
Edward and Bella were fast asleep in each other's arms when the door cracked open and then two children bolted into the room. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" They shouted, jumping up and down.

"What time is it?" Edward groaned, burying his head under his pillow.

Bella laughed slightly, shoving her husband's shoulder. "Santa came mama!" Eddie told his mother.

"He did? Why don't you and Julianne go downstairs and your daddy and I will be right there," she informed.

They jumped off the bed and ran downstairs. "What time is it?" Edward repeated.

"They waited until seven like they promised," she answered, sitting up.

Edward started to go back to sleep. "Edward, up," she laughed, grabbing his hand.

"Bed's warmer, why don't you join me?" he asked, pulling her back down.

She giggled slightly. "I'd love to, but now that Eddie and Julianne are awake, you know Ethan's going to be up soon," she murmured. Edward nodded as they got up and went into the nursery.

Bella smiled as she walked over and picked a baby up from his crib. "Hey there cutie," she murmured. Ethan let out a little sound and Edward leaned against the doorway.

"MAMA! DADDY!" The two kids downstairs called.

"I better go occupy them while you're changing him," he chuckled.

Bella smiled as he kissed her cheek and went downstairs. She looked back at Ethan and changed his diaper as well as his little outfit. "Mama's big boy," she said quietly, tickling the baby's feet, making him gurgle.

She came downstairs and smiled when she heard piano music playing. Her husband was playing her lullaby for the kids to occupy them. She walked into the living room to see them watching his hands as they gently glided over the ivory keys. "Ready to open presents?" She asked.

"Yeah!" They replied, running back into the living room.

Edward stood up and wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders as they went into the living room with their kids.

Ethan was in his playpen when Edward pulled out a box. "Bella," he murmured. She looked over at him and took the box from him. She opened the box to find a bracelet inside. It was a black elastic band with a gold pendant in the middle.

"Edward…" she started.

"Read what it says," he whispered.

He wrapped is arms around her waist as she read the pendant. "Nothing is impossible…" she read.

"Flip it over," he whispered against her ear.

She turned the pendant. "If you believe," she finished reading. She smiled as she leaned back against his chest, looking at their three kids. "I love you," she whispered, looking up at him. Edward smiled softly at her.

"I love you," he answered, kissing her softly.

She kissed him back, her hand on the back of his neck.

(Preview to the Next Story)

Bella let out a scream as a powerful contraction ripped through her. "Bella, the baby's head is crowning, you have to push," the replacement doctor ordered.

"No, not without Edward," she sobbed.

"Bella, you have to, this baby is coming and you really need to push," the doctor answered.

Bella let out a sob as she gripped the bed sheets under her as she started to push, tears rolling down her face. "Edward where are you?" She sobbed as she pushed.

Title: Fate Can Be Cruel

Rating: M

Coupling: Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Carlisle/Esme, and Emmett/Rosalie

Story is due: January 3, 2009