Never Alone



Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Twilight characters, that credit goes to the talented Stephanie Meyer.

Summary: Edward and Bella have been dating since their sophomore year in high school. Now that they were juniors in college, Edward thinks it is time to take their relationship to the next level, but something happens that could change all their plans.

Never Along

Chapter 1: Plans

Bella sighed as she woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. "Turn that off," her roommate, Jessica, groaned. Bella rolled her eyes as she took her pillow and threw it at her friend. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Another day at the University of Phoenix.

After getting showered and dressed, Bella went downstairs to the cafeteria to have her breakfast.

As she stood in line, she felt a pair of hands on her waist, she let out a yelped when she was pulled back. "Morning love," a low, velvety greeted. She giggled slightly, looking up into her boyfriend's beautiful green eyes.

"Good morning," she answered.

He kissed her briefly before letting her go. "So what are the plans for tonight after you get off work?" she asked.

"Plans?" He asked.

Bella gave him a glare. "Edward don't you dare tell me you forgot," she told him, swatting his arm as they went to sit down.

"Oh right, our anniversary," he said nonchalantly.

She rolled her eyes slightly just as Alice sat down with a huge smile on her face. "Hey guys," she greeted.

"Hey," she answered.

"So…anniversary number five, Bella we should so go shopping later on today," Alice told her.

Bella bit back a groan, making Edward chuckle slightly. "Must we go shopping for every one of our anniversaries?" She asked.

"Of course, especially when it's year five, big year," Alice commented.

Bella rolled her eyes slightly, but smiled. "Alright fine, after my art class we can head to the mall," she informed. Alice let out a shriek and hugged her.

"Yay this will be fun," she commented.

Bella laughed slightly before looking at her watch. "Damn I have to go, I'm running late, I'll catch you guys later," she informed. She kissed Edward briefly before dumping her stuff and left the cafeteria. Alice turned around in her chair, looking at her brother.

"Where are you taking her tonight?" She asked.

Edward sat back in his seat. "I got reservations at Coup des Tartes," he replied.

"No way! The fanciest restaurant in Phoenix?" She asked.

"Yep," he replied.

A huge smile broke out on her face. "Are you going to…" she started.

"I'm not saying anything because when I say something that's supposed to be a big secret you have a hard time holding it in and then somehow the surprise gets back to Bella," he answered.

"You won't even give me a hint?" She asked.

"Not this time," he replied.

Alice gave him a small pout. "I have to go, see you later," he told her, kissing his sister's cheek before heading to his first class.


Alice and Rosalie were standing out in the waiting part of a dressing room. "Bella are you done yet?" Alice asked.

"Yeah come out before Alice blows a gasket," Rosalie quipped.

"Hey!" Alice exclaimed.

Bella laughed as she came out. "You think it's too much?" She asked.

"No way, you look great," Rosalie replied.

Bella stood in the mirror, looking at the dress she was wearing.

The dress was dusty blue with an empire waist for the knotted effect, it was sleeveless, V-Neck, and it clipped around her neck.

Alice stood up from her seat and circled Bella. "What do you think?" She asked. Bella stared in the mirror for a little bit.

"I think I like it as long as you don't try to put me in some crazy high heels," Bella answered.

"No worries, you'll wear flats," Rosalie assured her.

"Good," Bella answered with a sigh of relief.

(Other Part of Town)

Edward sighed as he pulled up to the jewelry store and put his car in park. He turned the alarm on his car before walking in. "Ah Mr. Cullen welcome," the jeweler greeted.

"Hi Mr. Jameson, has my order come in?" He asked.

"Yes, yes, right this way," Mr. Jameson replied.

Edward followed him to another part of the store and Mr. Jameson took out a cardboard box. "It just arrived today," he informed.

"Perfect," Edward answered, smiling.

Mr. Jameson opened the cardboard box and he pulled out a small, red, velvet box. "I hope you find it to your liking," he informed. Edward took the box into his hands and opened it to reveal the ring inside.

The ring was a Trinity sapphire with two sapphires and two diamonds sitting in a white gold band. "Is it to your liking Mr. Cullen?" He asked.

"Yes, Mr. Jameson it is perfect," Edward replied.

He reached into his back pocket and took out his wallet, paying for the ring. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, thank you so much for your service," he informed.

"The pleasure is all mine," Mr. Jameson replied.

Edward put the box in his pocket and left the jewelry store. "Now…all I have to do is ask and hopefully she'll say yes," he said to himself. He got into his car and drove off.

Author's Note: Hopefully you like my first Twilight fanfic :). Please review.