Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers

Shift in Zeo pt 1

Divatox accompanied by her nephew, Elgar entered into a castle. "I've had it with those power pests. Every one of my clever hand crafted plans, crushed by those second string power rangers." Divatox vents, she picks up a torch in her left hand. The light from the torch caste away the darkness that filled the room.

"Yeah like the time you tried to freeze sun, or the time you shrunk the rangers. Oh wait that was the first string, well there was the time they got baked in the giant pizza oven, when we took control of the Turbo Megazord but they got it back. The time you made one of the rangers a vampire, turned everyone who wore the yellow ranger's clothes into crazed maniacs. The time you use that rocket fuel for your car and almost wrecked it. Then there was the timeā€¦" Elgar started to say.

Divatox spun around she waved the torch under Elgar's face. The heat from the fire caused Elgar to sweat and shut his mouth. "Yes Elgar as I said before the rangers have managed to stop my advancement on this planet. Luckily I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve. Porto has located a power so great that even I'm a bit cautious in using them." Divatox said a smile slowly crept across her face. Elgar began slowly blowing on the torch. "If you're so worried about tapping in this power then why use it?" Elgar ask profoundly. Divatox's smile was replace with a look of concern. Elgar had a point, from what Porto had told her using this power could prove to be a danger to her more so than the rangers.

Divatox sighed, "I want to be rid of these rangers, I will do whatever it takes to get that done, even if that means aligning myself with the devil himself. Now shall we continue?" Divatox posed. Elgar nodded his head steadily blowing on the torch. Divatox removed the torch from under Elgar's face, she resumed her exploration of the cave. Elgar let out breath of cooling air, he wiped his forehead which was now moist with sweat. He followed behind him aunt in the dimly lit castle.

The villainess and her lackey reached the end of the corridor; below them were a set of stairs. The stairs wind in a spiral pattern their eyes were able to follow the stairs until about halfway down when the stairs descended into further darkness. Elgar stepped back, "Um how about I keep the car running for you." he stammered. Elgar attempts to walk away but Divatox grabbed his arm using her force she tossed her nephew down the stairs. "Oopps" she coyly laughed. Elgar rolled down into the darkness while Divatox took her time walking along the stairs. Although she had a torch in her hand, the torch did not provide much light. With each passed step Divatox could hear a faint sound becoming louder. She was unsure what the sound was and a bit afraid of what could be making the sound. When Divatox reached the last step she found the source of the eerie sound, Elgar was the one who was wailing like a baby holding his knee. Divatox rolled her eyes.

In front of her is a stone door way. Divatox scanned the room with her eyes to find something that would allow her access into the room. She saw in the middle of the door an emblem of fiver different creatures. She took a few steps closer to the door, she place her torch into a holder on the right side of the wall. She rubbed her fingers along the emblem, she could fill the raised and hollow parts of the seal. She moved her hand over the entire seal. Divatox was suddenly hit with a warm sensation, she stick out her tongue at the notion, but then she felt tired as if the seal was draining her life essence. Divatox fell to her knees her hand still placed on the seal. She tried to pull her hand away from the life sucking seal but it had a hold on her. "Is this how it ends, done in by some mystical trap" she said in dismay. Images of her past conquests flash before her; in these images Divatox found her inner strength. Using the wall as support Divatox pulled herself up her face align with the seal. With each passing second Divatox was getting weaker, but she was determine to access the one power that could destroy the rangers. Her normally blue eyes now glowed red, instead of the seal draining energy from Divatox, she was feeding in an overload of energy.

Elgar now no longer nursing his wound looked up, the wall pulsed from Divatox's energy. After a few seconds the stone door lets go of its hold of Divatox's hand, she lets out a howl as she stumbled into the room. The candles around the room flicker. Divatox looks up in the middle of the room at a brown wooden table. She picks herself up walking over to the table, again the mystical emblem in the middle of the table. Circling the emblem are five coins, coins resembling the dino and ninja coins given to the first and second set of power rangers. Instead of designs of ancient dinosaurs or spirit animals these coins bared images of insects. Divatox picked each coin up from the table sliding them into a small purple velvet pouch, the bag glows as all five coins are tucked away. Elgar stumbles into the room. "I'm getting a bad feeling here can we please go?" pleas the simpleton. Divatox didn't like the feeling much more than Elgar, with a snapped of her fingers the two evil doers vanish in a poof of grey smoke.

Landing on her submarine craft, Divatox handed the purple pouch to Porto. He knew right away what to do. "I will get right on it Divatox" the stocky creature said, he waddles over into another room. "Soon the world will be sad, when their beloved power champions lay at my feet." Divatox laughed.

Juice Bar

Cassie sits at a table covered in textbooks and notebooks. Her hand over her forehead as she scribbled in her notebook some interesting facts from one of the textbooks. She looks at her watch and lets out another sigh. "I'm going to kill Ashley." Cassie exclaimed. Former Lt. Stone places a drink on Cassie's table. "You know I use to be cop, I was advise you not to entertain that thought." he joked. Cassie amuses him flashing him a weak smile. "I'm just venting Ashley and I have a huge test tomorrow. We were suppose meet here and she's a hour late. I'm just kinda frazzle is all." she explained she takes a slip of the drink and smile. "Ah this real good is this a new recipe?" she ask taking a break from her frantic studying.

"Yeah Justin submitted as a suggestion, I wanted to tell him thanks have any idea where he's at?" Stone quickly glance at the stack of books on the table. Cassie placed the drink back on the table. "Yeah Carlos and him are practicing at the soccer field. Justin has a junior league game on Friday and he wants to be in tip top shape as he said." Cassie makes air quote gestures with her hands. About that time TJ and Ashley stroll into the juice bar. Ashley looked at the all the books on the table. "Oh snap. I forgot that I was suppose to meet Cassie here to study over an hour ago. Maybe we can say we were attacked by a monster." Ashley said, she quickly went through the thought process for the lie. "Ashley even though at a moments notice we're attack you can't use that as an excuse." TJ said sternly.

TJ and Ashley walked over to the table, Ashley had an apologetic look on her face. She clicked her teeth letting breathing threw the clench teeth. "Sorry Cassie, TJ and I got caught up at the mall." she said easing into the chair across from Cassie. Stone left the table sensing tension building. Cassie's eyes lowered, her voice elevated "The mall? I've been sitting her for at least an hour studying for an exam we have together that you suggested and you get caught up at the mall." Cassie said her focus shifts towards TJ "And since when TJ do you go to the mall?" that angry pink ranger asked.

"Ashley was helping pick out a present for my mom's birthday. It really started out as a suggestion" TJ explained.

"And you know me I can't pass up a chance to hit the mall besides, there was the cutest skirt I knew was going on sale" Ashley realized Cassie didn't really care to hear, she abruptly stopped. TJ like Stone could feel the tension building, "Well I let you ladies get to studying make A's, Ash thanks for all your help. I'll call you tonight." TJ said walking away from the girls. "I look forward to it." she replied cracking open a book. She tried to avoid her best friend's intense glare.

"You look forward to his call? I'm still baffle that you two are hanging out. Is there something going on between you two?" Cassie ask. Ashley looks up from her book. "I just ask him what was going on, he said he was unsure what to get his mother for her birthday and I suggested some things. Being a guy he had no clue so I offered my services. Besides I wouldn't do that to you, I know how you feel about him" Ashley said picking up Cassie's notes.

"How I feel. Do I really have to have this conversation with you again?" Cassie said slamming her pencil down. Ashley leans back in her chair waiting for Cassie to give her usually TJ and her speech. "TJ was the first person I met when I came to Angel Grove, our bond is like brother and sister. I don't have romantic feelings for him, besides you know how I feel about the phantom ranger." Cassie whispered. Ashley allowed the spiral notebook to go limp revealing her face. "So you're not interested in TJ in a romantic sense what so ever?" she asked.

Divatox's sub craft

Divatox entered into the mechanical room where Porto was ready unveil his latest creation. He pulled the white sheet off a humanoid drone. In the back of the drone was a circle slot. He placed the hornet dark power coin into the slot. Before Divatox's eyes the blank drone morphed into a hornet humanoid robot. "I present to your ranger slayer Hornix" Porto said doing his best impression of a show girl. Hornix looks at his new body, instantly he is angry. "What foul body am I impressed in?" he asked. Divatox smile before answering, "It's your new temporary body until you complete a task for me." she said. Hornix scoff at Divatox. "Do you know who and what I am? Why have you place me this body?" Hornix demanded.

"Yes I'm quite aware of who you are which is why I have taken these safety measures. In the past people who have awaken you and your brethren wind up being destroyed along in the process of taking over the world. In the interest of self-preservation I decided to go this route. I promise you once you destroy the power rangers you can will be free to do what you want just not destroy us." Divatox said playing with her odd shape ring.

"What makes you think I or my brothers would lend our power to defeat your enemies. As far as I'm concern you can remove my spirit from this mechanical creature now." Hornix said crossing his arms. Divatox stopped playing with her ring. "Well I figure you would want to take revenge on Zordon since it was his warriors that imprison you last time. These power rangers are such warriors as well." Divatox said. Hornix slowly uncross and lower his arms. "Say no more" Hornix said.

Angel Grove, Highway

TJ zips down the highway in his red Mazda 626 car. Music echoes throughout the car, TJ tapped his fingers against the top portion of the steering wheel. "Hey listen as we shift into overdriveā€¦" he sings. In the middle of the road a yellow figure forms, it is Hornix. He lifts both hands aimed at red ranger's car. A yellow beam of energy is formed then fired at the car. TJ slams on the break swerving the car to left, the blast missed his car but hit's the asphalt . A small eruption rips across the highway. TJ unbuckles jumping out of his car, he quickly scans the are to see if any civilians are around, seeing none TJ summons his turbo morpher and turbo key. "Shift into Turbo!" TJ yells running towards his enemy. His red ranger suit appears on his body by the time he reaches Hornix. The red ranger begins his assault with a couple of body punches to ranger slayer's gut. Hornix seems unaffected red ranger tries a jab to the face, but his fist is grabbed. Hornix tosses the red ranger over him.

Red ranger scrambles to his feet he takes an attack position. "Who are you?" red ranger ask. Hornix decides not to answer the red ranger, instead his slashes the red ranger once across the chest, once against the torso and finally on his helmet. Red ranger falls to the ground. Hornix picks the ranger up he knees the ranger in the stomach and hammer chops red ranger on the back. Red ranger body flops on the ground, Hornix wedges his right foot under the ranger's body with one lift the slayer flings the ranger into the air. Red ranger begins spinning like vertical top into a guard rail.

"You wanted to know who I am. I'm what's going to end Zordon's legacy starting with you." Hornix said he aimed his hands again like earlier he fired a yellow energy blasted at the red ranger. Red ranger was unable to avoid this attack. Red ranger felt the intensity of the attack. The force from the attack was strong enough to send the ranger over the rail luckily the highway was ground level, however the ranger's turbo suit vanishes from his body, and TJ slowly slips out of consciousness.

Author's Note: In my Rewriting history saga I had this plot in there but I decided to give new life to this story.