anymore of my dear people to die!" shouted yuuri as he raised his head suddenly.

Conrad knew that yuuri was up to no good. Conrad immediately went up to stop him,but he was just a second too late.

A burst of aqua blue maryoku bursted out from yuuri and he was in maou mode. His hair grew and his eyes narrowed. He announced once more, "no one shall die anymore. I shall crush soushu."

Raging maryoku raced to wherever enemies were, slashing them to instant death. Shin makoku soon had the upper hand. Yuuri used all four elements: water, fire, earth, wind. Water dragons appeared, fire lions leaped across the battlefields, the earth cracked and tornados swirled.

Conrad had a hard time standing firm behind the maou. He had to stop yuuri, or else, yuuri would die of maryoku depletion. He raised his voice over all the attacks, "Heika! Please stop now! You have done enough! Our men can finish the rest! Please stop!"

The sudden strong attacks of majutsu caught the attention of all that were on the battlefield. Yuuri's loyal subjects knew specifically that it was yuri who was doing all the majutsu.

The three, ran towards their king, all intending to warn the maou to stop his rash attacks. They walked together against the strong wind towards yuuri.

"Even if Yuuri Heika has more maryoku than normal people, using all the four elements at the same time at such a large mass is too much!" Günter said to the other two worriedly.

"Yuuri! Stop it! You will die! YUURI!" yelled Wolfram to his fiancé who obviously has blocked out the whole world to concentrate on using maryoku.

Yuuri saw that the warriors of soushu had very much decreased in numbers, yuuri was very pleased. Knowing that if he continues to use majutsu against them, soushu would be gone in no time. It was then that yuuri felt a sharp pain in his chest. It were as if a thousand swords were pricking him from inside. It became very hard for yuuri to breathe, the air felt thick and hot. Yuuri's legs gave him away and yuuri was soon kneeling on the ground.

His hearing failed him. He could faintly hear people shouting, 'yuuri', 'heika' in the background. But all did not matter to yuuri anymore. He just wanted to defeat soushu.

Yuuri's physical condition continued to go downhill but his majutsu stood firm and did not back down a bit.

8000 … 5000 … 2000 ... 500 … 100. The enemies were down to a hundred only. Yuuri gasped greedily for air, but he still did not feel right. His vision became blurry, he could harly keep his eyes open, but he still continued.

heh, so it is almost cleaned up. I am sure when I am done I'll get a huge lecture from the four of them. Oh well, at least all the Shin Makoku is going to be free Soushu's evil grasp and everyone can live in peace.

Yuuri gave a last push to his majutsu and the last of the warriors of soushu were seen. Shin makoku had won the war. There was peace once more. The blue aura around yuuri disappeared in a second and yuuri's body fell right to the ground at the same moment.

Yuuri's four most loyal subjects rushed to the motionless king's side. Conrad took yuuri into his arms, shaking him slightly, while yelling franticly, "yuuri, yuuri! Wake up!"

There was no response at all. Gunter took his king's wrist, hoping for a pulse, but gunter remained still with the most shocked face. Seeing that, they all understood.

It was cruel, but it was true, that their young maou was dead.


Hope you all liked this chapter!

And I hope this it would interest you to continue to read this fanfic!

Thanks a lot!