Shift into Zeo Final Chapter

A/N: It's been a fun ride these past few days reliving some of my favorite moments and characters.

The Rangers slayers had shed their robotic forms revealing their true form, Insect Dark Celestial beings. The ascension ceremony was performed in time to spare their lives from the Zeo/Turbo team up. Their power magnified exponentially, their debut came with much disruption to the eco system of the planet. Dark Specter and Zordon both powerful entities in their own rights, felt the shift in power. Dark Specter was unsure if he wanted the dark powers to destroy his enemy in this form. Once the rangers and Zordon were eliminated, he was the next obvious choice. He could not send his warriors to stop the powers, he would not only insinuate a battle but an unorthodox alliance would emerge.

"Let's not waste any time." Tommy said looking over at TJ. The turbo ranger's leader nods his head .

"Zeo Cannon!" Tommy summoned. The five Zeo rangers took their position as the mega weapon materialize in their hands. "Loading Zeo cells!" Tommy adds, the five rangers place their respective Zeo cells in the blaster tray. Once load the weapon buzzed with Zeo energy.

"Gold Power Staff!" Jason yells, his weapon appeared in a gold flash. He twirl the weapon a few times before taking aim at the five insect warriors. His weapon emitted a golden aura slowing consuming his body. Jason had felt this power before when he summoned the pyramid shield at the bridge.

"Turbine Laser!" TJ yelled, from the power chamber the black and red weapon zip through the air.

"Turbo R.A.M auto fire mode!" Carlos said, following behind the turbine laser on the weapon skid beside the five turbo teens . The laser landed in the rangers hand ready to fire.

"Power ruby energize!" Phantom said, the power jewel discharged crimson sparks .

Separate the weapons had been enough to defeat Mondo's and Divatox's followers but, today the weapons' blasts combined in one silver energy wave. Time crawled along watching the attack fly towards the dark powers.

"The rangers have provided much amusement in their attacks." Scropix laughed.

"Its useless" Mantix added, the five warriors extended their hands catching the wave. Flicking their wrist the attack finds new target in the rangers.

"Scramble!" TJ yelled the two teams jumped out the way of the returned attack. The force from the explosion scatters the rangers across the area.

The Dark powers landed, the ground smoking from the attack. The rangers' painful groans filled the air.

Scropix walked over to the fallen Turbo rangers, his tail hovering over his head. "Rangers let me introduce you to my true power." Scropix said. The tip of his tail release a green fume. Typically ranger helmets filter the air but, the fumes manage to fill their lungs.

"What's going on, I feel weird" coughed Justin. All five turbo ranger's helmet lights turn black. The rangers stand up taking an aggressive stance.

"Turbo rangers your enemy are the Zeo rangers." Scropix said. The rangers stood up responding to their new master.

"The Zeo rangers are our enemy" Cassie and Justin said in unison both reaching for their auto blaster.

The Zeo rangers struggle to regain their balance, unaware of treachery unfolding. "The Zeo rangers are our enemy" Ashley and Carlos chanted.

"What did they say?" Tanya asked.

"Not sure but, does anyone find it the weird they are not attacking the ranger slayer…er dark powers or whatever they're called." Rocky answered.

"More concerned with the dark powers not attack right now." Tommy said.

"The Zeo rangers are our enemy…auto blasters!" TJ said joining the other four turbo rangers.

"Yeah that doesn't sound good." Rocky said, he watched the group shoot his team in the chest with their blasters. The ground absorbs the sparks erupting from their chest.

"Finish them! Scropix yells" The rangers advance on the Zeo ranger, turbo swords in hand.

"Make sure they destroy one another. " Hornix instructs, "Time to drop in on our friend." he adds. Hornix leaves the battle flying toward the power chamber, revealed behind the mountain thanks to their power flux.

Eltar Power Chamber

"Zordon what do we do? The rangers are fighting one another?" Alpha asked.

Before the sage is could answer Hornix drops from the ceiling. "Do…There is nothing that you can do. It's over tin can. My revenge is nigh, I will finally kill you." Hornix said.

Alpha presses a few buttons activating the security defense system. Around the way a series of circular panels open revealing turrets. Hornix laughed , "Silly robot your rangers couldn't stop me. What makes you think toy guns stand a chance." he added sending several stingers into the barrel of turrets. The wall mounted weapons exploded.

"Now where was I…ah yes…killing Zordon!"

Eltar Mountains

Tommy dodges the first two swipes of TJ's sword, he circles around the ranger trying not to engage in battle. "TJ snap out of it" Tommy pleas. TJ brings the sword down Tommy's left shoulder, the Zeo ranger palms the blade. Tommy lifts the blade away from his shoulder; TJ manages to slide the blade from him quickly slashing the ranger's midsection. Tommy stumbles backwards.

In the background the other Turbo rangers attacked their predecessors. Carlos forces the air out of Adam's lung with a gut punch. Adam kneels over, holding his stomach. Cassie spin slashes Kat a few time dropping the ranger. Justin elbow drops Rocky, both rangers fell into a crater. Tanya tries to back flip to avoid Ashley's attack but, the turbo ranger accelerates her speed to deliver a devastating strike rendering her opponent motionless.

Tommy back tosses a rock knocking TJ's sword from his hand. TJ summons his navigator in defender mode, Tommy runs from blast but the homing blast spirals around colliding into his chest. Tommy sails into a cave within the mountain.

TJ regroups with his team mates, Adam pulls himself out of the crater. "There is no other choice. Zeo blaster!" he calls for the team weapon.
"Adam don't!" Tanya yell, her plea falls on deaf ears. Adam fires the weapon at the Turbo rangers.

The blast rips through the air knocking the rangers on their backs. "You killed them!" Kat screamed.

"Heroes don't die that easily" Phantom ranger said walking pass the Zeo rangers. Phantom ranger touch his ruby then placed his hands over the Turbo teens. Their body are cast in red glow, their head lights return to normal.

"Unnnh!" Carlos sighed rubbing the back of his head. The other rangers woke in a similar fashion.

"Are you guys alright?" Rocky skeptically asked.

"I think a I need a minute to process what happen." Justin answered.

"That's all the time we need to end you." Centix said walking up to the group. The zeo rangers stood before the Turbo rangers taking a protective stance.

"Really?" scoffed Antix, his antennas fired a few electric bolts at the zeo rangers. Their bodies convulse in pain. Mantix rush through the rangers cutting the Zeo rangers with his claws. The Turbo rangers tried to lift their bodies off the ground but, they were still weak from the Zeo blaster.

Phantom ranger locked grips with Centix, he used his power ruby to hold off the former slayer. "You think you are stronger than me?" Centix ask bending the Phantom ranger back. Several sharp pains sprang around Phantom's lumbar region. The power ruby flashed, blinding Centix. Phantom ranger back summersault kick the creature.

Tommy was thrown at the feet of the Zeo rangers by Scropix. "I grow tired of this." Scropix commented. The other dark powers joined their brother's side. Together the four of them fired an energy wave demorphing the Zeo rangers.

"Our powers!" Tanya yelled.

Rocky touched his body in disbelief. "Stay on your toes." Rocky said helping up his leader. Scropix's rose in the air the tip of the tail a sharp talon. He thrusts his tail at the depowered red ranger. "Now you die" he yells.

TJ jumps in front of Tommy shielding him from the tail. "TJ what are you doing?" Tommy asked. Scropix's tail pierces the ranger's body. His body is ripped in two much to everyone's surprise there is no blood, no guts only wires and oil.

"What trickery is this?" Scropix yells. The Zeo rangers look at the Turbo rangers for answers. The rangers look amongst themselves hoping someone will explain.

"Where's TJ?" Ashley asked.

Eltar Power Chamber

Hornix fires a concussive blast towards Zordon's warp tube. Hornix's smile fades when his blast ricochets back. "A shield Zordon? You can do better" Hornix sneers.

"He has me." Jason said holding up his staff. The shield around Zordon dissipates. The gold ranger charges Hornix, both fighters zip around the room trading punches and kicks. Jason swings his staff, Hornix ducks to the inside of Jason's body rising with a left uppercut. Jason falls on to a console, his weight causes sparks to fly. He slides off the console joining the fight once again. "Your fighting technique is impressive but, you don't have the power to stop me." Hornix said sending several stingers the rangers way.
Jason swats some of the stingers away from his body with his staff. A few stingers manage to poke the ranger's leg. Jason feels the sensation leave his right leg, determine not to give up; Jason drags his leg forward. "I admire your persistence." Hornix said.

Jason's attacks are not effective against Hornix's speed. His strength divided between dragging his leg and the weight of his punches. Jason's disadvantage played into Hornix's strategy against the ranger. Hornix bobbed and weaved around Jason's attack countering with fiercer attacks. One attack send the ranger spinning into a glass case, housing his former dino suit.

Hornix conjures a green energy orb in his right hand. The orb is hurled at the ranger. A silver axe trimmed in red slices the orb in two pieces. The left half of the orb lands near a console destroying it, the other half lands near a glass case housing the power blaster. The mega weapon from Jason's tenure lands on the chamber's floor separating into their individual pieces. Jason looks at his power sword, a smile creeps along his face.

"Red ranger I left you back with the others." Hornix said puzzled by the ranger's arrival.

Eltar Mountain

"Zordon insult us. He sends his robot rangers once again to battle us ." Centix yells angered at the discovery of the fake ranger.

"Zordon hides behind his warriors. He empowers others to give up their lives for him. Yet, Zordon would never make such a sacrifice." Scropix said flicking off pieces of robotic ranger.

"You know nothing of Zordon. You can not begin to comprehend who he is. The ideologies he protects, lives saved." Kat screamed.

"Unless you oppose him, then you are considered a threat. You are hunted by his warriors, then imprisoned for fighting back. Zordon sees only his way as law. You planet is filled with changing regimes. No one stands to stop Monarchies when others want a republic. With the powers Zordon has granted you, does he ever instruct you to advance your world? Or are you only allowed to carry out cosmic justice." Mantix said.

"Cosmic justice?" Justin said confusion in his voice.

"Yes, on your planet is it customary to killed those who oppose with advance technology. How many time colossal vehicles are use to kill someone?" Centix asked.

"Only on Earth does the name Power Rangers mean hope. Across the universe the mere mention of you creates fear and panic. Zordon's executioners is the more affectionate name given based on your actions." Antix added.

"Shut your mouth, we are the guardians of the Earth, protectors of good regardless of the geographic location." Rocky roared.

"My dear do you think your weapons and powers place your opponents in a deep slumber?" Scropix laughed, he continues, "Blood is on your hands."

"Our hands? You've killed a dozen people back on Earth at the bridge, not to mention you drained the Eltarains of their life to gain your new forms." Carlos interjects.

"Guys lets not continue in this exchange." Tommy instructs. He nods at the other Zeo rangers producing his two piece morpher calling out, "It's Morphin Time!". The five teens were engulf in their respective colors once again donning their ranger suits.

"You evoke no more sympathy from me. Call me a murderer or an executioner. I have been given a task to stop evil at all cost." Tommy said snapping into a battle pose, Carlos and the other rangers joined their side.

"Think you stand a chance do ya?" Antix ask. His three brothers took their battle stances. "Attack!" he orders. The rangers summon their side arm swords charge at the dark powers. Swords swing in various directions intending to strike their targets but, the dark powers dodge the attacks countering with their own. Quickly as the battle began it was over, the rangers stumbling over one another.

The four dark powers circled the rangers, their arms held up in the air. A green mystical circle formed underneath their feet. The circle was filled various symbols unknown to the rangers. The symbols slowly move within the circle similar to the hands on a clock. The circle's light intensified. Adam walked forward but, a force prevented his advance. He lifted his had to the edge of the circle, his hand rested on an invisible barrier. Tommy and Justin noticing Adam's action punch and kick at the barrier. The wall absorb their impacts.

"Rangers it is no use. This is dark magic. You'll tire yourselves before scratching the barrier" Phantom ranger said touching the wall with his hand.

"Dark magic, can you read the symbols?" Cassie ask moving closer to her crush. He pauses for a moment searching for the words that would not alarm her but, he was aware of the reality. "I'm afraid it is a death seal." he answers. Her hands rise to her face in disbelief.

Justin kneels studying the symbols as they turn, "It's counting down." he comments.

"Good reasoning Turbo blue. Less than an Earth minute before it activates." Phantom ranger said moving to the center of the circle. "Rangers hold on to one another combine our powers will shield us briefly." Phantom ranger instructs.

" Long enough for TJ's phase three plan to come true?" Ashley asked looking at the Phantom ranger.

"Sorry for the deception rangers but, TJ needed time unlock the power of the Axe. The robotic red turbo ranger was salvageable from his battle with ranger slayers. Thanks to Justin he repaired for combat. Jason role was to go after Hornix in case we were unsuccessful, given TJ more time with the Axe." Phantom ranger said.

"Glad we were kept in the loop" Tommy said annoyed at the plan.

"Tommy, I'm sure TJ, Jason and Phantom ranger did not want to worry us." Kat calmly said, she rubbed Tommy's back. Since Kat replaced Kimberly as the Pink ranger she had known Tommy to devise plans and lead the team. She felt his tension in not playing a major role with any of the plans. Everything rested on TJ and Jason.

Outside the circle four golden energy orbs descend from the sky, the orbs crash around the circle disrupting the spell. Four more orbs smack into the dark powers, golden electricity filled their body. The insect creatures howl in pain. Taking advantage of their weaken state the rangers fired their blasters on the four dark powers.

Hornix's body land before Tommy and Kat. Kat notice one of his wings had been chopped off. There were noticeable cuts over his body. "Ouch!" she commented.

Two streaks of light materialize in front of the rangers revealing the Red Turbo Ranger and the Gold Zeo Ranger. "TJ!" Ashley screams running up to him wrapping her arms around him.

"You ok?" he asked. She nods her head. "Good, set back I have to finish this" he states. She looses her embrace from the Red ranger stepping back as he wished.
Hornix slowly rises to his feet glancing at his missing wing. His one wing buzzes indicating his anger. His evil gaze returns to both the Gold and Red rangers. Jason and TJ both wrap their hands around the axe lifting into the air. Red and Gold flames emerge from the ground , the fire crawls along the ground. Both rangers are consumed by the flames, with in the flames the two rangers strike dragon stances. The flames crystallize shattering from their bodies. Their suits metallic in their respective colors, their suits accented with golden flames.

"Gold Ranger!" Jason yells.

"Red Ranger!" TJ yells.

"Flare Mode!" their voices fill the air.

Centix, Scropix, Mantix, and Antix took to Hornix's side. "Kill them!" Hornix ordered. The four dark powers advance on the two rangers.

Jason leapt towards Centix, a small hole created from where the ranger stood. Jason setups his fighting combination with a back fist followed by a jab then front kicking the Centipede creature in the stomach. Centix bends over grabbing his stomach from the impact of the kick. Jason grabs his head, driving his right knee into his face. Centix falls back. Antix jumps over his brother firing two blast from his antennas. Jason jumps open performing an inside crescent kick. Antix body skids across the mountain terrain. Jason lands summoning a fire ball in his hands, he shoots the ball burning the two dark powers. The bodies turn to ash blowing in the wind.

TJ jumps up slicing Scropix's tail, the tail wiggles on the ground showing the last sign of life. In similar action Mantix's claws fall to the ground. Both creatures howl in pain looking at their lose limbs. TJ pivots on his right foot circle slashing both dark powers, they fall back in an explosion.

"Rangers let give them a hand." Tommy commands.

Ashley and Rocky slide slashes Hornix's side with their power weapons. Adam charges his hatchets with the spirit of Taurus chopping at Hornix's body finishing their group attack.

Katherine stands beside Carlos, Justin, and Cassie holding their turbo weapons. She summons her zeo power cloud. She hurls the pink power cloud at Hornix, the three rangers shoot their weapons at the cloud igniting an explosion in Hornix's face.

The final team attack consisted of finishing kicks. Tommy and Phantom ranger perform flying side kicks and Tanya used her spinning zeo kick, Hornix tumbled over from the massive attacks. The rangers cleared the way for Jason and TJ attacks.

Jason crouches , small flames building around his feet. "Flare Impulse!" Jason yelled. His body becomes a gold fireball penetrating Hornix's body. Jason's body returns from his attack, he looks back at the massive hole he burned through the dark power's chest.

TJ twirls the axe in front of his face. "Flare up!" TJ yells, his axe burst with flames. Several fire waves emit from the axe striking Hornix. The finishing attack erupts from the axe in a large fire stream. Hornix drops to his needs feeling the conclusion of his life upon him. He looks up to the sky he sees an image of Zordon before the life escapes him.

Eltar Power Chamber.

The teens stood before Zordon, happy with their recent victory. "Rangers typically I would say congratulations your victory in defending the Earth. However, this was a different matter. You saved my life." Zordon choked out.
"Zordon we are returning the favor. You are the reason our planet has not fallen into darkness." Jason said. The others agreed.

"It is good to know the universe has protectors such as yourselves. Your cunning and determination in facing the rangers slayers are to be commended. Even when your outlooks were bleak none of you lose heart. This is the strength of a Power Ranger. This saga has taught you no matter how much team has pass or who dons the spandex you are forever a Power Ranger." Zordon said.

TJ shook Tommy's hand, "Thank you once again for entrusting us with the responsibilities of protecting the universe."

"I knew the day you rescue me in the cave you were right for the job. You have proven yourself to be a more than capable leader. Your team has made their foot print in ranger history." Tommy said.

Adam and Rocky shake Carlos and Justin's hand sharing Tommy's sentiment. Kat and Tanya embrace Ashley and Cassie. "You guys rock." Tanya said.

"Rangers I hate to conclude our visit but, I feel it is imperative you return to Earth. Sensors have detected Divatox has left our orbit." Alpha said.

"No doubt she will be try to invade in our absences" Carlos said.

"Before we go can we do the thing ?" Justin asked.

The Earth rangers placed their hands on top of one another jumping in the air exclaiming, "Power Rangers!"


Life had return to normal for both set of rangers. Tommy and the other Zeo rangers return their morphers to the power vault, informing the rangers there were only a communicator beep away from aiding them in battle. Tommy, Rocky and Jason return to their college studies. Tanya return to finish her album and Kat return to her dance school. Adam return to the stunt show.

It was not long before Divatox return to Angel Grove and the rangers continue to foil her plans defeating her monsters. The Phantom ranger would assist the rangers when needed but, Divatox's warriors were far weaker compared to the Ranger slayers.

Angel Grove Park

TJ and Ashley laid in the park on a blanket. Ashley's head rest against his chest. The hands intertwine in one another. The warm breeze flow through her hair, causing it to dance with each breeze. "I've enjoyed our time together. I did not want to pursue this not because your not a great guy but, if we did not work out it would be awkward. Fighting along side the guy who risks his life to save everyone else. When the ranger slayers came…I thought I lost you. I promise myself if you came back, I would take a leap of faith." She said playing with his fingers.

"I felt your presence when I was in the dream world. I am glad you decide to give us a chance. There are no guarantees in relationship. We could be amazing together or it doesn't work. We will always be friends no matter what. For now let's just enjoy present." TJ said kissing the girl on the forehead.