Whidbey U.S.A.

Chapter 3


15 "muggles" sat on a flight of stairs at the langly middle school talking about their favorite aname sieres, naruto.


albus opened his letter and began to read.


You get to try and compeat in the triwizard tournoment. if you would will you rip the signature off this and enter it in the goblet when you can.

your metamorphmagus sister,


albus knew exactly his reply


Mr. Billon tried to walk down those stairs and was blocked for three minutes while his students drilled him on the building accross the street. Chanter was the first to bring it up, "Mr. billon, What is that building accross the street?"

"There is no building accross the street miss magic," was his reply.

"But I see one," argued nia.

"no there's not its an open field,"

"Then what do we see?" adked Ragnorook.

" leave him alone, Raggie, he obveusley doesn't see it." judged Lottie.


Mr. Billon continues down the stairs.

After olive dicided that they should investagate that night the lunch bell rang.


the fifteen students met at langly middle school at 4:00 to investigate the other building. that was the earlyest time they could all meet becouse of cross country practice luckily it was a friday so they were practicing at the middle school or they wouldnt be able to meet untill 5:00. thay only waited for one more person who was leaving her high school track practice early so she could meet them there.

as soon a dawn was at the school they crossed the street.


Albus asked to be excused from his charms class to go to the bathroom. he did not go to the bathroom; instead he went to the great hall (that was much smaller than the hogwarts one he noted) to find the goblet of fire. he drew out of his pocket his letter.


the students walked around the area and found that what they thought was one building was realy many buildings hidden behind one large building, like their school. they found the largest building (by area becouse chanter is a math bug and there are at least three adv anced math students in that group) and opened the door.


Albus tore the signature off the letter and let it fall into the flame. as he was pulling his hand down there was a bright light and he was knocked unconsience.


when the students opened the dubble doors they saw what looked like harry potter with brown eyes and a wierd nose. then he was on the ground. when they realised what had happened they tried to run forward to see if he was okay, only to be held back by an invisable force.

A familyar voice yelled, "STOP!"

they turned to look who it was. Mr. billon.

"Mr. . . ." began phill who was emeadeatly cut off.

"its porffessor at this school," replied proffessor billon, "Please head to my office and we can talk about this after i get the nurse,"

"ok proffessor," said alex.


"On there way out they saw someone who looked strangly like proffessor magonagle they bowed/courtseyd and continued ther journey


fifteen minutes passed before they saw proffessor billon enter the office.

"hello students."

"Hello proffessor billon" chimed everyone, it sounded like a first grade classroom.

"why did you come here today?"

"we wanted to know what this building was," answerd bear

"well mr ball do you know what it is"


"you dont" he was laughing "Chanter will you please inform him,"

"gladly proffessor," she turned to bear "it is some sort of magic school"

"what!" asked bear how would you know that. "honestly do you read or watch television for that matter," she glared at him "that "cup" was obviusly the goblet of fire and we saw proffessor magonagle on our way here. what i want to know is how you" she turned to proffessor billon "knew i know"

"your english assighnments and that your eyes were wide when i walked in the door,"

her english assighnments were blogs and she wrights them on the harry potter fanfiction she is wrighting.


"do you Children know why albus potter passed out when all fifteen of you entered the room?"

all the harry potter fans gasped

dark grudging answord, "no,"

"then let me tell you. you are all veeeery powerfull wisards and witches ad when you entered the room exited like that and not controlling your magic well the power was over whelming so his body did the natural thing and passed out,"

"we're witches?" chanter asked

"well not all of you you olive, sue and lottie are not,"

she looked sad for a second

"you chanter are a witch but not a normal witch you are also a metemorphmagus,"

chanter started playing; with her red hair

"olive, sue and lottie you are not witchs at all you are veela,"

the three girls looked realy happy

"oh and dark you are not a wizard but i do not yet know what you are.

darks face did not change except for a small smile forming on his lips.

A/n yes i know i am a little self supporting i made myself a metemorphmagus. and the names are odd i know but i couldn't use real names so i made up realy phony nick names oh well. yes tdd lily is a metemorphmagus it doesn't make it au becouse jk doesnt say she isn't she just doesn't say she is.