Okay, so I was reading fanfiction, and I found this one and I thought that it was a great idea of how to start but I didn't like the way it was written. So I rewrote it. Sorry to the author of the last one. I forgot to check what your name was.


"Who is it? Jacob give me the phone!" I demanded.

"You don't want to talk to him, trust me" I could see a little muscle twitching in the side of Jacob's face, which led me to believe that he was calling. But it couldn't be him…

"Give me the goddamn phone Jacob!" a slight hint of the desperation I was feeling colored my voice. I reached up for the phone Jacob was now holding above my head, just out of reach. The muscle was edging on exploding now.

"it's just Carlise. Stupid bloodsucker" I expected the venom in his voice, but it still hurt.

I jumped, and just barely managed to grab the phone out of his hand, hitting my left elbow on his head and falling sideways into the table by the door.

"OW!" I yelped, holding my right elbow which had made contact with a rather sharp little picture frame with a picture of Renee in it.

"Bella? Bella are you okay?!" the phone hardly did his voice's perfection justice, but it was most definitely Edward. Edward worried. About me. I almost fell over again.

"Edward?" I managed to get out, holding the phone in such a death grip it would have broken to pieces had I been a little stronger.

"No, this is Carlise, are you all right Bella?" the voice in the phone was an exact copy of Carlise's voice. But now I knew it was an imitation. He wasn't getting away this time. I had to talk to him. Even hearing him say he hated me would be better than nothing.

"Edward, stop it. I know it's you. Just please don't hang up. I don't care what you say, just don't leave me again!" I found my free arm wrapped around my chest, trying to hold the pieces together as usual, but this time I couldn't feel the pain yet. I was numb. Jacob automatically reached for my shoulder to comfort me, but recoiled when he heard the voice on the phone again.

"I told you, Edward isn't here. Now what did you do to yourself this time Bella?" the voice was Carlise's. Completely, but the words were Edwards. They were too close to an exact copy of what Carlise always said, A line delivered by a skilled actor. Just like at the hospital all those months ago. Edward didn't want to talk to me.

"GODDAMN IT EDWARD! I KNOW IT'S YOU!" I screeched at the phone, Edward was right there and hell if he wouldn't talk to me.

"Be- Bella, I'm not Edward." The tone of the voice was still Carlise's, except for when it broke on my name. I could recognize the pain. It was my pain. The pain Edward wasn't supposed to be feeling. He had left, he had said he didn't want me. He couldn't want me. Could he?

"Please Edward." I don't know if it was my pleading tone, or if he could somehow tell my chest was edging on turning back into shreds in my hands, but he took in a shaky breath and said

"Fine. You caught me. I forgot how easily you always seem to see through the pretenses. Are you still there Bella?" his musical voice, better than I remembered it, flowed out of the phone. His voice as careful, he seemed nervous. Jacob with his great hearing seemed to be able to hear him just fine, and was shaking, the edges of his form beginning to blur.

I needed to move. To get away before he- but then the voice was back "Bella?" and I was lost in it again. I pulled the phone closer to my ear, and breathed out "Edward?" and pinched my arm. Just to be sure.

My reaction to Edward's voice seemed to do it for Jacob. Suddenly there was a large black wolf growling at me in my living room, and shreds of his clothes everywhere. I barely recognized Jacob in this creature's eyes. There was so much anger and pain, and they both seemed to be focused on the phone. Which I was standing in dangerous proximity to.

If I planned on living much longer, I needed to get away from the phone. If I planned on staying sane much longer I needed to talk to Edward. My unreasonable need to prove to myself that the vampire who didn't love me anymore really did exist won out. I said the only thing I could think of right then-"Please don't go Edward, don't leave me alone again"

"Bella? What's going on? First I get a call from Rosalie telling me you're dead, then this Jacob picks up the phone, then I find out you're still alive, now-" His voice twisted with some emotion I couldn't place over Jacob's name. Jacob heard all of this, with his super human hearing.

The wolf's huge front paw swept forward, cutting into the flesh of my right hand, but somehow not knocking the phone out of it. I could tell that he had severed a few muscles. He must be trying to control himself enough that he probably wouldn't kill me. But I'd probably end up looking like Emily.

"Bella? What the hell was that? Even through this crappy cell I could hear that! What did you do, fall out a window? Bella?" Edwards voice went up an octave on my name. I heard the words, but they didn't register in my brain as having any meaning. My survival instincts had kicked in enough that I was focused almost completely on not being shredded by the wolf in front of me.

The wolf lunged for the phone again, I braced myself for the pain, knowing he'd probably take my whole hand off this time, when suddenly Jacob hit the wall. Hard. And Alice was standing in front of me in a protective crouch. She must have heard him faze, and known what was happening, from outside.

I immediately relaxed, Alice would never let him touch me. I looked down at my mangled hand, still clutching the phone and shifted it into my good hand to answer Edwards questioning 'Bella?"'s which were mixed in with a few choice swear words.

"Edward? It's okay. I'll be fine. Please don't go. I love you. I don't care if you don't love me anymore, I will always love you!" I said desperately into the receiver, while eyeing Alice and Jacob. Neither of them had moved, Jacob seemed to realize he couldn't win this fight, but wasn't willing to give me up.

"What happened Bella? Just now? Then you can tell me later about why Alice thought you were dead." I caught a hint of scolding in the end of his sentence, he seemed to be in a much better mood now that he knew I was alive. Free from the guilt I suppose.

"Oh, it wasn't so bad. I hoped Jacob would never do this but, well, let me start from the beginning. So you remember the were wolves right?" I heard an intake of breathe on Edwards end of the line. Obviously he did. "Well, my friend Jacob Black kind of, well turned into one a few weeks ago. And he just lost control of his temper when he found out it was you calling." I tried to down play the whole thing. I didn't want to talk about my most recent near-death experience. I wanted to hear him talk. About anything. He could talk about Nuclear Physics for all I care, I just wanted to hear his voice.

"There is a were-wolf in your living room?" Edward swore colorfully. "Is Alice there?"

"Yeah, she's in front of me. Jacob took a hunk out of my hand and Alice heard it so she came back. I'm fine now."

"He hurt you?" his voice trembled with what I could only call rage. He must really not like were-wolves to care so much that they had injured a person. I mean, I was just like any other person to him now.

"tell Alice not to kill him just yet. I coming." I yelled aloud at that, and jumped away from the phone. Then my common sense caught up with me and I automatically reached for the phone again with my injured hand. Well that was painful. I tried again, this time I reached with my good hand and bent over the get the phone, promptly hitting my head on the same table I had hit my elbows on earlier. This wasn't my day coordination wise.

I picked up the phone, but Edward had already hung up. My chest threatened to rupture again, but I reminded myself that he said he was coming here. I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment, because I couldn't wait to see him, no matter what it did to me afterwards.

Now to deal with the present. Jacob and Alice were at a standstill in my rather destroyed living room. This was going to be a fun night.